Norn rep
i've been trying out doing HM heroes handbooks but it takes very long time and HM dungeons guide takes much longer, so is gunnars hold farming the best?? or should i stick to the hanbooks?
Use search, there was a topic just like this like a week ago.
The Path to Revelations quest.Leave from Olafstead and do the quest.U get 7-9k per run on HM.You do it as Ursan with other ursan dudes.
Handbooks are faster, but in the longrun more boring. Go to Olafsted, get an Ursan group (get the elite Ursan Blessing first if you don't have it already) and just follow the leader of the pack. Rinse and repeat over and over until 160k points is reached
Handbooks are definitely less boring than doing Path to Revalations runs over and over and over. :P
Originally Posted by ogre_jd
Handbooks are definitely less boring than doing Path to Revalations runs over and over and over. :P
Maybe it's just me then
I only did it when the double eotn rep weekend was on, though.
I only did it when the double eotn rep weekend was on, though.
Mr. Undisclosed
Doing the path to revelations quest over and over again is the fastest way, faster then HM books. You also get the chance at some ok loot too.