Deep Sea Dragon



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IN my pocket plane. Obviously!

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Actually the OP might be partially right.
I don't think there is a confiramtion that ALL dragons are in tyria. SO teh see dragon could be frozen in teh deeper part of the jade sea. Not that we have any thing in the faction lore that talks about GW2, like Todes stated.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Nov 2005


Originally Posted by GmrLeon View Post
Actually, the general consensus surrounding those skeletons is that they are of Giganticus Lupicus.
Or, now that we know the Crystal Desert used to be an inland sea just like the Jade Sea, they could have been the local variety of leviathan.

Konig Des Todes

Konig Des Todes

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Originally Posted by Steps_Descending View Post
Actually the OP might be partially right.
I don't think there is a confiramtion that ALL dragons are in tyria. SO teh see dragon could be frozen in teh deeper part of the jade sea. Not that we have any thing in the faction lore that talks about GW2, like Todes stated.
While it is true that we don't know if Ancient Dragons awaken outside the continent of Tyria *it would seem rather silly to me if that was the case unless there was a reason for that*, but that is not the Deep Sea Dragon, and I highly doubt that a sea that is fully enclosed by land is deaper than say, the Unending Ocean *aka The Great Sea*. Which is the body of water inbetween Tyria and Cantha.

I'm not at all saying that there could not be an Ancient Dragon in Cantha. What I'm saying is that there are only three dragons we can find, Primordus, "Drakkar", and "Grothmar". Possibly the Ice Pillar "dragon".

The other dragons that we know of are not in explorable locations. Nightfall and before were thought of and made before the idea of GW2 struck Anet's heads. So we cannot, and will not, find anything hinting at GW2 outside of Eye of the North. But again, I'm not saying GW2 is going to be void of those areas, and that there will be no Ancient Dragons in Elona/Cantha. I actually expect some sort of Ancient creature *not needing to be dragons* to be found in those lands.

Free Runner

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Considering every dragon so far has been on/within the continent of Tyria i doubt the deep sea dragon is in the Jade Sea. Sure there may be some kind of force in Cantha besides the empire (i personally believe the dragons are Tyria only - it would be overkill to have more dragons in Cantha and possibly Elona). The Movement of the World also seems to be written as if the writer is in Tyria - and Cantha is cut off before the dragons rise. And finally it states that it turned the water into "tentacled horrors" that rose out of river in the land - again this seems more likely in Tyria than Cantha.


Pre-Searing Cadet

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It is definately a dragon. There a several reasons. Most have been said but has everyone forgetten Shiro. Shiro was the one whos death cry turned the sea to jade. Basically the dragon would be in Luxon tales preivous to his Petrifying Wind (is that what its called), or Shiro would have killed/been eaten by the dragon. ^^ So yeah, its not a dragon. Probly a whale 0.o

Or a giant cod....
and theres chips undderneath...
and the "blue stuff" you walk on is Tartar Sauce.

Just a thought...

Konig Des Todes

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Not a Dragon. Not a Whale. Not a giant cod. Just a Leviathan...

Now Diabolical

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Primordus - The great Destroyer (awakes at the End of EOTN)

"Drakkar" - The Dragon in the Drakkar-Sea (still frozen, the ice seems to melt at some Places)

The "Water-Dragon" - Lies between Grothmar-Wardowns and Dalada Uplands. The biggest Dragon found yet.
Another Picture

The "Deepsea-Dragon" - No information yet

The Undead-Dragon - Maybe his Story took place in Orr.

The Desert-Dragon - In Crystal Desert you can find several Skeletons, but we don#t know to whom they belong. A Staute maybe represents Glint instead of the great Dragon.
But it could be possible, that Glint is a daughter of that Dragon.

The Lightning-Dragon (don't know Translation) - Several Examples can be found in Cantha

The Ice-Dragon - No offical Statement is mentioned yet.
You can find him in the North of Eye of the north.

The Youngdragons
Theys help your heros in the Story.




Oher Dragons


The "Twinsnake" (kind of Google-Translation, I know^^) - In the underworld you can find a Twinsnakemount (^^), where Grenth maybe should fought against two Brothers but he transmuted them to Dragons. Sometomes they appear up from the ground.
Head, Snakes

Some Pictures can't be defined to a Dragon (like some of the Concept-Art). They were taken t a Dragon because of ther appearance.

Free Runner

Free Runner

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If there is any confusion, my old thread Dragons Throughout Guild Wars has a detailed listing of each Ancient Dragon and also addresses things that people have mistook for Dragons (see the bottom).

As for this dragon: It is a Leviathan. It is not an Ancient Dragon. As was said earlier by Konig, when creating Factions the Ancient Dragon idea did not exist. There is no phyisical evidence of dragons outside of Eye of the North. Just to clarify once again it is a Leviathan.

Konig Des Todes

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Originally Posted by Now Diabolical View Post
Primordus - The great Destroyer (awakes at the End of EOTN)

"Drakkar" - The Dragon in the Drakkar-Sea (still frozen, the ice seems to melt at some Places)

The "Water-Dragon" - Lies between Grothmar-Wardowns and Dalada Uplands. The biggest Dragon found yet.
Another Picture

The "Deepsea-Dragon" - No information yet

The Undead-Dragon - Maybe his Story took place in Orr.

The Desert-Dragon - In Crystal Desert you can find several Skeletons, but we don#t know to whom they belong. A Staute maybe represents Glint instead of the great Dragon.
But it could be possible, that Glint is a daughter of that Dragon.

The Lightning-Dragon (don't know Translation) - Several Examples can be found in Cantha

The Ice-Dragon - No offical Statement is mentioned yet.
You can find him in the North of Eye of the north.
Primordus isn't the great destroyer, his general is. There is no support for Drakkar Lake thawing - it could be Drakkar breaks through the ice, you know, being the Dragon of Ice and Snow. The Undead Dragon does take place in Orr - been point blank stated. The bones in the Crystal Desert are Giganticus Lupicus bones, not Ancient Dragons. The Desert Dragon is likely to be the same as "Grothmar." "The Lightning Dragon" is not a dragon, they are lighthouses, statues, etc. Not real.

"The Ice Dragon" is most likely just a general of "Drakkar" and not an Ancient Dragon itself.

The Youngdragons
Theys help your heros in the Story.



Rotscale helps? What the heck are you on?

Oher Dragons


The "Twinsnake" (kind of Google-Translation, I know^^) - In the underworld you can find a Twinsnakemount (^^), where Grenth maybe should fought against two Brothers but he transmuted them to Dragons. Sometomes they appear up from the ground.
Head, Snakes
The Leviathans are a race, not dragons, they are sea creatures, similar to wurms *they share the same model* No way a dragon. >_< The Twin Dragons in the Underworld ARE two brothers who fought Grenth and lost. Not "maybe."

Usually not knowing things doesn't bother me, but this thread has been derailed and been bringing up inaccurate stuff for too long now...

Gmr Leon

Gmr Leon

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Originally Posted by draxynnic View Post
Or, now that we know the Crystal Desert used to be an inland sea just like the Jade Sea, they could have been the local variety of leviathan.
That's rather unlikely considering their prevalence outside of the Crystal Desert as well.



Forge Runner

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Originally Posted by NF manuscripts
The corsairs have remained free by learning to survive in treacherous waters, sailing where the Istani will not or cannot follow. Their fleets remain hidden near the most dangerous stretches of the Elonian coast. Between the northwest coast of Cantha and the southern rim of Elona, a deadly sea is troubled by sudden storms and cyclones, hidden reefs, and dangerous sea creatures. These waters were once navigated by fearless Luxon raiders from Cantha, and to this day, brigands from many cultures search for secret coves hidden by these deadly waters.
Just an observation or where the deepsea dragon might be and the location of cantha.

This proves Cantha is of another body of land below Elona.
As for the storm, it could be something caused by the dragon and because corsairs will roam here, it makes sense that the dragon who gains control over the corsairs would be here.

Free Runner

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Canthas location as been estimated quite well on an unofficial fan map which can be found on the Wiki. As for the dragon theres no reason for it to be causing those storms because its supposed to be dormant at the bottom of the sea. Its never said to create storms, its only ability that has bene shown is its own version fo the "breath power" that each dragon seems to have. And its breath creates tenticles.

The dragon who gains control over some Corsairs is the dragon located in Arah. As of yet the sea dragon as only caused trouble near rivers and lakes.

Gmr Leon

Gmr Leon

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We've known of Cantha's location for some time, but, the other bit is an interesting idea. That the storms were partly caused by its presence. However, it should be noted that the Deep Sea Dragon does not take control of the Corsairs, as far as we know. The only Ancient Dragon noted to have taken control of Corsairs was Malchor.

x sithis x

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These waters were once navigated by fearless Luxon raiders
jade sea?
there is a giant dragon like thing stuck in the jade in Gyala Hatchery mission & explorable area

could that be the dragon?

Kerwyn Nasilan

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Free Runner

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Or if you want to be specific.

Also note that the deep sea dragon would be deep down in the sea.

Evasion Twenty

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Yes, the Leviathan is my first guess. Dragons aren't ever mentioned to affect Cantha and Nightfall as far as I've known. It's always been the original continent, and maybe GuildWars2 will affect the continents not mentioned before in the next few chapters of the 2nd Gw series.

Konig Des Todes

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Multiple storms out in the ocean is not an unnatural thing. It just depends on the placement of the body of water. It is very possible the storms and cyclones are caused by the placement of wind currents which clash over the ocean and thus creates storms.

It is possible some creatures could be affected by the dragon while it is in hibernation - much like things are by the others when their magic is tapped.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Nov 2005


Originally Posted by Evasion Twenty View Post
Yes, the Leviathan is my first guess. Dragons aren't ever mentioned to affect Cantha and Nightfall as far as I've known. It's always been the original continent, and maybe GuildWars2 will affect the continents not mentioned before in the next few chapters of the 2nd Gw series.
Although given that no-one's heard anything from Cantha in over a hundred years, there could have been dragon awakenings there that we haven't heard of. To be honest, given Cantha's history, I have a hunch that if it turns out that there ever was an altruistic Ancient Dragon it'll turn out to be in Cantha.

The lack of Ancient Dragon's in Elona is interesting, though, since we know the Order of Whispers has been able to maintain SOME communication. So that does raise the question: Is there a reason the ancient dragons seem to be clustered around the Shiverpeaks, or are dragons that would otherwise arise in Elona being prevented from doing so... possibly by Palawa?

Thalador Doomspeaker

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I just went to turn in my skalefin soups for gifts, and I found Nicholas' dialogue quite interesting:

Originally Posted by Nicholas the Traveler
That storm was insane! Did you see it? What craziness! Lightning bolts and huge, painful thunderclaps, over and over again, like we had a swarm of mages pursuing us. And I'd swear I saw Destroyers in the waves that night. Yakkington and I finally made it to Istan this morning, but now he refuses to budge. I think that wild storm made him seasick. Food is the safest way to calm him down, even when he's sick, so maybe you could find some Bowl of Skalefin Soup for my friend while I tend to him?
Is it possible that the Deep Sea Dragon burped/hiccuped on the bottom of the ocean floor and turned the water into its special 'Destroyers'? I know it sounds ridiculous, and I know he makes tentacled horrors, but aside from the tentacles we have no idea how they look like.

Free Runner

Free Runner

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It was probably Nicolas seeing things in the waves - the Destroyers were the last fearsome event Tyria has had. It would make sense that he was having hallucinations in the chaos. Or it could of been what remains of the actual Destroyers having somehow fell into the sea after losing the Great Destroyer.

Konig Des Todes

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Discussed the water destroyer thing in game with a guildie, Apollo. I was really wondering how long it would be til that was brought up.

If there is something that is common with Nicholas, it's references and jokes. Not lore. That, my friend, is what I think this week's dialogue is as well - reference and a joke.

I highly doubt they were creatures created by the Deep Sea Dragon's power (via it's power being tapped or by a general). And we know it hasn't woke up yet.

Thalador Doomspeaker

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Konig, I just thought that it's a possibility.
Free Runners' two theories seem to be the most possible.
And I didn't say it woke up. I just played with the thought, that while it was sleeping it hiccuped/burped/snored and its breath corrupted the nearby waters. I thought that it's something worth mentioning. I didn't think that those are really Destroyers, although I wanted to know what do you think about it. As I mentioned it earlier, I thought it as a possibility.

Konig Des Todes

Konig Des Todes

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I never said you said it woke up. I was just throwing the argument out before the theory could form from someone less knowing in the way of lore.



Forge Runner

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What if they're making another expansion? Why else would they attend PAX? If not for GW2 news, it has to be GW related.

Free Runner

Free Runner

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They were at PAX last year and they didnt have GW2 news. I think the most they said was about the books.

Konig Des Todes

Konig Des Todes

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This is getting off-topic, so I will end it now. Anet said they wiil not make any new expansions. I highly doubt they'd change that when they won't even give info on GW2.

Neo Atomisk

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uhh... well, first, I'm back.

Second, Free Runner, I'm a pyro, gtfo.

Third, Konig is correct with a-net not make any more GW1 expansions. they're working on lore books and GW2 now. (If you haven't already noticed that due to the lack of ingame updates.)

As for the Deep Sea Dragon, I doubt that it would have anything to do with the Deep Sea dragon. a-net's been throwing us some curveballs with Nicholas, I really don't know if we can decide whether they're giving us material or just pushing our buttons.