New Maxed Title Concept.
Mort Mythoryk
All the griding...
Everyone Griding...
Exploits, farming, etc... great for titles..
But what about the true nerds? =)
Maybe a title for experience earned on a single character?
Maxed at something like 20 million earned?
Or even more.
I know a lot of people who have over 15 million experience.
People who have played since beta... etc..
And by the way... I do realize this is exploitable.. by HFFing or repeating UW or DoA. Just thought it was a cool idea...
Everyone Griding...
Exploits, farming, etc... great for titles..
But what about the true nerds? =)
Maybe a title for experience earned on a single character?
Maxed at something like 20 million earned?
Or even more.
I know a lot of people who have over 15 million experience.
People who have played since beta... etc..
And by the way... I do realize this is exploitable.. by HFFing or repeating UW or DoA. Just thought it was a cool idea...
the Puppeteer
not gonna work - been suggested before
and grinding has an n before the g
and we need no more farmable titles
enough already
and grinding has an n before the g
and we need no more farmable titles
enough already
there is a search button for a reason.
been suggest way too many times, it just fails.
20mil is very easy to get, and i don't see how FoW/UW or HFF would be exploiting it, all your doing is playing the game.
another pointless title idea, mega fail.
been suggest way too many times, it just fails.
20mil is very easy to get, and i don't see how FoW/UW or HFF would be exploiting it, all your doing is playing the game.
another pointless title idea, mega fail.
Emperial Navarator
my war got 8mill xp, I would love to get a title for it xD
Epic Failing Post
New max title for bad threads. You're 1/1 so far. Gogogo!
dread pirate fargus
its really not as bad an idea as these guys are making out, im pretty sure they just want to go +1 up on you.
and all the purist RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOs on this forum hate ANY title any way "meh you can buy it blah blah titles = ebay WAAAH", im not sure if theres been a title related suggestion they havent cried about.
its really not as bad an idea as these guys are making out, im pretty sure they just want to go +1 up on you.
and all the purist RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOs on this forum hate ANY title any way "meh you can buy it blah blah titles = ebay WAAAH", im not sure if theres been a title related suggestion they havent cried about.
It's like the second one of these goes away someone comes and starts another one.... >.<
Originally Posted by holymasamune
New max title for bad threads. You're 1/1 so far. Gogogo!
have 85 million xp on my ranger(almost 3 years 15million on my monk(4 months old) 16 mil on my ele)5 months)
bad ideal too easy 20 mil i can get that in 6months easy andi dont even playranger anymore i retired him at 85 mil xp
bad ideal too easy 20 mil i can get that in 6months easy andi dont even playranger anymore i retired him at 85 mil xp
/notsigned. I've played on my Ele a grand total of about 35 hours, and I've already got over 1 million XP. All that XP means nothing, since the only thing that I know I can do well with her is Raptor farming! 
My Mesmer, on the other hand, has over 8 million XP earned over many many many hours of play (She's over 2 years old). I'm not the greatest Mesmer out there, but I can do several things rather well with her.

My Mesmer, on the other hand, has over 8 million XP earned over many many many hours of play (She's over 2 years old). I'm not the greatest Mesmer out there, but I can do several things rather well with her.
Limu Tolkki
If this was account wide and maxed would not be known (very high) i'd sign.
already suggested and no
/notsigned and /close pls
/notsigned and /close pls
new + title = notsigned