22 May 2008 at 13:35 - 47
/signed, I want it.
Do I:
a) want to protect some noob who was so dumb that they filled EVERY character slot and then locked every single one of them? Despite the inevitable warnings that would come when applying a lock? And then cries because they want to unlock one now? Or
b) want to protect the people who played their characters for years, have many titles, and loads of stuff in their HoM, and made A-Net the success that it is?
It's b) of course. Noobs who locked all their chars would still have viable options - buy a new character slot, and don't be so dumb next time. They don't lose anything but a few RL dollars.
Players who had their long-term main characters deleted... have NO such viable option. Seriously, who would start a new char, re-do all their titles maybe to level 5 or 6 KoaBD, re-fill their HoM, etc? The reality is, delete their main and they're ****ed, game over, end of story.
If you MUST protect noobs from themselves, (apart from the big "WARNING!" message when they're about to lock a character)... then make the lock only available to level 20's, and/or KoaBD rank 1, or SOMETHING.
I can't understand people who don't sign this. It doesn't hurt them, they don't have to use it, it doesn't hurt noobs unless they are very VERY dumb in which case they are going to "hurt" themselves plenty anyway in regular GW play. Saving a few idiots from themselves hardly seems a good reason to deny large numbers of "normal" players a feature like this.
"What if some jerk locked all my slots?"
Well, if your account is compromised, that's probably the least of your worries - since all your loot will be gone. And besides, you still have options: buy a new slot, and play any characters you'd locked yourself.
"Not needed, just use a strong password"
Well, If you're so sure that a strong password is all the protection you need... then you don't have to worry about some jerk getting into your account and locking all your slots, do you?! And it doesn't hurt you if locking is available to others, even if you don't use it.
"It would swap one problem for another"
Well if there's a problem before and after, there's no change by adding locks. SO WHY NOT DO IT? It's better if people come here and cry that they want to unlock, and are told to buy a new slot... than people come on here and cry that their 3 year old main was deleted... and are told "too bad", "your GW days are over, Age of Conan looks good".