pvp temp
I have been playing around with a paragon and at first i found them very very week in attack... so i decided to make a pvp support and maby some attack paragon mainly for GVG or just random areana. I rilly wanted to use the "GodMode" temp but it has some PVP only skill. So dose anyone know of a good temp or skills that you would not be without in pvp?
If you're finding the paragon to be weak in terms of attacking, then something is wrong. Very very wrong.
The heart of any paragon build is usually:
3 attacks
3 support
There's some room for customization-nothing is really written in stone.
But the "Godmode" or "Imbagon" is a PvE build-I don't think there is a PvP analog. You could get away with using Defensive Anthem as your elite (works just like Aegis, but unstrippable), with a couple spear attacks, and some adrenaline shouts (Hexbreaker Aria will help your casters and give you free energy). If you want to buff the amount of damage your team is dealing, Anthem of Envy or "Go For The Eyes!" are good choices.
The heart of any paragon build is usually:
3 attacks
3 support
There's some room for customization-nothing is really written in stone.
But the "Godmode" or "Imbagon" is a PvE build-I don't think there is a PvP analog. You could get away with using Defensive Anthem as your elite (works just like Aegis, but unstrippable), with a couple spear attacks, and some adrenaline shouts (Hexbreaker Aria will help your casters and give you free energy). If you want to buff the amount of damage your team is dealing, Anthem of Envy or "Go For The Eyes!" are good choices.