Lions And Tigers And Charr[OhMy]Recruiting LUXON abers/farmers/HA

Maxxy OhMy

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2008


Lions And Tigers And Charr[OhMy]


We are a stable guild in The Dominion Alliance. We are competitive, fun, and resourceful. Strong leadership and talkative members is what makes us successful.

We tend to focus on AB and farming so that we can hold a town and keep ability to buy cheaper lockpicks for our farming.

We are seeking people who love or want to try HA. We want to further our guilds horizons in other pvp aspects, playing together, and bettering our titles.

We have members and officers ranging from ages 14-35. Average is college age. We have many men and MANY women for a guild and alliance. We are mainly North American but also have some Europeans in the guild.

Guild and alliance activities every week suchas drinking parties, dungeons, elite missions, tournaments, and design competitions. We hold towns from Leviathan Pits to Breakers Hollow depending on the day.

Would love for you to join in on our fun.

add Maximus Muridias or Zexy Thang for invite.

Leader Maxxy
and the rest of OhMy