Greetings, I'm Alejandro from Paraguay, Latin America. I have a problem with game performance. First, I run a Toshiba Notebook, specifications:
Pentium 1.96 MHZ; Integrated INTEL 128mb Video-card; 1.5 GB RAM;And a 128 kb/s Cable-modem internet connection.
The PROBLEM: I USUALLY suffer LAG. PING is 400-550 ms(Is it because im in Paraguay? FAr-away from servers?), And FPS vary from 7-25 when I'm in the Island of RA and I get into a Battle, takes 15-20 secs to load(is it because of the texturazing and video processing?) but its almost instantly when I win a enter another consecuent battle, and if i win again, it loads almost instantly again. The moment i loose, im taken back to RA Island and it take around 20 secs to load.
What are your recommendations on Video Quality?? What resolution would be best (i can play 1024x960 and its almost the same FPS and LAG)
WHATS MY PROBLEM? Is my speed connection the problem? or is it the Loading of images or Video Card?
THX so much for repplies
FPS, PING Problem
Ordovian Prince
Super Igor
Probaby A-Nets bad servers or you internet connection, I have same problem for the whole week, ~2k ping and 20 fps, my screen freezes all the time too, never had that problem to that extent, ever.
But you use a laptop, they are considerred which is bad for gaming.
But you use a laptop, they are considerred which is bad for gaming.
Tamuril elansar
first, your specs are just enough to run gw on low, and ping can be because your far away from euro servers and american servers, this can be solved by changing districts.
Ordovian Prince
yeah, but there are districts in america and europe, right? im in the middle of south america, next to Argentina and Brazil.
When i play the battles the FPS can get up to 27.. but when it loads back to RA Island it takes 20 secs. when it loads the next battle, 2 secs.. why is that???
When i play the battles the FPS can get up to 27.. but when it loads back to RA Island it takes 20 secs. when it loads the next battle, 2 secs.. why is that???