Originally Posted by bart
4) Kids and adults - GW being a no-monthly-fee game skews the kids to adult ratio (guessing its 3 kids to 1 adult) and as you know kids are immature and greedy. They have not seen the world (real world) and they don't know that having friends and having good contacts will take you places. Thus they have no qualms blowing their mouth, scamming etc to get whatever they want. I'm not saying adults don't do this. I'm just saying kids don't have the experience and mental maturity to think about the consequences.
This wasn't a scammer but it backs up Bart's reasoning about kids to adults and one of the main reasons I rarely trade stuff.
I placed a green bow up for auction for 2k. (Not here, another site which I'd name but the mods would just delete my post). A kid won the auction and immediately sent me an e-mail asking for a trade. I was not online until the next morning and I contacted him ingame asking to trade.
Kid: YES! come to the armory!!! NOW!!
Me: Ok, where can I meet you?
Kid: The armory!
Me: Where? Vasburg armory? (I was in DOA at the time)
Kid: Shing Jea Armory!
Me: Ok, the monastery then?
Kid: NO!!!! THE F*** ARMORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: I have no clue what you mean. Meet me in Kaineng Int Dis 1
Kid: i dunt no where the F**** that is. F**** off!!
time passes
Kid: Were r u?? Give me my bow!!!!!!!
Me: I will if you'll ever tell me where you are
Kid: Armorsmith at the monastery!!!! Stupid s***
Me: Fine which dis
I finally convinced him to meet me in international districts after a stream of even worse explicitives. He actually bought the bow and then spent the next 10 minutes sending me extremely pornographic and explicit PM's.
I put him on ignore and as a result my inbox on the auction forum filled up with explitives. (He's since been banned on that auction site). After an hour I took him off ignore and within 5 seconds got some more pm's from him. (LOL, I thought I had no life. He spent an hour trying to pm someone who had him on ignore?)
I told him he would get his account banned for harassment and got called some more colorful names as well as being told that only a complete dips*** would report someone. I said I guess I am then because I'm reporting.
He immediately started apologizing and begging me not to report. He said this was his parents account and he'd be in big trouble if it got banned. Great. Not my problem.
Sigh, how do I find these people?? Someone who flies off the handle just because he's asked which town to meet is not mature enough to be playing a MMO game let alone trading with people.