16 Apr 2008 at 15:20 - 21
The Warrior, He's my 'Armor Barbie'. He's got more sets then any other class on my roster(I have 10 pve slots, one for each class, each has 1 or 2 prestige sets, but the warrior has like 5 or 6). He has more weapons and accessories too, his crap takes up almost 2.5 tabs in my storage box. I've got sets for farming charr, 'ogers' dwarves, other crap, got almost the full spectrum of weapons in each type(zeal, vamp, furious, elemental, sundering, hammers, axes, swords), got like 6 shields... Got Vabbian, Platemail, Luxon, Kurzick, Glads, victory crowns, headgear for multiple stats, most of it is dyed Blue+Orange or Purple+Orange which makes a bright fushia color(dark pink).
I Further plan to get him a set of asuran, maybe silver eagle and imperial, a ascalon razor skinned sword and militia shield with 1k tyrian armor and make a 'stefan' clone, Maybe even get him a set of obsidian and dye it the trademark fushia.
It's just something about all the different shields and weapons you can attach to the warrior armor, and the warrior armor is already varied on it's own, more then any other class I think, it makes for fun combinations.