Buyback Feature
Teh [prefession]-zorz
Well i know this has happened to everybody atleast once, selling your perfect gold to the merch... So perhaps they could implement a "buyback" feature? Any input/suggestions would be good

Siirius Black
That would probably require the merch to keep a history of what you sold him. I say you could just be more careful.
Besides, Anet already implemented a guard against selling any equiped weapon. I think I prefer the dev team to do other more important changes.
/not signed
Besides, Anet already implemented a guard against selling any equiped weapon. I think I prefer the dev team to do other more important changes.
/not signed
Never happened to me.
Don't sell anything of value to the merchant.
Don't sell anything of value to the merchant.
For me it's not so much mistaking what you sell to the merchant, but this:
Bob: Does anyone have an (*clicks to sell axe haft*) icy axe haft?
Bob: Does anyone have an (*clicks to sell axe haft*) icy axe haft?

I thought you meant buyback my copy of the Bonus Mission Pack for a new character slot...
Well... I see nothing wrong in keepeng the items on the window available to be acquired again untill you close it... for an extra fee...
But only for that certain user and only until they close the panel.
Still, it's still better and easier just to take care of what you do.
But only for that certain user and only until they close the panel.
Still, it's still better and easier just to take care of what you do.
Yeah, this would work quite nicely iffff
It only saves the last weapon
it costs double of what you got for it
It only saves the last weapon
it costs double of what you got for it
Miska Bow
1- Separate your weapons from stuff to sell with an ID kit. This way when you go to the merch, all thats after is junk for sale.
2-ALWAYS put stuff you wanna keep in storage before going to the merch.
Using those 2 little tips will make your Kboard last much longer.
/not signed
2-ALWAYS put stuff you wanna keep in storage before going to the merch.
Using those 2 little tips will make your Kboard last much longer.

/not signed
Just use a duplicate quest item as a blocker.
warmaster vizzdrixx
Do what I do, in the merch window uncheck one of your bags so you cant sell anything in it to the merchant and keep your valuables in there.
Albert Algorn
Good suggestions. What I do is not get click happy...
Originally Posted by holababe
Just use a duplicate quest item as a blocker.
since i actually look at what i am selling no it has never happened.
ever notice those big green check marks over each bag?
uncheck some and put your valuables there and they are not visable to the merchant to sell.
put a quest item in front of the good stuff as a back up.
even lagmonster cant get past that combo.
hope that helps
ever notice those big green check marks over each bag?
uncheck some and put your valuables there and they are not visable to the merchant to sell.
put a quest item in front of the good stuff as a back up.
even lagmonster cant get past that combo.

hope that helps
Shayne Hawke
1. Customize your favorite items so you don't merch them on accident.
2. Stick a non-sellable item in front of important items, like Consumables or Minipets.
3. Don't suck.
2. Stick a non-sellable item in front of important items, like Consumables or Minipets.
3. Don't suck.
the kurzick eater
put your golds behind an unsellable item in your inventory, so when you spam sell you dont go past the quest item or w/e it is.
Comments here, both pro and con have been pretty good. However I have to disagree in one respect. I've been IDing items and had the game treat it as swapping my currently equipped items for the item being IDed. Which gets swapped out into normal inventory (checked bags) and into the section(s) I've reserved for salable stuff (ahead of my "blocker"). Because of it's location and being unequipped in this manner, I have accidentally sold a few. So I'm already following most of the advice here but it still happens (extremely rarely - once a year). I have not customized my weapons since I'm not at a point where my weapon sets are locked down. They're still changing as I tweak things.
I think the opportunity to re-purchase the last item sold might be a good idea. Double the normal price even sounds fair since it will prevent abuse of the feature. I am not sure how feasible it would be to implement since GW2 could be available fairly soon. But it might be something for them to consider with the release of that game.
I think the opportunity to re-purchase the last item sold might be a good idea. Double the normal price even sounds fair since it will prevent abuse of the feature. I am not sure how feasible it would be to implement since GW2 could be available fairly soon. But it might be something for them to consider with the release of that game.
Guard that item with a quest item of some sort, or stick it in your last 2 bags and turn them off on Merchant.
It's happened plenty of times to me until I found out about the ability to turn off bags in it...
It's happened plenty of times to me until I found out about the ability to turn off bags in it...

Originally Posted by Siirius Black
I say you could just be more careful.
Shit happens.
I almost merched langola's voltaic with all my chestrun golds. Good thing I didn't :P
It's anet's way of taking gold and good items out of the system.
I almost merched langola's voltaic with all my chestrun golds. Good thing I didn't :P
It's anet's way of taking gold and good items out of the system.
/signed, but only if it's immediate. If you close the window before you realise the item should be gone.
I've accidentally sold a pile of rare crafting material once and would have given anything to buy it back. I noticed just after I pressed click that one, unfortunate, extra time...
I've accidentally sold a pile of rare crafting material once and would have given anything to buy it back. I noticed just after I pressed click that one, unfortunate, extra time...

sorry bro the only time this has happened to me was 8 years ago the first day I played Diablo 2.
after that I learned a good lesson, Double check everything, sometimes tripple check.
after that I learned a good lesson, Double check everything, sometimes tripple check.
Originally Posted by IslandHermet
sorry bro the only time this has happened to me was 8 years ago the first day I played Diablo 2.
after that I learned a good lesson, Double check everything, sometimes tripple check. |
/not signed
just look at stuff that u are selling=/
just look at stuff that u are selling=/
I did this with 30e a day or two ago.
TBH they should put a bottom on mat trader prices and completely remove the ability to sell them to merch in the first place.
TBH they should put a bottom on mat trader prices and completely remove the ability to sell them to merch in the first place.
Originally Posted by holymasamune
It's anet's way of taking gold and good items out of the system.
Like others said, stick your hero's handbook or a tome in front of your good stuff so you can't spam-click and accidentally sell it.
Boogey Mancer
that is why i always stop by my storage
if i have any gold items on me or anything of real
value before i go to the merchant
that would make guild wars to like wow
with the buy back option.
/not signed.
if i have any gold items on me or anything of real
value before i go to the merchant
that would make guild wars to like wow
with the buy back option.
/not signed.
Oh, and its getting more and more boring to see those "learn the bugs and all bad features, the game doesnt need improvements"
Sure it does.
Oh, and its getting more and more boring to see those "learn the bugs and all bad features, the game doesnt need improvements"
Sure it does.
would be useful if implemented correctly. if you sell stuff, it goes to the merchant window. once you close the window, it's gone. would help out with the mistakenly sold item.
This feature can be pretty handy and does no harm to anyone, so ...
Knight O Death
Just make so you can buyback the item for the same price you accidentally sold it for, make it about the last 5 items you've sold. WoW has it and it is very useful. There has been so many times it has saved me on there. Its a lot easier then making all these special preparations just to sell trash to a vendor. Buyback is a very useful thing to have, you just need to actually use it to understand.
Fear Me!
/notsigned. We went from not having dye previews, not having upgrade previews, and many other not-haves to the current state of the game. Really, a buyback feature? You must be joking. What's next? Having an anet employee play the game for you?
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
In Diablo II you HAD buyback.
ONLY FOR A FEW MINs and only if others had not bought the item or sold enought items to the merch so that it pushes (your) item or the item in question off the list.
ScoobyDooby Dooo
/signed, only on the behalf of i sold 190ectos to trader once after buying arms and chest fow for my necro. but the good thing is i got 19k so i was happy " NOT " so im kinda half hearted on this subject...
I dont pickup crap anymore so it make no difference...
I dont pickup crap anymore so it make no difference...

Originally Posted by IslandHermet
ONLY FOR A FEW MINs and only if others had not bought the item or sold enought items to the merch so that it pushes (your) item or the item in question off the list.
It could be made to work for the whole party until you leave the outpost, so party members can take for a bit more cash what others do not want.