hey guys im wondering if this is a known issue or not,
i havent played gw for a few years now, i reinstalled it and it made me download each zone whenever i logged in, and that takes ages sometimes, so an old friend told me to add "-image" after the directory path in my shortcut to download all areas
and it worked
sadly now when i try to zone in and out of some areas, the game quits out with a "disk full" error message, i have no idea what that is about since i have 2 HDD's both with 300+GB free of space
help pls!
Problem after downloading GW client
Disk full or could it be a message about available memory. If it's about memory, try increasing your virtual memory.
WinXP: Control Panel>System>Advanced Tab>Performance Settings Button>Advanced Tab>Virtual Memory Change Button>
WinXP: Control Panel>System>Advanced Tab>Performance Settings Button>Advanced Tab>Virtual Memory Change Button>
Jade Barbosa
Check how the hard drives are formatted (you should be able to check by right clicking the hard drive icon), the FAT32 system cannot handle files over 4GB which if you've -image'd gw.dat would be approaching.
If it is formated in FAT32 you would be advised to convert it to NTFS, so have a look at this site http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/l.../bb456984.aspx
If it is formated in FAT32 you would be advised to convert it to NTFS, so have a look at this site http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/l.../bb456984.aspx
oh god jade i think you're right.... it is Fat32...