random tiny suggestion
in the wintersday snowball fight arena thing i reckon it would look better when you use the "throw snowball" skill to actually throw something. at the moment it uses the cast spell animation, i think it would be more realistic if they changed it to the throwing animation like the one you get when you use a spear.
Random suggestions FTW
Minime The Shadow
lol yeah /signed as it cant hurt anyone...can it?
Why not? They could even give players a weapn to use there, a spear with the shape of a snowball, like Giants with stones.
Alright I'm going to sound really stupid asking this but....
Aren't wintersday events over now? I know they kept roller beetle racing. Or is this part of the EOTN where chest runs can get you wintersday drops? Sorry kind of off topic
Aren't wintersday events over now? I know they kept roller beetle racing. Or is this part of the EOTN where chest runs can get you wintersday drops? Sorry kind of off topic
It's outdated, yes. But Wintersday will start again, and if you do not note down your ideas, you probably forget them. There are here posts since 2005. This could be saved until them.
There is also the bonus mission pack where Gwen is throwing a rock. Would make sense to implement this, not that I expect to see it, but whatever.
It'd be a nice touch.
It would be fun ^_^" but I doubt Anet care about it
I wouldn't mind it.
I wouldn't mind it.
Yuhe Ji
It definitely would look better.
It definitely would look better.
Shayne Hawke
/notsigned. I like invisible snow, and lots of the spellcasting animations look better to me than the spearchucker animation.
On a scientific note, given the distance of the throw at some lengths, including the lead in the projectile, the throwing animation would look super dumb.
On a scientific note, given the distance of the throw at some lengths, including the lead in the projectile, the throwing animation would look super dumb.
Snow is not invisible. When just cast the snow spells, the casting animation is used instead. A mesmer spinning and then casting a snowball from the tip of its weapon... that can't look better. Never.
Originally Posted by Shayne Hawke
/notsigned. I like invisible snow, and lots of the spellcasting animations look better to me than the spearchucker animation.
and about the range, a spear has the same range as a shortbow which im pretty sure is approximately the max range of the snowball skill, so it wouldnt look as if you were throwing it too far/not far enough.