Free Mods and Inscriptions
Skyler Hawkings
First come, first serve. One item per person, please. IGN: Skyler Hawkings. Feel free to contact me first, sometimes I don't check my friend list often enough.
Vampiric Dagger Tang (Life stealing: 3, Health degeneration: -1) Given Away
Sword Pommel of Shelter (Armor +7 vs. physical damage) Given Away
Sword Pommel of Warding (Armor +7 vs. elemental damage) Reserved for Torag the Ruthless
Bow Grip of Warding (Armor +7 vs. elemental damage)
Barbed Bowstring (Lengthens Bleeding duration on foes by 33%) Reserved for Ancient Armaggedon
Shocking Axe Haft (Lightning Damage) Given Away
"Too Much Information" (Damage +15% vs. Hexed foes) Reserved for Naked Kill
"Don't Think Twice" (Halves casting time of spells, Chance: 10%) Reserved for Amac Highlander
"Guided by Fate" (Damage +15% while Enchanted) Given Away
"Hale and Hearty" (Energy +5 while Health is above 50%) Given Away
Vampiric Dagger Tang (Life stealing: 3, Health degeneration: -1) Given Away
Sword Pommel of Shelter (Armor +7 vs. physical damage) Given Away
Sword Pommel of Warding (Armor +7 vs. elemental damage) Reserved for Torag the Ruthless
Bow Grip of Warding (Armor +7 vs. elemental damage)
Barbed Bowstring (Lengthens Bleeding duration on foes by 33%) Reserved for Ancient Armaggedon
Shocking Axe Haft (Lightning Damage) Given Away
"Too Much Information" (Damage +15% vs. Hexed foes) Reserved for Naked Kill
"Don't Think Twice" (Halves casting time of spells, Chance: 10%) Reserved for Amac Highlander
"Guided by Fate" (Damage +15% while Enchanted) Given Away
"Hale and Hearty" (Energy +5 while Health is above 50%) Given Away
Ferret Deathsquad
Hello would like
Vampiric Dagger Tang (Life stealing: 3, Health degeneration: -1)
Ign: Ferret Deathsquad
Thank you in advance
4/1/08 received
Thank you agian
Vampiric Dagger Tang (Life stealing: 3, Health degeneration: -1)
Ign: Ferret Deathsquad
Thank you in advance
4/1/08 received
pls the "Guided by Fate" (Damage +15% while Enchanted)
IGN: Avatar Of Dark Lord
IGN: Avatar Of Dark Lord
May I have one of the "Hale and Hearty" (Energy +5 while Health is above 50%) inscription please? Thank you!
IGN: Eowyn Swordmaiden
IGN: Eowyn Swordmaiden
I Want Butt
May i have the "Sword Pommel of Shelter (Armor +7 vs. physical damage)"? 
IGN is Title God

IGN is Title God
shocking axe haft plz
IGN: Miho Saphira
IGN: Miho Saphira
Naked Kill
"Too Much Information" (Damage +15% vs. Hexed foes)
That one pls.
IGN: Naked Kill
That one pls.
IGN: Naked Kill
Online Gamer
Sword Pommel of warding
ign:Torag the Rutheless
ign:Torag the Rutheless
One of the 'Don't Think Twice' inscriptions would be perfect for one of my heroes.
I go by the name of Falcifer Veneficus.
I go by the name of Falcifer Veneficus.
Ferret Deathsquad
What time are you on Eastern time, so I can meet you? I'm on around 7:00 pm (est) almost any night.
Thanks in advance.
Armaggedon Dervish
I'd like to have Barbed Bowstring (Lengthens Bleeding duration on foes by 33%)
My IGN is Ancient Armaggedon but im usually on Armaggedon Dervish.
My IGN is Ancient Armaggedon but im usually on Armaggedon Dervish.
Alex the Great
Dont think twice please lol
Amacs Highlander
Amacs Highlander