Some Stuff
**********Close, everything gone.*************
akio pwns
dolyak prod staff pls
gladius of wa
can i get a maul plz ign <<<< i got hacked the other day by a key decrypter so anet say thats what it was so i basically have to start from scratch as far as weapons and money so i would like the maul so i can use.
Eldritch maul would be nice thx
IGN: Ynesse Shen Cloud
IGN: Ynesse Shen Cloud
split chakram please IGN: Hosija v i i
Eldritch maul if you still have it
IGN: Taos De Romanis
IGN: Taos De Romanis
Wnx Mreslayer
eldritch/dolyak/prod whatever you have left mate
IGN: Original Playa
IGN: Original Playa