PVE Weekend only
Give PVE players a chance to use old nerfed tricks again.
1) Allow MM's to gain as many minions as possible, no cap (Pre Factions)
2) Allow tank to hold aggro by standing out in front of group (Sorrow Furnace)
3) Pets leave corpses (Tombs)
4) Give the necro's the full Soul Reaping benefits
I'm thinking one of each type of nerf per weekend.
I'm sure there are plenty of other things that could be brought back.
1) Allow MM's to gain as many minions as possible, no cap (Pre Factions)
2) Allow tank to hold aggro by standing out in front of group (Sorrow Furnace)
3) Pets leave corpses (Tombs)
4) Give the necro's the full Soul Reaping benefits
I'm thinking one of each type of nerf per weekend.
I'm sure there are plenty of other things that could be brought back.
Sir Pandra Pierva
ummm why?
No. That's dumb. They changed it for a reason.
I don't think people are waiting for a weekend like that.
I don't think people are waiting for a weekend like that.
Sir Pandra Pierva
i do miss my 100 bone fiend groups
Shayne Hawke
And I suppose we'll call it "Imba Weekend"?
Because those us of who PVE and have played for longer than a few months remember, how much fun these used to be. If you don't play PVE or weren't around, you couldn't possibly understand.
If you want to do something as imba as that, go play Ursan.
Nude Nira
1) Allow MM's to gain as many minions as possible, no cap (Pre Factions) |
I'm controlling 100 minions!
I'm using Blood of the Master!
I'm Dead!
You do realize that if this happened, Anet would have to unnerf some skills...
In two imba days, Guild Wars will collpase.
In two imba days, Guild Wars will collpase.
Nude Nira
Rikio, your avatar nicely sums up what would happen if something like that happened... xD
Sir Pandra Pierva
Originally Posted by KIDGOOCH
Because those us of who PVE and have played for longer than a few months remember, how much fun these used to be. If you don't play PVE or weren't around, you couldn't possibly understand.
but its pointless to go back to them.
now i wanna solo tombs though that would be fun
~ Dan ~
Originally Posted by Nude Nira
Rikio, your avatar nicely sums up what would happen if something like that happened... xD
So simply, for that reason:
Ah, so many nerfs need to be un-nerfed, but this isn't the way to do it.
You're totally right. But let's make it better. TNTF + SoL go back to original durations or shorter. Double the power for each. Double the power for ALL PVE ONLY SKILLS, including Ursan, Raven, and Volfen. Take away the minion and soul reaping caps, and what do you get?Let's have the weekend and let the people decide XD.
Monk Gsb
YAY FOR +1 POST COUNT !!!1!11one rawr
Originally Posted by KIDGOOCH
Because those us of who PVE and have played for longer than a few months remember, how much fun these used to be. If you don't play PVE or weren't around, you couldn't possibly understand.
/not signed ya know why??
1) Needing an unlimited number of minions is pointless. PvE isn't so hard you need a massive minion army to get through it.
2) That still works. All about positioning.
3) Not necessary.
4) Necromancers are fine as they are. Nobody who plays a necro ever complains about soul reaping.
So recap, it would be a pointless waste of time to update the game purely for nostalgic purposes. Even if it is for a weekend.
1) Needing an unlimited number of minions is pointless. PvE isn't so hard you need a massive minion army to get through it.
2) That still works. All about positioning.
3) Not necessary.
4) Necromancers are fine as they are. Nobody who plays a necro ever complains about soul reaping.
So recap, it would be a pointless waste of time to update the game purely for nostalgic purposes. Even if it is for a weekend.
It's like regular weekend... but retarded!
It's like regular weekend... but retarded!
Sir Pandra Pierva
Originally Posted by BlackSephir
It's like regular weekend... but retarded! |
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by KIDGOOCH
Because those us of who PVE and have played for longer than a few months remember, how much fun these used to be. If you don't play PVE or weren't around, you couldn't possibly understand.
"Gear tanks" were the dumbest thing in all of GW history, a pure AI exploit, and I'm ashamed to admit I'm one of the people who invented it, or at least one of the first to report it in the forums - but I could never believe that it'd take ANet until the release of Factions to fix it.
The "soul reaping nerf" put a cap on necro energy gain so the can no longer gain more than the equivalent of 10 pips of energy (at 12 soul reaping). It amuses me to no end when I hear necros claim that made the profession unplayable.
Pets leave corpses: Was exploited in PvP, but of no consequence in PvE, so I don't know why you mention it in this context.
Skyy High
Dumbarse idea, predicated on the notion that all that stuff was changed to the detriment of PvE. It wasn't. Had MMs never been nerfed, we never would have gotten missions in NF and Factions with the huge waves of enemies we have right now. Can you imagine Vizunah Square with an unnerfed MM? What the imba crap would that be? And, believe it or not, PvE does get balanced. It's something they've upheld for 2 and a half years before dropping the ball (and refusing to pick it up) for some unfathomable reason with UB.
freaky naughty
Ummmmm would this so drastically change things? /signed
Originally Posted by Sir Pandra Pierva
wait there are non retarted weekends?
although i do miss the no minion cap
although i do miss the no minion cap

It's like Ursan...but even more imba!!
It's like Ursan...but even more imba!!
Originally Posted by holymasamune
No. That's dumb. They changed it for a reason.
Skyy High
Originally Posted by freaky naughty
Ummmmm would this so drastically change things? /signed
No. This would just lead to more crying and demands to make the changes permanent once the weekend ended. All of those updates were done for balance.