Originally Posted by draxynnic
Essentially, by apparently being directly created by the Gods as a weapon, the same way Primordius apparently created the Destroyers as weapons. Most races, however, are not so directly tied to the gods - according to history, even the Forgotten were brought here from elsewhere rather than created.
Your mis-interpreting what I meant as an "offshoot." By what you said, all of the races are "offshoots." As they are all created, whether as weapons or not, by the gods. That is not how I meant it. As I said, humans can become the "offshoots," Gods do not become something else, so there would be no "1.5" generation in accordance to my list.
Note: For a summary of what I'm saying, just scroll down to the bottom of my post.
It's a wild theory, I know, but it goes roughly like this:
You say the Titans are twisted creatures by definition, but do recall that's just from the viewpoint of all mention of them being after Abaddon's fall. Before then, the practise of creating Titans may have been more wholesome than it was afterwards.
There is no evidence to support this, so it's more of a hypothesis then a theory
. Also, I do not believe that the Titans were created by other means, as, like I said, there is nothing to support this, and most of the Titans we know of were created before the fall of Abaddon (and if any are created after his fall, those created before his fall are the same as those after).
Furthermore, there's the question of just what the Realm of Torment actually is. We see it as a prison, but Kormir didn't simply seal it back up after she ascended - she's instead trying to take over. Why? Well, why was it used as Abaddon's prison in the first place? Could it be that what would later become the Realm of Torment was Abaddon's realm before he rebelled, and the other gods simply sealed him up within - thus, Kormir needs to take possession in order to fully regain his power rather than having an empty-for-millennia Realm of knowledge to move to?
This is actually what I took the Realm of Torment to be like. Before Abaddon's imprisonment, I believe that the Realm of Torment was not what it is now, but became morphed due to his agony and frustration at his imprisonment.
Taking this viewpoint, we have the Titans... which, with our current knowledge, were created as weapons by Abaddon, but which according to the Forgotten are similar to them in age. Could they have been creations of Abaddon early on? If so, what were they made for?
Note: It never said that Abaddon created them, it is said that Titans are made from Tormented Souls. It could be a natural formation, like with the Menos from Bleach, where a bunch of hollows fight each other and then merge together. Titans can be formed from a number of Tormented Souls merging together.
Which brings us to the Mursaat. By all evidence, they're not loyal to Abaddon, or they shouldn't have had anything to fear from Abaddon at all. But they're clearly not loyal to the gods, either - in fact, the prime servant of the gods, Glint, was willing to allow a weakening of Abaddon's prison in order to allow the Titans to wipe them out. Why?
I think the Mursaat are more Atheist than followers of the Ancient Dragons. They never mention the Ancient Dragons, not even in Eye of the North, and they never really mention the Old Gods either. As far as we know, the Mursaat have no knowledge of the Gods or the Dragons, and can just be acting as gods in order to fulfill their needs, such as trying to prevent the extinction of their race, foretold in the Flameseeker Prophecies.
Maybe the Gods know that the Ancient Dragons are stirring, and this has all been a Xanatos Gambit to prepare for this. One obvious benefit they've gained is a replacement for Abaddon. But with the Mursaat being a third faction entirely, seperate from both Abaddon and the Five, is it that much of a stretch to consider that the Mursaat may be connected to the third big faction out there? Under this interpretation, the willingness to loose the Titans upon the Mursaat makes more sense - they didn't really seem to be out to make humanity extinct during Prophecies, but if they were going to rally to the Ancient Dragons when they awoke, taking such risks to take them down makes more sense.
If the gods knew that that Ancient Dragons were stirring, wouldn't they try to prevent such a thing before they woke up? Also, why would the Gods want the Titans freed? They were only freed to fulfill the prophecies. And yes, it is that much of a stretch really. With no proof, it will always be a big stretch, and I'm sure the Mursaat fanatics over at GWO would flame and rip apart this argument of yours until no tomarrow. Also, I think it is safe to say that
no race worships the Ancient Dragons out of two reasons. First, the Ancient Dragons are older than the first known race to be on the world of Tyria, the Forgotten, the only race that might have served them would be the Giganticus Lupicus. Second, it has been said that the Ancient Dragons do not care for any life in the world, they only care about themselves and bringing about destruction. They wouldn't have a need, and probably wouldn't want, an "inferior" race serving them.
And then we come back to the Titans themselves... which, apparently, just happen to be the perfect weapon to use against the Mursaat. If the reason for this was that they were originally created to use against them, this both explains their age and their abilities. Maybe they, and their process of creation, was less 'evil' than it was after Abaddon's fall, or maybe it was just as bad and the gods felt the ends justified the means - possibly creating them from the souls of volunteers who fell to the Mursaat.
Note: The Eidolons have a natural resistance to the Mursaat as well, it is not just the Titans. With that said, it could be coincidence, or it could be the fact that Titans are
from torment, so agony doesn't phase them. It seems that they were created by themselves, not as a weapon. Also, seeing how they are from the Foundary of
Failed Creations, if they were weapons, why would they be "Failed Creations?" Seeing how they would have been able to do their job. There is also the fact that the Seers and the Titans are also enemies, so the idea that the Titans were used to help fight the Mursaat is out of the window in terms of helping the Seers.
This line of thought meanders across the timeline a bit, so to help organise it, this would be the series of events:
1) Conflict between the Ancient Dragons and the Gods
2) The Gods find that the Mursaat are decimating their own servitors with Spectral Agony.
3) The Titans are created in Abaddon's domain as a counter, but for one reason or another, are not able to wipe out the Mursaat at that time.
4) The Seers continue fighting the Mursaat without the aid of the Titans, but are slowly losing. At some point (possibly after #5, and possibly this whole point is after #5, with the war being conducted alongside Titans until Abaddon's rebellion) the Mursaat take over this side of the Door of Komalie and fortify it to prevent the Titans from being used against them again.
5) Abaddon rebels, and is imprisoned within his domain. If the Titans were ever 'good' creatures, they are twisted by this process, with further Titans being created by the torture of souls unlucky enough to end up in Torment.
6) Glint puts the Flameseeker Prophecies into action, allowing the Vizier to trick a group of heroes to allow him to reach the Door before those same heroes disperse the Titan armies thus released before they can do too much damage to anyone other than the Mursaat.
7) Kormir ascends
8) As the Ancient Dragons take over large parts of the world, the White Mantle, and possibly survivors of the Mursaat, continue to harass Kryta.
The Bolded parts are what I cannot agree with. First, as I stated, they are made from Tormented Souls, not by the gods. Second, as stated, the Seers and Titans are enemies. Third, there is no mention of the Titans being used in the war against the 5 Gods, only known forces are the Margonites. For the Underlined part, the Door of Komali had to of been way after Abaddon's imprisonment, seeing how the Door is sealed by the Bloodstone, which was made after Abaddon's fall. Also, it was at least 20 years after the Exodus that the Volcano erupted and spread the Bloodstones around.
Overall, the main things that can shoot down your argument, are:
1) The Seers and Titans are enemies.
2) The Titans are not created by Abaddon, but by Tortured Souls, as they are made after Abaddon as well, his realm just became the new place for them (it is possible for Titans to be created anywhere that has tortured souls, most likely in mass).
3) Titans are held in the Foundary of Failed Creations, and if Titans were meant to be weapons against the Mursaat, than they wouldn't be failures.
4) There is no mention of the Mursaat worshiping the Ancient Dragons, not even in Eye of the North, they act as though they really are gods (in other words, they have BIIIIG egos).
5) It is most likely that the Mursaat only kept the Titans locked up because of the Prophecies, which were just random visions that Glint had, she never pointblank stated that she wanted the Titans released, she said that it was going to happen, and it did. She just played the role of the active observer really.