[DAWG] The Demon Dawg Knights, has been around for over a year and is the leader of an 8 guild alliance, since we have had a few guilds merge together. We are mostly American, tho we have members and guilds in Europe as well and also would like to see Australia represented since we have a couple of members from there too. We are primarily PVE tho some are into PVP ( AB, RA, TA, mostly with some GVG interest). We do HM missions, Vanqs, Elite missions and Dungeons and many of us are farmers. We have a Vent server and use it daily for the fun we have with the friends we have made here. None of our guilds is large compared to some, but most have at least 25 members. We think that keeping things small and close knit makes for a better time with eachother, instead of massive guilds that are no better than joining with PUGs. Here we know everyone by name and that makes it more personal. We have found that the social aspect of the game is what keeps us going strong. We have no faction requirements and no real rules. Just a group of laid back adults having fun playing a game together.
We are seeking a couple of new guilds to join with us, since i'm sure all have noticed a decline in the interest in this game with everyone gaining their maxed titles, and we would like to continue on til GW2 comes out and we start over again with a ready made friendship base. Guilds from USA, EU, AUS and any other english speaking prefered.
Members need to be 18 and over since the language we use and humour we have is not well suited for minors or their parents who might be annoyed with that. Tho we will consider acceptions since we do have a couple of teenagers of parents who play with us. We dont require daily play but at least once a week at minimum would be nice. Players of all levels accepted from new players to HM title mongers.
Any questions contact in game, Chael Lycanthalas: Alliance Leader, Whose Your Kitty: Officer, Exxs Evil Sister: Officer. Or leave a message here.
Dying Guild or Alliance? Join [DAWG]. Recruiting laid back Kurzik members and Guilds.