Real Eyes Realize Real Lies [Tree]



Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2008

Oh Hai Der [lame]

[Tree] has been on a sort of an activity lapse. We have approximately 20 members, not including officers. I'm looking for people who would be interested in helping rebuild this guild, while getting it more active in GvG/HA/TA and higher forms of PvE (ie. Urgoz, Deep, Dungeons, UW, FoW, etc.) We need people who wont ragequit because the guild is attempting to rebuild activity, and willing to be somewhat patient.

There are no requirements besides being willing to help out.

We are currently Kurzick (subject to change), mostly American, and we are friendly. We have Vent, full alliance, hall, cape, and friendly members.

PM me either on here, or in game (I respond faster in game)
IGN- Cassandria Black

or check out our forums -
