The builds:
2 Ursan's any class
Solo Sin
Mimic's Ursan Blessing when not soloing Unwanted Guests.
Ursan Set of Armor: Saboteurs, sup vigor, minors runes, vitae for max health
Weapons: Zealous Sword of Warding, Shield -5 20% +30hp or +10 vs ele/slashing
Solo Set of Armor: Radiant Mods on all pieces, Superior Shadow on Headpiece, Superior Critical Strike, Superior Dagger, Rune of Attunement
Weapons: Sundering Daggers of Enchanting "Guided By Fate" inscription +15dmg(while enchanted), Backup set of +5 zealous daggers.
[Build=Solo Sin;OwVkIsd4XOizSQnF6CCagFGZGhB]
2 Terra Tanks
Armor: Geomancer on Chest, Survivor on the rest, Sup Earth on headpeice, sup vigor, major fie, major energy, vitae
Weapons: Staff with 20% enchant mod, bow with 20% enchant for pulling.
For in depth guide on the use of a Terra tank in UW go here
[Build=Foosters Terra Tank;OgVEMay6x08V5hLBth0fYYA2qA]
2 Healers Boon Monks
Armor: health, energyWeapon: 20 percent enchant helps
[Build=Healers Boon;OwYT043AZKHUiYjgu6jAZIuCNCA]
Spell Breaker Hybrid
Armor: Health, Energy, sup divine with headpiece
weapon: 20 percent enchant mod
[Build=Spell Breaker;OwUUMw2+G4SREBB5gfEvOxNAEoRA]
First 5 Quests - Time of Completion: 15-22mins
All party members: Immediatly take quest Clear the Chamber. All party members: Clear a path for a Terra1 to Ice Wastes. Terra1: Proceed to the Ice Wastes Monument preparing the area for the quest Servants of Grenth. Ursan Group with Terra2: Clear up to The Labyrinth Monument to spawn the The Reaper of the Labyrinth. Terra2: Solo the Terrorweb Dryders to spawn the Reaper of the Labyrinth. Ursan Group: Avoiding the Terrorweb Dryders, clear the Bladed Aatxes up to the Bridge leading into Forgotten Vale. Terra2: Once Ursan Group has cleared the Bladed Attaxes up to Bridge in Forgotten Vale take the quest Restoring Grenth's Monuments, and Escort of Souls. Upon taking Escort of Souls DO NOT MOVE. This will hold the New Souls in place while the Ursan group clears the Mindblades. Ursan Group: Clear the Mindblade Spectre's for the New Souls to move into Forgotten Vale. Clear Forgotten Vale of creatures and spawn the Reaper of Forgotten Vale and complete the quest Wraitful Spirit, do not let Mayor Alegheri or New souls die.
- All party members: Kill the Bladed Aatxes on your way through The Labyrinth toward Twin Serpent Mountains.
All party members: Run past all the Obsidian Behomoths killing 2 groups of Charged Blacknesses on your way to the entrance to Chaos Planes.
Ursan Group: Head toward Twin Serpent Mountains monument, kill the Terrorweb Dryders to spawn the Reaper of the Twin Serpent Mountains. Complete the quest Demon Assassin.
Terra1: Head through Chaos Planes avoiding the Banished Dream Riders to the Bone Pits. Solo the entire area in Bone Pits and spawn the Reaper of the Bone Pits. Solo the quest Imprisoned Spirits.
Terra2: Move through Chaos Planes towards Spawning Pools, being sure to kill the Wailing Lord Groups on the way. Do not kill the Banished Dream Riders that Spawn groups of Mindblade Spectres! Stop and hold the two Banished Dream Riders aggro near the entrance to the Spawning Pools.
Ursan Group: Run through Chaos Planes toward Spawning Pools. Kill all the enemies in area and around the Monument in Spawning Pools to spawn the Reaper of Spawning Pools and finish the quest Terrorweb Queen.
Terra2: After Ursan group has run past into Spawning Pools, proceed to the Monument in Chaos Planes. Kill all the Mindblade Spectres, Wailing Lords, Banished Dream Riders, and Terrorweb Dryders around the Monument to spawn the Reaper of the Chaos Planes.
All party Members: Port to Chaos planes and finish The Four Horsemen quest.