Now there are ppl who like to afk in the oddest places and I wondered does anyone reading this go afk in a pacific place. For example Olafstead the home of the Norn point farmers. I have seen SO many afk monks if no one has farmed Norn rep points in HM before the requirements for a Norn run is 2 HB monks and 6 ursans. I just wondered why these people pick that particular place to go afk it’s just so MEAN there are ppl who have all but 1 monk and they invite about 20 monks which are obviously afk. This got me thinking perhaps ppl enjoy going AFK in areas where there class is needed

Another example is this person who is always in the evenings is afk at beacons perch I will not mention her name but basically it suggests she runs ppl to droks

So my question to you lot is when you go afk do u map to a particular place and then go afk. Or do u just go afk ....anywhere.
Plz post your answers