March 7, 1588 CC
It’s been a long, harsh past two months since my loyal father’s life was taken from him. Why do these gangs of Kaineng believe that they can get away with anything and make their own laws? They all deserve to die, the whole lot of them! I will avenge my father’s death and punish those that break the laws. Justice will be served!
March 10, 1588 CC
At last I have ventured out on my own. My family strongly believes in strength and fighting for what you believe in. I intend to do just that. I left with only a note to my mother and younger siblings explaining that I am going to fulfill my destiny and do what I was raised to do, which is to fight for my beliefs. I hope they wish me well and don’t worry about me. I can take care of myself.
March 14, 1588 CC
I’ve killed my first enemy today! An Am Fah ambush was no match for me! I am a survivor, and as such, will not die, especially by the gangs of Cantha. My only regret is that the ambush was not by members of the Jade Brotherhood, as they are the ones that struck my father down.
I’ve contemplated joining the Brotherhood as an ally, and then getting close enough to their leader to destroy the whole lot. But rumor has it that both gangs have multiple leaders in various parts of the city, so I would be doing no good. I would merely be scratching a tough surface.
March 17, 1588 CC
I was able to catch the Vanquishing Vendetta, the killer who’s been slaughtering vanquishing travelers for the mere pleasure of it, yesterday. It felt good to bring him down. I couldn’t kill him, but I did manage to restrain him long enough to deliver him anonymously to the authorities.
I’ve been killing all lawbreakers I’ve come up against (with the exception, of course, of the Vanquishing Vendetta), but alas, the authorities are searching for me. Thanks to the new newspaper, The Tyrian Chronicle, my life is at risk. They even had a description of my copper-colored hair. I don’t know how they spotted me, but at least that’s all they know. I will continue my destiny. The gangs must pay! I will show those low-lives that they can’t get away with everything. This is my home and I know more about it than anyone else. Those lawbreakers will pay for what they did to my father.
March 20, 1588 CC
Blast! I was spotted while writing my last entry! I managed to escape, but my last entry was ripped in half. The authorities found it and turned it into The Tyrian Chronicle. Now authorities are going to be questioning all citizens they can to see if they know of someone with revenge on their mind based on the entry. They have no leads, but I must be more cautious.
The way the magazine and citizens praise this Shadow Savior, to whom I am supposedly a copycat, makes me sick. Some are even hoping for her to capture me. But I hate the way she’s worshipped. She’s only doing what she is for the fame despite what others say. I, on the other hand, have a purpose. But why is it me that the authorities are after? I’m no different than the Shadow Savior, except I leave the criminals dead rather than alive when I can. Don’t they want criminals off the street? This is how they thank me? By putting a bounty on my head and calling me a vigilante criminal myself? That makes me so angry!
But regardless, I have a purpose and a destination, and I will not rest until I fulfill both.
March 31, 1588 CC
During this time, I’ve managed to brave the Underworld and tame a dire black widow. It’s a good thing too, seeing as he saved my life yesterday. The authorities somehow managed to set a trap for me by having one of the guards pose as a member of the Jade Brotherhood. I don’t know how they know that the Brotherhood was my arch-enemy but that’s beside the point.
The guards captured me with a wooden cage, but my loyal spider soaked his fangs into the guards’ flesh, chewed through the wooden cage, and we both escaped. But things are getting very serious. I’ll be no good to my father or family if I’m captured or killed. It may be time to flee.
April 9, 1588 CC
Authorities have been questioning everyone to see if they know of someone with revenge on their mind based on my diary entry they found. I’ve been watching over my home and family at night and, though I miss them, I know they must be proud of me.
Mother was uncooperative when she was interrogated, so the authorities are now going to look into our family history records. I hope they don’t piece the puzzles together.
April 17, 1588 CC
The authorities have discovered my identity! And The Tyrian Chronicle has posted it along with a recent photo of me! My worst fear and nightmare has become real. It is no longer safe here. The Jade Brotherhood outnumber me anyway. But that doesn’t mean I can’t stop crime elsewhere. It’s everywhere.
I know my family must have suspected me all along, but they’re clearly on my side. A Wolfkin never betrays a family member. And now that my family knows my motive (the whole story was published in the newspaper and they even guessed my motive right on target), I’ sure they understand even more.
Nevertheless, I must escape and reside somewhere that hopefully no one will be looking for or find me, or have even heard of me.
April 22, 1588 CC
It’s been a long journey, but I’ve finally arrived at the perfect place for me – the Far Shiverpeaks. Creatures called the Norn live here, and they value strength over all. We have much in common.
I’ve befriended Jora, Sif Shadowhunter, Olaf Olafson, Olrun Olofdottir, and Egil Fireteller. They shared with me a tournament where if one can defeat Magni the Bison, he or she would prove to be truly supreme. They also told me that I’m very much like a Vabbian dervish named Kahmu – a Norn born in the wrong body. I intend to stay here and use the thrill of combat to ease my anger. But I must not make myself too public or I could be caught.
April 30, 1588 CC
I’ve still managed to stop crimes of humans who travel here to the Far Shiverpeaks, but I’ve been hiding the bodies in my secret place this time. I haven’t yet bested Magni, but I hope to do that and become known as a Slayer of Wurms. Perhaps I’ll get a woad to conceal my face for safety.
I’ve also met Kahmu. He seems to respect me because we are so much alike, but for now I only see us as combat comrades.
May 10, 1588 CC
I’ve been in the Far Shiverpeaks for several weeks now, but I often wonder what my family is doing and how they’re getting along. But I can’t go home to visit them because the authorities would most likely catch me, and I’d be putting them in danger.
I’m afraid to even right them. I shouldn’t be afraid of anything, but I don’t want to get caught. I shouldn’t because I was doing nothing wrong but trying to live up to my father’s name and punish the criminals of society.
But still, until further notice, I don’t know what I’m going to do other than reside here with my Norn friends.
Diaries of a Vigilante (Kahlendra Wolfkin)
Tender Wolf
Pretty nice, very creative. Looking forward to reading more of the story. Cant wait till you get to asuran territory im sure there will be some cool stuff to write about when you are there