A life with a love that lasted forever
Could it be possible to go with being alone
I lost my chance with something
But I'll survive
At least I hope my heart
The beats of butterflies disappear.
Till the time I lose my life
Suffering will be something I figured would enter
I look in the mirror
Close my eyes
And I still see the person I hate the most.
Walk into my childhood and see nothing wrong
Faith converted to believe the failed
What my love is doing now
Half of me cries in pain
The other side cries with meaning
I've fallen to pieces like a broken mirror
Of all the things I loved.
I kept my thoughts in a collective pot
Breathe normal I can say to myself
Simple things become useless
As I rest in peace.
Fall Into Pieces
Jam Jar
Poor Storm Dragons these days, you need a new GF! Don't die yet .
But I do have a girlfriend... have had one for some time now. My poetry isn't supposed to be actually the truth in my case... but seeing how you take it makes it so much more for me.