Any regrets on remaking your main character?
I regret 2 things on my main. 1, her skin is too pale, and 2, she's a little too short (I've noticed short characters tend to have a few more clipping issues, particularly when carrying anything).
Still, I'd never remake her. Took way too much time to get where she is, and no other character is close, even though I have 2-3 characters I play very regularly. The skin thing seems to be variable depending on the light too, so it's not always as noticeable, and the size thing is only a big deal if she's carrying something.
That said, I did delete my Dervish because of her name (I liked it, but I've got a theme going, all male characters have one last name, females have another), and she was only level 8. My Pre-searing ranger is due for the same treatment, but I'll bring him to post searing, and see if he can get the Grim Cestus before I delete (he's got 3-4 plat and 15-20 dyes on him)
Still, I'd never remake her. Took way too much time to get where she is, and no other character is close, even though I have 2-3 characters I play very regularly. The skin thing seems to be variable depending on the light too, so it's not always as noticeable, and the size thing is only a big deal if she's carrying something.
That said, I did delete my Dervish because of her name (I liked it, but I've got a theme going, all male characters have one last name, females have another), and she was only level 8. My Pre-searing ranger is due for the same treatment, but I'll bring him to post searing, and see if he can get the Grim Cestus before I delete (he's got 3-4 plat and 15-20 dyes on him)
Eru Valenehtar
Originally Posted by Bront
I regret 2 things on my main. 1, her skin is too pale, and 2, she's a little too short
Phoenix Tears
If i have any regrets, then I'd like to remake my main only, just for making its body size a bit larger.
When I made more characters, i did see, that my main character is the smallest of all of them and i don't like it the way it is. I'd like it more, if all my charas have similar size, beign only lke little different in size in range of a few centimentres, but a differences of 1 head and a half is imo too much.
anet has really to give us finally ingame some npcs to change hair style, face style and body size.
It would be awesome, if there would exist a consumable item being called "Elixier of Change" and when use it, players get shown then their Character in the Character Creator Mode, where you will be able then to change the size of your character and its Face Set. When you click then on "finish" the Chara Creator Mode will end and the changes will be saved for your account and your character on it.
For a new hair cut players would have to go to a Hair Styler NPc, so that the game also receives a new gold sink.
You go to it, pay the npc and chara creator mode pops up, lettign you choose a hair style of your choice, regardless of which campain, as logn you own them, thus enabling payers to run finally also tyrian charas with canthan hair style ect pp. if you like to do so
When I made more characters, i did see, that my main character is the smallest of all of them and i don't like it the way it is. I'd like it more, if all my charas have similar size, beign only lke little different in size in range of a few centimentres, but a differences of 1 head and a half is imo too much.
anet has really to give us finally ingame some npcs to change hair style, face style and body size.
It would be awesome, if there would exist a consumable item being called "Elixier of Change" and when use it, players get shown then their Character in the Character Creator Mode, where you will be able then to change the size of your character and its Face Set. When you click then on "finish" the Chara Creator Mode will end and the changes will be saved for your account and your character on it.
For a new hair cut players would have to go to a Hair Styler NPc, so that the game also receives a new gold sink.
You go to it, pay the npc and chara creator mode pops up, lettign you choose a hair style of your choice, regardless of which campain, as logn you own them, thus enabling payers to run finally also tyrian charas with canthan hair style ect pp. if you like to do so
I regret making my first character a male.
Male warriors are plain ugly, no matter the face/hairstyle. But he is just a farming slave since when I fell in love with the ranger class, wich is my real main character.
Male warriors are plain ugly, no matter the face/hairstyle. But he is just a farming slave since when I fell in love with the ranger class, wich is my real main character.
when i remade my main character i didn't make him max height so that pissed me off
My Necro main has been with me for a long time, and I tried rolling another necro to regain that newbie experience, but pre-searing just seems so naff compared to the wondorous world of...wonders that it seemed all those years ago.
My other chars have generally been relegated, although i do have a warrior with Legendary survivor, so i might bust him out at somepoint for a totally different play experience, for the same reason i rolled an assassin purely out of interest, i'd generally slagged off assassins after trying them when factions came out, i didn't really "get" the class, and after seeing a lot of early pug assassins dying rapidly, i assumed they were naff, but now i've rolled one to see how they work, and to have something different from a spellcaster.
For that same reason my monk, mesmer and rit have been pretty much shelved as mules, with my pve ele used for vaettir farming and general ele farming. For pvp i have a pvp mes and ele, i'm tempted to delete my pve mesmer, but i can't quite bring myself to do it.
I've had a few chars that i've created and deleted, i didn't enjoy rangers or dervs, i had a paragon for a year and he was only L4, but if the aforementioned pve mes goes i just might put another paragon in his place.
My other chars have generally been relegated, although i do have a warrior with Legendary survivor, so i might bust him out at somepoint for a totally different play experience, for the same reason i rolled an assassin purely out of interest, i'd generally slagged off assassins after trying them when factions came out, i didn't really "get" the class, and after seeing a lot of early pug assassins dying rapidly, i assumed they were naff, but now i've rolled one to see how they work, and to have something different from a spellcaster.
For that same reason my monk, mesmer and rit have been pretty much shelved as mules, with my pve ele used for vaettir farming and general ele farming. For pvp i have a pvp mes and ele, i'm tempted to delete my pve mesmer, but i can't quite bring myself to do it.
I've had a few chars that i've created and deleted, i didn't enjoy rangers or dervs, i had a paragon for a year and he was only L4, but if the aforementioned pve mes goes i just might put another paragon in his place.
Ethernet Runner
I struggled with this as well for a while, but I can't bring myself to destroy my main...he was the first character I ever created on guild wars, and holds senitmental value to me...I am not the richest person in the world, but I could still delete some of my 15k armor sets, not that hard...but deleting my FIRST character...ugh =P
instead, I find that it is REALLY fun to make a character in pre-searing ascalon. I wouldn't reccomend getting lvl 20 unless you REALLY wanted to..VERY boring thing to do on a pre character. But just playing in pre is fun because it removes all the options of inscribable weapons from the NF update...makes you feel like it was in good old prophecies times...where you ACTUALLY have to work hard to find r9 max items (lower in pre, but get the point) that have the inscription you want on them. Also the difficulty in finding a DOUBLE MODDED SHIELD with max mods that match up =P
instead, I find that it is REALLY fun to make a character in pre-searing ascalon. I wouldn't reccomend getting lvl 20 unless you REALLY wanted to..VERY boring thing to do on a pre character. But just playing in pre is fun because it removes all the options of inscribable weapons from the NF update...makes you feel like it was in good old prophecies times...where you ACTUALLY have to work hard to find r9 max items (lower in pre, but get the point) that have the inscription you want on them. Also the difficulty in finding a DOUBLE MODDED SHIELD with max mods that match up =P
I currently have 3 maxed titles on my main character (Ranger) and have beaten every campaign on him, also have a perfect bow of every kind. I have thought about remaking so I can get Survivor or LDoA, but he'll be 3 years old in 2 weeks. I might just roll a new Ranger or something. I really don't like my main's appearance.
Quick Question: Say I delete my character named "Character X" who has 6 customized weapons, 3 customized armors, etc. etc. And I delete him, and remake under the same name. Could I use all that stuff? Seeing as it's "Customized for Character X", even though it's not the same Character X who got it customized?
Quick Question: Say I delete my character named "Character X" who has 6 customized weapons, 3 customized armors, etc. etc. And I delete him, and remake under the same name. Could I use all that stuff? Seeing as it's "Customized for Character X", even though it's not the same Character X who got it customized?
Monkey Slayer
Don't think so.
I just deleted my ritualist, monk, sin, and necromancer. All because I had made them just for the satisfaction of having another level 20. I plan on taking all the money I got from salvaging their armors (none had 15k of any kind) and probably develop my dervish, as I seem to be taking an interest in him.
EDIT: Forgot to add that my Rit was a 330, Necro was a 55, Monk a 600, and Sin, well just there.
I just deleted my ritualist, monk, sin, and necromancer. All because I had made them just for the satisfaction of having another level 20. I plan on taking all the money I got from salvaging their armors (none had 15k of any kind) and probably develop my dervish, as I seem to be taking an interest in him.
EDIT: Forgot to add that my Rit was a 330, Necro was a 55, Monk a 600, and Sin, well just there.
Many people will tell you not because of the armor and titles you have, but in the end it's what you want. Do what feels best in your heart and don't pay attention to anyone else. My regret is my characters name, but I really don't care that much. Many people say they have a "main", but I personally get very bored playing the same character whether that be for skills, armor, or just that class. I would try making a new character, but don't make the same profession, instead try something you've never played or haven't played much.
Originally Posted by Kanyatta
I currently have 3 maxed titles on my main character (Ranger) and have beaten every campaign on him, also have a perfect bow of every kind. I have thought about remaking so I can get Survivor or LDoA, but he'll be 3 years old in 2 weeks. I might just roll a new Ranger or something. I really don't like my main's appearance.
Quick Question: Say I delete my character named "Character X" who has 6 customized weapons, 3 customized armors, etc. etc. And I delete him, and remake under the same name. Could I use all that stuff? Seeing as it's "Customized for Character X", even though it's not the same Character X who got it customized? |

I deleted my original ranger at lvl 12ish? and have always regretted it a bit. He was only part way to LA and had acheived very little but I preferred the prophs look over the remade Factions Character.
Tender Wolf
I love my main character, I just wish I could change her name once in a while. But for the most part I don't regret it.
ive only deleted 2 characters on my main account. a male mesmer that was remade into a female and a male ele that months later was remade a female. my account will be 3 in september. i have atleast one of every profession and as of now 7 of the 10 professions are also triple protectors. i also have 2nd monk and ranger. i didnt delete them due to my ranger and monk were the first 2 characters i made. i just made new ones due to minor name and appearance changes.
yes, i would have been reaching my 33rd month by now... ah well! 24th will have to do!
i made my warrior really ugly. he was made when NF was made so i just wanted to explore a bit and soon after he became my main but i dont like how he looks but i wouldnt have the guts to remake him hes got 5 sets of 15k armor and good weapons (custamized)
??? L??wLi????????? ???
none what so ever

Sha Noran
Gaile Gray and I picked the same face for our Rangers... of course I didn't learn this until I met her. I have no bigger regret.
I just regret that I deleted my First character, and the seccond.
How stupid can a person be :P
How stupid can a person be :P
meh at the beginning i remaked my nec 22months ago i did regret bit but not anymore and now i dont remake i just make another, thats why got 3monks
I definitely regret remaking my formerly main necromancer of nearly three years. Especially with the proposed Hall of Monuments change.
Angel Killuminati
I've created and destroyed my characters plenty of times over the years. The only reason I do that is through boredom and not having enough slots. My regrets? The amount of cash I've whittled away.
aaje vhanli
The only thing I regret is the hair on my first character. Now that I see the updated armours, I wish I picked a hair style that would better suit the majority of them. When I first created him, I had absolutely no idea what to expect, so I based the hair off the starter armour (lol).
I often consider remaking him; but I figure, if I do, I'll just leave the original for storage/birthdays and use one of my extra slots to make him look better.
As far as the name is concerned, I thought of a spelling that I like better that would -virtually- be the exact same name. Hell, this thread has inspired me to consider making the new version now
I often consider remaking him; but I figure, if I do, I'll just leave the original for storage/birthdays and use one of my extra slots to make him look better.
As far as the name is concerned, I thought of a spelling that I like better that would -virtually- be the exact same name. Hell, this thread has inspired me to consider making the new version now

Lady Raenef
My main character is a bit too tall for my tastes in a female character. Not the tallest a female warrior can go, about half that, but I'd rather her shorter. Short girls rule. I would also change the hair style too.
Don't delete your main character. Just make a new one. When I get desperately bored of my warrior, I made an assassin. When I was desperately bored of both of them, I just recently made a monk. Spent money on the whiney thing to make sure I would hesitate to deleting it so quickly. But then again, I made a Dervish, beat Nightfall, got Primeval, deleted it....haha.
Don't delete your main character. Just make a new one. When I get desperately bored of my warrior, I made an assassin. When I was desperately bored of both of them, I just recently made a monk. Spent money on the whiney thing to make sure I would hesitate to deleting it so quickly. But then again, I made a Dervish, beat Nightfall, got Primeval, deleted it....haha.
I wouldn't remake my main. I don't have the patience for it. I started to make a clone on a second account so I could have something that I'm familiar with playing to get through the chapters with quickly, and about level 4 I just stopped playing him. Made something completely different and loved it. Keep your main and love it despite the few things you wished you'd done differently.
I also struggled with this when I got tired of my very first (and main) character's name (my fault with coming up with a dumb name when I first started playing).
Not too many regrets after deleting... since I've been enjoying my new main character who is almost caught up to the old one... only time I regret is when I see other people getting birthday presents or when I am spending money on things like cap signets all over again.
Not too many regrets after deleting... since I've been enjoying my new main character who is almost caught up to the old one... only time I regret is when I see other people getting birthday presents or when I am spending money on things like cap signets all over again.
Originally Posted by Malice Black
Roll another char of the same profession. |
i got fow and stuff for the secondary
and wound up coming back to play on my main char.... and im getting fow for him now too =p
Originally Posted by Malice Black
Roll another char of the same profession. |
I've deleted a couple with assassin wearing vabbian for the latest (of course I salvaged it for the materials first). Made him, 23 hours later got vabbian.. use it for total of 78 hours.. >.> what a waste of money..
seeing how you got obsidian and all that I'd not recommend it.
The outposts and missions to unlock an outpost is a b*tch.. I can also bet that you will only feel excited on the couple 10 hours of gameplay, but then regret it cause you've done it before and now only to waste your time doing it again.
my 2c...
seeing how you got obsidian and all that I'd not recommend it.
The outposts and missions to unlock an outpost is a b*tch.. I can also bet that you will only feel excited on the couple 10 hours of gameplay, but then regret it cause you've done it before and now only to waste your time doing it again.
my 2c...
The only things I don't like about my main is that she will never be able to get Survivor or LDoA.
Everything else about her is perfect. Hair, face, skin...
I would change the name of my dervish, though. It includes the word 'Asura' >_<.
Everything else about her is perfect. Hair, face, skin...
I would change the name of my dervish, though. It includes the word 'Asura' >_<.