The item was value at 616g prior to adding the improved sale value inscription - now its at 689
Best Gold Value (to Merchant) on an item
I was running the buried treasure/tresure chest/do not touches in NF today and got this conjuring staff (see pic) and was wondering if anyone else had seen a merch vale for an item this high? Post your highest value items as well!
The item was value at 616g prior to adding the improved sale value inscription - now its at 689
The item was value at 616g prior to adding the improved sale value inscription - now its at 689
Malice Black
Highest I've seen, and I've seen a lot
Wnx Mreslayer
750g for lockpick.
Malice Black
Lockpick isn't a gold item though.
Wow, nice find
my best was a long sword, 500g merchant value (no more no less, exactly 500

Esoteric Mesmer
That is highest I have ever seen, one of my guildies had a 427g or some thing like that a while back, but never anything as high as +600.
Count Feanor
Dang, I farm fairly often, and I've never seen gold item that got me more than 500g; the highest I think I've seen is probably 488g or something like that. That staff sucks too; interesting.

My highest is 512g but the majority I have only goes for little more than 300-350g.
Blimy, never seen one that high. My highest was around 490, and i've ID'd nearly 6000 golds now.
i rarely go over 400 ^^
there was a thread about this the other month, im pretty sure someone got 700+
Gin Cometh
This is that thread Clicky in which i have the highest with a screenshot .
I got a few in the low 500s but usually it is in the high 300 to 400s range.
Sir Pandra Pierva
my highest has been 730 with the improved inscription mod
I've got up to 600 area with this one from one of those chests as well. I usually get 200-300 though.
My highest was 547.
i've made it into the high 400s, never that in the 600s. i wish all rare were 600+
Powerful White Man
I'm sure the old timers like Malice remember when 400something was the max possible value.. Haha.

Nemo the Capitalist
that staff does suck
507 for me xD.
Those Nightfall free treasures are the source for exceptionally high merch values, those drops don't follow the standard item generation rules, a higher, above the max base item level may be the cause. Inspired by this thread I just did a rerun of some of those treasures, all were purples but one has a merch value of 258g - higher than regular lv24 purps can drop with (they don't go above 230g). I believe NF treasures should be able drop a purp with value above 300g.
Now that Icy Hand Axe is more interesting than those NF treasure drops, I believe it must have dropped from an unusual source like an unlocked chest.
Now that Icy Hand Axe is more interesting than those NF treasure drops, I believe it must have dropped from an unusual source like an unlocked chest.
Oh yes the staff does suck ftl - but feel like i shoudl keep it (until i get one of higher value ^^)
Get a perfect "Show me the Money" inscription for it too, to make it even higher
You used a +73g one, I know +74g are fairly common, but haven't seen a +75 yet. No idea what's the max, I haven't been paying enough attention to that.

think mine was 458 or something without a value increase mod, i dont recall ever getting one into the 500's or over.
I Can Cure Cancer
Wow, the highest I've ever gotten was an oni blade for like 460 gold.
Lawrence Chang
The new gold Proph End-Game craftable Deld Items sell for 1k200g to merchants
Think the best i have had is like 462 or so, and it had aweful mods.