Cerb inspired me with his Art of Underworld thread. My goal was to clear the Fissure of Woe in Hard Mode as a player with only Hero's and no consumables. I originally intended to try it as myself and 1 Hero but the varying situations that you are presented with in FoW forced a 2nd Hero. I still wonder if it could be done with only the 1 Hero, but I don't think I will be the one to figure it out.
This took me probably over 50 tries, a lot of time, and constant fine tuning of builds and tactics to get it right. The screen-shot is proof that it can be done. I may or may not post an actual walk-through or even the builds themselves.
I can tell you that this was probably the most difficult thing I have ever done in Guild Wars. The Hero-micromanaging, multitasking, and character concentration needed in certain areas is enough to give you a heart attack...
Given my own knowledge of the Underworld, I suspect that this build could solo that in Hard Mode as well (with a few modifications of course). I guess I'll have to sit down and think about it.
This was more for the personal challenge, not the farm. If I had wanted money I'd go actually farm something. The time and effort I would have to put in just to give a general guide is a daunting idea, so don't flame me for not telling all. If you want to know so badly then figure it out for yourselves. Although, I have been looking for one of those new Emerald Blades...lol Temptation may win me over.

Let the speculation begin!
Please don't pm me in game and bug me for the builds as I will probably ignore/block you.