Maximum damage for low requirements - Which are they?
Moloch Vein
Hi, this was started in Riverside by me because it's the most populated forum, and because I don't know where it would go otherwise.
I am interested in finding out the maximum damage, maximum energy and maximum armor for every type of weapon, shield and focus at requirements lower than 8 (since it's confirmed Q8 max items do exist.)
I am aware that Q7 max items also do exist, however I wonder if anyone can confirm the existence of, for example, a Q7 max Gold Inscribable Spear.
What I want from you are posts, preferrably with screenshots but that's not an absolute necessity, of:
Gold items with a requirement of 6 or less. Their damage and other important stats.
How low requirement can a Gold item have? I have seen (and owned) Q4... do they go lower?
What I'm after is:
Max damage of a sword at Q6,5,4,3,2,1
Max damage of an axe at Q6,5,4,3,2,1
Max damage of daggers at Q6,5,4,3,2,1
Max damage of a bow at Q6,5,4,3,2,1
Max damage of a scythe at Q7,6,5,4,3,2,1
Max damage of a spear at Q7,6,5,4,3,2,1
Max armor of a shield at Q6,5,4,3,2,1
Max energy of a focus at Q6,5,4,3,2,1
Max energy of a staff at Q6,5,4,3,2,1
Max damage of a staff at Q6,5,4,3,2,1
Would be nice if anyone wanted to help out.
Kindly, Moloch
I am interested in finding out the maximum damage, maximum energy and maximum armor for every type of weapon, shield and focus at requirements lower than 8 (since it's confirmed Q8 max items do exist.)
I am aware that Q7 max items also do exist, however I wonder if anyone can confirm the existence of, for example, a Q7 max Gold Inscribable Spear.
What I want from you are posts, preferrably with screenshots but that's not an absolute necessity, of:
Gold items with a requirement of 6 or less. Their damage and other important stats.
How low requirement can a Gold item have? I have seen (and owned) Q4... do they go lower?
What I'm after is:
Max damage of a sword at Q6,5,4,3,2,1
Max damage of an axe at Q6,5,4,3,2,1
Max damage of daggers at Q6,5,4,3,2,1
Max damage of a bow at Q6,5,4,3,2,1
Max damage of a scythe at Q7,6,5,4,3,2,1
Max damage of a spear at Q7,6,5,4,3,2,1
Max armor of a shield at Q6,5,4,3,2,1
Max energy of a focus at Q6,5,4,3,2,1
Max energy of a staff at Q6,5,4,3,2,1
Max damage of a staff at Q6,5,4,3,2,1
Would be nice if anyone wanted to help out.
Kindly, Moloch
spun ducky
I have owned a few Req 7 1 dmg off of max inscribable spears same with shields also owned the same of several different attribute focii. I don't know the other break points but I am highly interested as 1 damage isn't that big of a deal in some break point situations.
Artisan Archer
I've seen a req 2 12-20 bow (presearing) dunno if that helps..
Davros Uitar
I remember getting a req9 healing focus that was one off max (ie 11 energy). I did put it up for a price check and got the message back that it was merchant fodder. It dropped when I was farming destroyer cores in normal mode. I have also seen a req 6 hammer at 33 max damage doing normal snowman runs.
I have a gold q4 12-20 dead-bow with inherent +5 nrg, dropped in HM on Shing Jea island.
Moloch Vein
Alright, to clarify...
I'm not looking for damage stats on Q8 or higher. I'm only looking for damage stats on spears and scythes for Q7. Q6 or lower, all weapons, foci, shields etc. (I know the most common AL for a gold shield is 14, has anyone seen a 15?) I also want the complete damage range (i.e. not "max dmg 33" but "16-33".)
I'm not looking for damage stats on Q8 or higher. I'm only looking for damage stats on spears and scythes for Q7. Q6 or lower, all weapons, foci, shields etc. (I know the most common AL for a gold shield is 14, has anyone seen a 15?) I also want the complete damage range (i.e. not "max dmg 33" but "16-33".)
So, you are looking for the max damage of each req?
Hm... that would be something interesting to put in the Wiki.
The maximum for 'req 0' is already in the GW wiki.
Both should have all the data.
Ok, I'll try to remember.
Hm... that would be something interesting to put in the Wiki.
The maximum for 'req 0' is already in the GW wiki.
Both should have all the data.
Ok, I'll try to remember.
Originally Posted by Moloch Vein
Gold items with a requirement of 6 or less.
If you expanded your request to say ANY items, I bet you'd get a better response.
You also need to clarify whether you want only inscribable items, or whether it can be a mix of inscribable and non-inscribable.
Moloch Vein
I'm fine with that change. So, I'll say:
Maximum damage, armor, energy for ANY item of req 6 or lower. Both non-inscr. and inscr. since I do believe if it can drop non-inscr. it should be able to get an inscr. drop. (But not sure.)
Also screenshot would really help. I'm not a "pics or it didn't happen" person but screenies would remove every reasonable doubt.
So, please post findings in this format (giving an example):
Weapon name: Great Conch
Rarity: Gold
Req: 6
Armor Level: 14
Maximum damage, armor, energy for ANY item of req 6 or lower. Both non-inscr. and inscr. since I do believe if it can drop non-inscr. it should be able to get an inscr. drop. (But not sure.)
Also screenshot would really help. I'm not a "pics or it didn't happen" person but screenies would remove every reasonable doubt.
So, please post findings in this format (giving an example):
Weapon name: Great Conch
Rarity: Gold
Req: 6
Armor Level: 14
I'll throw the easiest one into the pot:
The max armor that I've seen for a shield with a 6 requirement is 14 armor, both inscribable and non-inscribable.
The max armor that I've seen for a shield with a 6 requirement is 14 armor, both inscribable and non-inscribable.
I've also gotten two al14 r6 tactics inscribable Great Conches, one grape and one gold, from when I did nm raptor farming for an event awhile back. I still have them on a mule or something, so I suppose I could make an ss if I had to, but these stats aren't extraordinarily rare, so I don't think its necessary. You say that the lowest al on a gold shield is 14, but I definitely got some gold shields from said raptor farming that were al13, its just that the reqs on those (r6,r7) werent particularly impressing, so I merched them, can't give you any ss of those.
Another one...
The max energy I've seen on a focus with a 6 requirement is +11 energy, both inscribable and non-inscribable.
The max energy I've seen on a focus with a 6 requirement is +11 energy, both inscribable and non-inscribable.
Moloch Vein
Posting one item, hoping to get it beat.
Weapon: Plagueborn Staff
Rarity: Gold
Req: 4 Blood Magic
Damage: 9-14
15HSR Inherent (All Spells)
10HCT Inherent (All Spells)
Weapon: Plagueborn Staff
Rarity: Gold
Req: 4 Blood Magic
Damage: 9-14
15HSR Inherent (All Spells)
10HCT Inherent (All Spells)
Moloch Vein
Bumping this thread, I'm still interested in input.
Pan Head
Originally Posted by Moloch Vein
Posting one item, hoping to get it beat.
Weapon: Plagueborn Staff Rarity: Gold Req: 4 Blood Magic Damage: 9-14 Non-Inscribable 15HSR Inherent (All Spells) 10HCT Inherent (All Spells) Energy+7 |
havent seen that
Moloch Vein
Bumping this. I'm still interested in information.
Had a pair of r4 5-9 daggers today. Very pathetic and probably not max range for an r4 pair.
Interesting topic, good luck compiling.
Interesting topic, good luck compiling.
Got this ages ago:
Weapon: Sephis Axe
Rarity: Gold
Req: 6 axe mastery
Damage: 6-21
Weapon: Sephis Axe
Rarity: Gold
Req: 6 axe mastery
Damage: 6-21
i know that r7 16 armor shields exist, however ... i do not have a screen shot of the person who had it because i have uninstalled + reinstalled the game since then >_<
anyways this is a really interesting thread, i will try to contribute to it
anyways this is a really interesting thread, i will try to contribute to it
Moloch Vein
Originally Posted by FengShuiDove
Had a pair of r4 5-9 daggers today. Very pathetic and probably not max range for an r4 pair.
Interesting topic, good luck compiling. |
i've yet to see a max damage q8 spear. got a screenshot?
just merched a pair of gold kamas today that I got from feather farming Jaya Bluffs NM
q5 7-12 dam
another one i have atm:
q5 tac AL13 Ornate Buckler (not insc)
-5/19%, 20% dazed reduction
i get a lot of gold weapons on this run, i'm starting not to id them but saving them to sell as unid's
q5 7-12 dam
another one i have atm:
q5 tac AL13 Ornate Buckler (not insc)
-5/19%, 20% dazed reduction
i get a lot of gold weapons on this run, i'm starting not to id them but saving them to sell as unid's
Stop The Storm
i know it aint gold, but im sure if you get a blue item, then you can get the gold equivalant too
energy +9 R4 Focus
tyria drop
energy +9 R4 Focus
tyria drop

Sorry to res this if it was meant to die peacefully, but I've had this subscribed since I first saw it. I'm interested in the results.
As for my contributions, here are my odd non-max low req. items.
The white starfish focus came from EotN, obviously. I've had it a while, but I think it dropped in NM while one of my characters was on the way to Rata Sum. As those are a new skin introduced with Gwen, I guess you could assume an inscribable req 6 11 energy version is possible.
The req 2 7 energy accursed icon I got from an Istani Chest a couple years ago.
I'm not sure where the req 7 11 energy protective icon came from, but it had to have been something that dropped for me or my friends. I would remember if I bought it.
As for my contributions, here are my odd non-max low req. items.
The white starfish focus came from EotN, obviously. I've had it a while, but I think it dropped in NM while one of my characters was on the way to Rata Sum. As those are a new skin introduced with Gwen, I guess you could assume an inscribable req 6 11 energy version is possible.
The req 2 7 energy accursed icon I got from an Istani Chest a couple years ago.
I'm not sure where the req 7 11 energy protective icon came from, but it had to have been something that dropped for me or my friends. I would remember if I bought it.
Sword Hammer Axe
This ought to be in Q/A section.
This topic leads me to my next question.
What are the Max AL for low requirement shields?
I have a Gold R4 Tactics that's 12 AL and inscribable. Would this be max for R4? I'm thinking 12AL with a small investment of 4 points in Tactics is hawt.
What are the Max AL for low requirement shields?
I have a Gold R4 Tactics that's 12 AL and inscribable. Would this be max for R4? I'm thinking 12AL with a small investment of 4 points in Tactics is hawt.
Perfected Shadow
How about we actually record the info? Or can these numbers be found on the wikis already?
Something like:
update it every time someone posts a screen with better stats.
Something like:
update it every time someone posts a screen with better stats.
13al q5 shield, I got almost 4 years ago when I first played (then took 2+ year hiatus from game)... Seems decent...
Xenex Xclame
I have this req 3 tactics 10 armor reduces blindess 20% round shield,That im keeping since attribute points to get 3 tactics in some builds isnt hard to do.
i know that r7 16 armor shields exist, however ... i do not have a screen shot of the person who had it because i have uninstalled + reinstalled the game since then >_<
anyways this is a really interesting thread, i will try to contribute to it |

Shields that can drop now:
Q8 AL16
Q7 AL15
Q6 AL14
Q5 AL13
Q4 AL12
Q3 AL11
Q2 AL10
Q1 AL9 -~- only not sure about this, but should be easy to get in pre-searing.
Seen them all, have some.
Before the big bad nerf Q7 AL16 were even more common than Q8 AL16 are now (I'm not talking about finding useful mods on them). And chances are that before the nerf it might have been possible to get a Q6 AL15 but I've never seen one.
And it's exactly the same for all other weapons - the nerf changing Q8 into Q9 at top level formulas extrapolates to all lower level stuff, so for example: before nerf highest damage Q7 bow was 14-27 but after nerf the highest for Q7 may be only 13-26 (not actual data in this example, just showing how it worls)
So when collecting such data it would be good to keep record if a screenshotted item is a recent drop (after NF release) or before the nerf.
Q8 AL16
Q7 AL15
Q6 AL14
Q5 AL13
Q4 AL12
Q3 AL11
Q2 AL10
Q1 AL9 -~- only not sure about this, but should be easy to get in pre-searing.
Seen them all, have some.
Before the big bad nerf Q7 AL16 were even more common than Q8 AL16 are now (I'm not talking about finding useful mods on them). And chances are that before the nerf it might have been possible to get a Q6 AL15 but I've never seen one.
And it's exactly the same for all other weapons - the nerf changing Q8 into Q9 at top level formulas extrapolates to all lower level stuff, so for example: before nerf highest damage Q7 bow was 14-27 but after nerf the highest for Q7 may be only 13-26 (not actual data in this example, just showing how it worls)
So when collecting such data it would be good to keep record if a screenshotted item is a recent drop (after NF release) or before the nerf.