So could anyone give me a hand with this? I just saw the build Stormlord Alex post on other thread (Hybrid/prot something) and it seems fine, with a couple modifications could be used since I don't own GW:EoTN, but how good that works with a monk? I want basically an hybrid.
Also, any idead on weapon sets? Was thinking of 40/40 HSR, +5^50, +30, wand/focus, but what you say?
And yes, I know that I should use heros for damage, but I have only four ATM, and tbh I have unlocked 7 dervish skills at most, making Melonni useless and Koss... Well is a warrior, and I haven't capped TC/QN.
Thanks for any help you can provide, sorry for the typos, and sorry if at any moment I sound rude, I think it's a problem many point out on me.