Novelty Names
Am i the only one mildly annoyed by novelty names? I know a lot of people have them, but still. I just think actual names are better. Am i the only one that cringes a bit when they see a character named "Narutos Son" or "Leggo Ma Eggo" or "Robotic Dalmation"?
ectos taste nasty
What are you talking about?
Xxxnarut O X
Xxxnarut O X
Malice Black
It's a game. WHo gives a flying GO RED MOFO ENGINE about another persons name. Seeing Legolas etc on rangers just makes me go "doh!"
You can't see me
Yes, I think you may be the only one who gets annoyed by what people call themselves over the internet.
Meh, I could care less if people name them selves that way. Btw, @ Powerful White Man, both Yukihiro and Chigusa are pretty common names for the japanese...
No it doesn't annoy me. As a matter of fact, I've got a couple characters with "novelty names." Dora Explora and Spongy Was Bob. Do I care what people like the OP think about them? Only when someone calls my Warrior "Dora The Explora." Her middle name is MILLICENT, dammit!

Alex the Great
lol, i hope nobody gets offended at my name
i'ma monk in pvp with the name "Gotta Rez Cobain"
nirvana ftw
i'ma monk in pvp with the name "Gotta Rez Cobain"
nirvana ftw
Stolen Souls
Naw, they don't really annoy me. I do sometimes wonder, though, how someone with a character with a very silly/stupid name...can actually take the character seriously and work on it.
Dr Strangelove
I'm only annoyed if people make lame names. I'm looking at you, Xx N A R O O T O Xx and Il Leggolus Il. You could at least try to be original.
why do u care what ppl call thier characters?
Malice Black
Break My Hymen is still my favorite GW name 
Does that count as a novelty name?
Does that count as a novelty name?
You mean you don't like seeing No Strangers To [LOVE]?
I hate unoriginality.
People who name thier characters like "Aragorn", "Eragon", "Legolas", "Drizzt", "H P O T T E R" and shit, I hate.
People who name thier characters like "Aragorn", "Eragon", "Legolas", "Drizzt", "H P O T T E R" and shit, I hate.
On topic : Naruto-like names are everywhere but I don't care about it, to me annoying names are : "[someone] Goes Mes" for example... like people care about it.
Skyy High
Sheesh, I guess I'm the only one who agrees with the OP; names like that can definitely be annoying. I'll excuse really clever ones, ones that make me laugh, but unoriginal and/or just crappy, "The Pwninator" kind of stuff is just annoying. Anyone who talks to me with one of those IGNs is immediately ascribed a hyper-little-kid voice.
I am not annoyed by such names, but a name can tell something about the person behind a character :P
Originally Posted by Blu
Meh, I could care less if people name them selves that way. Btw, @ Powerful White Man, both Yukihiro and Chigusa are pretty common names for the japanese...
Novelty names are where the creativity is imo :P
Ah, I feel bad about novelty names. I usually work hard on suspension of disbelief in games, I really try to believe in the fiction, and I just can't believe that a warrior born in a fantasy world could be called "Shizzle Ma Nizzle" or something like that. I'm ok with anagrams, though. All my char's names are anagrams of my real name, and while they don't make any sense, it's still better than "XXX O Lord Rezzor O XXX" or something like that.
With millions of Games sold.... not everyone can be "John Smith" or "Sarah Miller".
I mainly hate seeing: Master of doooooom, Naruto ownage, grim reeeapper, and all those types.
Dr Strangelove
Not really, it seemed pretty straightforward.
People with violent names like Xx Bloodyguts Xx are trying to look tough.
People with sexualized names like Sexypimp10001 aren't getting any, and wish they were.
People who use leet speak are trying to be super secret and cool.
People who use stuff from pop culture are either trying to be like everyone else, or identifying with whatever trait their name is known for.
People with animal names are unholy furries and must be burned with holy fire. Or something, I didn't read that page carefully.
People with violent names like Xx Bloodyguts Xx are trying to look tough.
People with sexualized names like Sexypimp10001 aren't getting any, and wish they were.
People who use leet speak are trying to be super secret and cool.
People who use stuff from pop culture are either trying to be like everyone else, or identifying with whatever trait their name is known for.
People with animal names are unholy furries and must be burned with holy fire. Or something, I didn't read that page carefully.
Zahr Dalsk
I despise people who use names ripped directly from an existing Intellectual Property and when people use something like "Bringer Of Win" or "I Heal You" in an RPG-ish game. (Guild Wars isn't really a true RPG per se).
for the most part they dont bother me...but when you see naruto x for the uptenth time on an assassin you wonder if those people just cant figure out a good name for one.
I would rather people give characters real names (like jo, mira, bob, etc) but I have also come across some rather creative people as well---
I myself use asian names---though only 2 are anime related. Many of the rest are quite common names. Other people use latin or greek names which is also good.....
but in the end the person that creates XXXxx Ihateu XXXx must look and deal with that character---not me. So I let it slide.
I would rather people give characters real names (like jo, mira, bob, etc) but I have also come across some rather creative people as well---
I myself use asian names---though only 2 are anime related. Many of the rest are quite common names. Other people use latin or greek names which is also good.....
but in the end the person that creates XXXxx Ihateu XXXx must look and deal with that character---not me. So I let it slide.
dragon eternal lord
The names with a space between each letter or XX Killer XY type names bug me slightly , and the ones like Ima Noob are annoying, but meh, it's a game. I deal with it.
I have one name that is an obvious novelty name.
Two which are partly named after one of my favorite anime characters.
One is named after an anime character I'm not overly fond of, but couldn't think of anything better.
I have one that is the english translation of a japanese song I like.
I have one who's first name (Ginfuyu) is a cheap imitation japanese name.
Three of my characters have orginal bad-fantasy names... like Winter and Sapphire.
So I learn to live with it as long as the name isn't particularly offensive.
Two which are partly named after one of my favorite anime characters.
One is named after an anime character I'm not overly fond of, but couldn't think of anything better.
I have one that is the english translation of a japanese song I like.
I have one who's first name (Ginfuyu) is a cheap imitation japanese name.
Three of my characters have orginal bad-fantasy names... like Winter and Sapphire.
So I learn to live with it as long as the name isn't particularly offensive.
The only thing that bothers me more than pretentious roleplayers with Japanese names are guilds that have misspelled names.
This coming from the guy with a pikachu as his avatar and who made a name of something that isn't even a word.
General Specific !
Eh? eh? Thast a good one!
Eh? eh? Thast a good one!

I cringe when I see guild names involving whether or not Gwen is 18.
If I had 100g for every time I saw a Dervish with "grim" or "scythe" or most of all "reaper/reap", I'd.....well I'd be very rich.
Originally Posted by Sab
I cringe when I see guild names involving whether or not Gwen is 18.
This is a guild name, but it used to make me chuckle when I would see it announced:
Rurik Stole My Bike [Bike]
Rurik Stole My Bike [Bike]
Yuhe Ji
Originally Posted by Celestial_Kitsune
I am not annoyed by such names, but a name can tell something about the person behind a character :P |
On-topic: It doesn't bother me so much as I wouldn't want them in my party. I just don't understand how they can play their character seriously with a silly name. I wouldn't be able to (the character would have been deleted).
Konig Des Todes
Originally Posted by Dr Strangelove
Not really, it seemed pretty straightforward.
People with violent names like Xx Bloodyguts Xx are trying to look tough. People with sexualized names like Sexypimp10001 aren't getting any, and wish they were. People who write in all caps are attention RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOs. People who use leet speak are trying to be super secret and cool. People who use stuff from pop culture are either trying to be like everyone else, or identifying with whatever trait their name is known for. People with animal names are unholy furries and must be burned with holy fire. Or something, I didn't read that page carefully. |
At OP, yes your not alone, novelty names annoy me. Or used to I should say, I just ignore them now. The more original sounding *seeing how just about nothing is original anymore* the more I like the name. I don't care if its X <some original sounding/uncommon name> X or if its just the name without the X's, because chances are that the name was taken, or if its a 1 word name, well, can't have 1 word names

The more the name sounds like an actual name *which is what I always try to get with my names* the more I initially like the person, the less it sounds like a name *like "I Killz U"* the more I think the person is a 12 year old looking to be funny/tough.
I don't know if any of my character names can be considered "novelty names," mostly because I try to make names that actually look like a name, at least when you only know english

Shayne Hawke
Just recently, I decided to give my PvP character the name "Gg No Re Plz K Thx".
Originally Posted by Shayne Hawke
Just recently, I decided to give my PvP character the name "Gg No Re Plz K Thx".
People who think that making every combination of Drizzt Dourden is cool, should be shot.
LOL! The first search result for dourden, comes up with a wiki article entitled 'faggot'. gg.
Shayne Hawke
Originally Posted by fenix
Someone else already had that name, and used it quite frequently in HA. It's not funny if you steal it.
Of course, I could just change it to say "Gg No Re K Thx Bai" or something.
Edit: As an extra note, to defend my position, all of my PvE characters have actual names that a person would be given.
Eh I don't care really. Because I named one of my newest characters Tassy Burrfoot. Not because I didn't want to be original but because I love that little guy as much as you can love a fictional character. He's like my damn brother. He's so awesome!
But yeah doesn't bother me and I agree with Malice there are much much better bands than Nirvana and if I keep hearing the same old boring guitar work and depressing lyrics I'm gonna go crazy.
But yeah doesn't bother me and I agree with Malice there are much much better bands than Nirvana and if I keep hearing the same old boring guitar work and depressing lyrics I'm gonna go crazy.