Paragon Heroes and their use
I've been having trouble finding a good Paragon Hero use. Now, I don't have a large amount of paragon skills or any Elites unlocked for them, so that might be part of it, but where do you find Paragon Heroes are usefull, and any useful builds?
(and yes, I'm familiar with the 3 Paragon team requiring you to be a paragon, I mean outside of that).
(and yes, I'm familiar with the 3 Paragon team requiring you to be a paragon, I mean outside of that).
Marty Silverblade
You can run the 3 paragon team minus the player if you play a profession that can keep SY up, otherwise that won't work.
It really depends on your bar and the other Heroes and Henchies you're running. Pick skills that will synergise or augment their skillbars eg [[they're on fire] with [[searing flames], [[lyric of zeal] with [[signet of rejuvenation] or [[signet of removal], [[aria of zeal] / [[hexbreaker aria] / [[defensive anthem] to support get the picture.
I've run Rac's build successfully with other X/W toons, it's a solid starting point for any physical build.
I've run Rac's build successfully with other X/W toons, it's a solid starting point for any physical build.
My 2 heaviest use characters are a Monk and a Mesmer, if that helps.
Like I said, I'm talking besides Rac's build. Do you need 2 in general? Will only 1 be an effective physical?
Andy why is Hexbreaker Aria a Leadership skill if specing in it doesn't change anything? Shouldn't it be unassigned?
I guess I'd like good builds for Physical support, caster support, etc. I just haven't found one that seems to work well for me, though it's possable it's just my lack of skills for a Paragon. The things that work for the paragon I play involve more thought than the hero paragons do. (I used to keep up [Mending Refrain] with my Paragon constantly before the nerf to 15 sec duration, but I haven't gotten her off Istani yet.)
Like I said, I'm talking besides Rac's build. Do you need 2 in general? Will only 1 be an effective physical?
Andy why is Hexbreaker Aria a Leadership skill if specing in it doesn't change anything? Shouldn't it be unassigned?
I guess I'd like good builds for Physical support, caster support, etc. I just haven't found one that seems to work well for me, though it's possable it's just my lack of skills for a Paragon. The things that work for the paragon I play involve more thought than the hero paragons do. (I used to keep up [Mending Refrain] with my Paragon constantly before the nerf to 15 sec duration, but I haven't gotten her off Istani yet.)
I always used Sabs 3 necros, but now Ive switched in a couple of megaruned paragons to bump up the damage, these are the builds I tend to use:
[build prof=P/Mo name="Empathic Paragon" box][Blazing Spear][Spear Of Redemption][Anthem Of Flame][Aria Of Restoration][Empathic Removal][Ballad Of Restoration][Aggressive Refrain][Signet Of Return][/build]
[build prof=P name="Cruel Spear Paragon" box][Cruel Spear][Disrupting Throw][Harrier's Toss]["Go For The Eyes!"]["Stand Your Ground!"]["Fall Back!"][Aggressive Refrain][Signet Of Return][/build]
Its like having a couple of high armoured monks (ok, maybe not quite the same healing capability, but they do pretty well!) with warrior DPS. Tasty.
[build prof=P/Mo name="Empathic Paragon" box][Blazing Spear][Spear Of Redemption][Anthem Of Flame][Aria Of Restoration][Empathic Removal][Ballad Of Restoration][Aggressive Refrain][Signet Of Return][/build]
[build prof=P name="Cruel Spear Paragon" box][Cruel Spear][Disrupting Throw][Harrier's Toss]["Go For The Eyes!"]["Stand Your Ground!"]["Fall Back!"][Aggressive Refrain][Signet Of Return][/build]
Its like having a couple of high armoured monks (ok, maybe not quite the same healing capability, but they do pretty well!) with warrior DPS. Tasty.
Pyro maniac
I prefer expel over empathic
Originally Posted by Pyro maniac
I prefer expel over empathic
Expel is good too, but I like the condition removal of empathic. Plus if i know im heading into a hex-heavy area then ill squeeze another hex removal somewhere else on a hero bar.
Rac's default build is works great in physical friendly places but you need to re-configure if you intend to fight anti-physical mobs.
I am looking into building a [[Martyr] N/Mo or Mo/Rt hero to remove conditions fast. The /Rt part can help with [[Resilient Weapon] against hexes or conditions.
Another alternative is to use [[Pure was Li Ming] against conditions.
I am looking into building a [[Martyr] N/Mo or Mo/Rt hero to remove conditions fast. The /Rt part can help with [[Resilient Weapon] against hexes or conditions.
Another alternative is to use [[Pure was Li Ming] against conditions.
Pure was Mi Ling is really amazing for condi removal
Can someone post the triple paragon build please?
Wait, what? There's three Paragon heroes?
Paragon player + 2 paragon heros.
Originally Posted by minaau
Can someone post the triple paragon build please?
check out the My Paragon Buddies thread.
Your on Fire Paragon and 2 SF Heroes=Dear God they die fast.
Originally Posted by distilledwill
I always used Sabs 3 necros, but now Ive switched in a couple of megaruned paragons to bump up the damage, these are the builds I tend to use:
[build prof=P/Mo name="Empathic Paragon" box][Blazing Spear][Spear Of Redemption][Anthem Of Flame][Aria Of Restoration][Empathic Removal][Ballad Of Restoration][Aggressive Refrain][Signet Of Return][/build]
[build prof=P name="Cruel Spear Paragon" box][Cruel Spear][Disrupting Throw][Harrier's Toss]["Go For The Eyes!"]["Stand Your Ground!"]["Fall Back!"][Aggressive Refrain][Signet Of Return][/build]
Its like having a couple of high armoured monks (ok, maybe not quite the same healing capability, but they do pretty well!) with warrior DPS. Tasty. Lots of skills to fetch. Part of why I like playing multiple characters (Why buy a paragon skill on my mesmer when I can buy it on the paragon who will use it on occasion?).
Both builds look fun.
[build prof=P/Mo name="Empathic Paragon" box][Blazing Spear][Spear Of Redemption][Anthem Of Flame][Aria Of Restoration][Empathic Removal][Ballad Of Restoration][Aggressive Refrain][Signet Of Return][/build]
[build prof=P name="Cruel Spear Paragon" box][Cruel Spear][Disrupting Throw][Harrier's Toss]["Go For The Eyes!"]["Stand Your Ground!"]["Fall Back!"][Aggressive Refrain][Signet Of Return][/build]
Its like having a couple of high armoured monks (ok, maybe not quite the same healing capability, but they do pretty well!) with warrior DPS. Tasty. Lots of skills to fetch. Part of why I like playing multiple characters (Why buy a paragon skill on my mesmer when I can buy it on the paragon who will use it on occasion?).
Both builds look fun.
In most pve zones, I love having two paragons heroes to chain
[skill]"Fall Back!"[/skill]
Even without TNTF, they dish out good dps and some support with the 7 open slots.
[skill]"Fall Back!"[/skill]
Even without TNTF, they dish out good dps and some support with the 7 open slots.
A motigon is a pretty nice addition to the party. He can do damage and support the party.
Ballad of restoration + Song of restoration were nerfed but are still decent. The rest of the bar is up to the player.
They're on fire/Blazing finale are very nice in a team with fire eles.
Ballad of restoration + Song of restoration were nerfed but are still decent. The rest of the bar is up to the player.
They're on fire/Blazing finale are very nice in a team with fire eles.
Originally Posted by Hundbert
Ballad of restoration + Song of restoration were nerfed but are still decent.
"Never Surrender" at a 10 spec will return 120 health over its duration with a 20 second recharge returning a possible 360 health a minute. Ballad at a similar spec is 55 health which works out to 110 health a minute, and Song of Restoration will get you 88 health, 176 a minute. Using both the elite slot and another slot doesn't even make up for the healing provided by a skill from a different line. They're a tad weak now.
Yes "Never Surrender!" has the conditional aspect of 75%, but anyone above that threshold doesn't really need the healing anyway. It's also a heal over time. However it would only take NS half its duration to heal for as much as BoR and 11 of the 15 seconds to cover the elite. Ultimately the best option would be Mending Refrain with something like Anthem of Flame, as Mending Refrain heals for the same amount as NS without the conditional. Mending Refrain also goes to work as soon as any target drops below max health.
Yes "Never Surrender!" has the conditional aspect of 75%, but anyone above that threshold doesn't really need the healing anyway. It's also a heal over time. However it would only take NS half its duration to heal for as much as BoR and 11 of the 15 seconds to cover the elite. Ultimately the best option would be Mending Refrain with something like Anthem of Flame, as Mending Refrain heals for the same amount as NS without the conditional. Mending Refrain also goes to work as soon as any target drops below max health.
Stormlord Alex
Originally Posted by Racthoh
Serious question now... What if the motigon became a healagon with [[light of [email protected]]? You could spec an easy 11/10 in Healing and it's pretty strong - roughly ~300 health per minute - but it's 'spikey' red-bar work. The 'gon could then easily support another awesome monk support skill, like [[cure [email protected]], or even [[signet of [email protected]] if your tastes swing that way.
(... ok, ok, I saw a para with LoD on obs and I just got thinking after the last moti nerf )
Originally Posted by Stormlord Alex
Or get an SY bot, and HoTs in some places will be enough to keep the party up.
Quote: Light of Deliverance I'll grab what was posted elsewhere's:
Originally Posted by TheHaxor
Average recharge of LoD (with 40/40): 8.1 s
Healing (per person): 48 (at 10, which is what they were running) Average uses over a 30 s period: 3.70 Average healing output over 30 s period (per person): 178 health Average health per second (per person): 5.93 Health per energy invested (per person): 9.6 Average recharge of SoR+BoR: 30 s SoR+BoR healing (per person): 59+93=152 (at 11 motivation) Average uses over a 30 s period: 1 Average healing output over 30 s period (per person): 152 Average health per second (per person): 5.07 Health per energy invested (per person): 7.6 This all assumes you aren't going to be lazy and actually offhand switch for LoD. LoD will net you more health per second than SoR+BoR combined and it will net you more health per energy invested. Basically, it isn't a terrible idea since party heals are still needed somewhere. From here: Stormlord Alex
Originally Posted by Racthoh
From here: Good to know, I guess. As long as the healagon hero knows when to hit LoD (unless I really need to bind it to a key ) then I guess it's pretty solid afterall. Ohhhh, and it saves me a skill slot compared to SoR+BoR. I liek empty slots on a class with infinite energy... *evil grin* Super Igor
I still cant find anything para to sync with an assassin...
~Super Igor ~ Bront
Originally Posted by Super Igor
I still cant find anything para to sync with an assassin...
~Super Igor ~ You're not trying. The one thing I can easily find is paragon synergy with physicals. [[Anthem of Flame] adds burning to attack skills (assassins use those). Heck, here's a list of skills that launch with attack skills: [[Anthem of Disruption], [[Anthem of Envy], [[Anthem of Flame], [[Anthem of Fury], [[Anthem of Guidance], [[Anthem of Weariness], [[Crippling Anthem], [[Defensive Anthem], [[Zealous Anthem] Let along 4 other that activate with any skill activiation, [[Song of Concentration], [[Song of Purification], [[Song of Power], [[Song of Restoration]. I'd think Crippling Anthem and Anthem of Weariness would synergize well with a Sin. Jump in, cripple and weaken your opponent while you strike, get out, and if he's still alive, he can't chase you, and if he still manages to catch you, he's weakened. Not to mention if the Paragon can attract targets for the Sin to beat on, as they're more durable than a Sin. xDusT II
My general set up for non imbagon characters is as follows, give or take a few skills depending on the type of area I'm facing:
Paragon Hero 1: Cruel Spear, Vicious Attack, "Go for the Eyes!", "Never Surrender!", Anthem of Flame, Anthem of Envy, Aggressive Refrain, Signet of Return Paragon Hero 2: Spear of Lightning, Blazing Spear/Generic spear attack, "Watch Yourself!", Song of Restoration, Ballad of Restoration, "Shield's Up!"/Optional, Aggressive Refrain, Signet of Return. Necro Hero: Enfeebling Blood, Reckless Haste, Spiteful Spirit, Barbs, Foul Feast, Rip Enchantment, Signet of Lost Souls, Res SoR and Ballad are only temporary changes, haven't bothered to do the math between SoR + Ballad vs LoD (Before and after the change). |