I just purchased Guild Wars Platinum and do not have a DvD drive to install the game. I am wondering if I download the client can I enter my access key and get the game working properly that way? Will it still give me access to all the content which comes with the Platinum edition?
Thank You
No Dvd Drive
It will work properly and you will get any extra content from the platnum edition... Since everythin is linked to the Acess key and not the client itself just download the client from the site.
Yes, you can download the client, which will download the updated game content (stuff on the CDs/DVDs are outdated). Just input your access key when you register afterwards and you can play.
What they said^ But im wondering why on earth you have no CD drive...
Elder III
He does not have a DVD Drive, that doesn't mean no cd drive 
As long as you have a DSL or better connection you should have no trouble with the downloaded game client and the updates.

As long as you have a DSL or better connection you should have no trouble with the downloaded game client and the updates.

Tamuril elansar
you can download GW on the site
i sugest buying a dvd drive tho, their only 20 euro.
i sugest buying a dvd drive tho, their only 20 euro.
I'm confused! Why the hell would anyone buy a game on DVD if they knew that they didn't have a DVD drive?
Originally Posted by Azagoth
I'm confused! Why the hell would anyone buy a game on DVD if they knew that they didn't have a DVD drive?
Its a moot issue anyway. Just download the client from the official site, run it and get the rest of the gw.dat file. Be warned though that its quite big, mine is currently at 3.75 gigs.
I do wonder if a system with only a CD drive is recent enough to play GW. Do they still make CD-only systems?
Tamuril elansar
nope they don't, my local hardware store doesn't even sell CD drives