new consumable idea
heres my though go ahead and close if theres already a tread about this
so i was thinking what if you could get a consumable that would have 1 use but it would require a lot of resoces to make but it would alow you to move any completed title from one ch to another but once it had been moved once it wouldn't be able to be moved again. the main use would be to enable people to have both survivor and Ldoa on one ch. and make it so if you have one title filled out on one ch you would be able to transfer it to a title heavy ch.
an other twist to that could be you only get it when you reach a rank in the "i am kind of a big deal title track"
i dont know exactly how it would work but there is my idea.
so i was thinking what if you could get a consumable that would have 1 use but it would require a lot of resoces to make but it would alow you to move any completed title from one ch to another but once it had been moved once it wouldn't be able to be moved again. the main use would be to enable people to have both survivor and Ldoa on one ch. and make it so if you have one title filled out on one ch you would be able to transfer it to a title heavy ch.
an other twist to that could be you only get it when you reach a rank in the "i am kind of a big deal title track"
i dont know exactly how it would work but there is my idea.
no. worse idea. its Ldoa btw
It's already possible to get LDoA+LS on one character (unless it got nerfed, I don't recall).
kev read
It did...
Wraith Heart
For 10 minutes, you and your entire party gain +300 health, each attack made steals 3 health and you gain immunity from all fire and dark damage. If you die with the Wraith Heart effect still in use, you suffer double death penalty.
For 10 minutes, you and your entire party gain +300 health, each attack made steals 3 health and you gain immunity from all fire and dark damage. If you die with the Wraith Heart effect still in use, you suffer double death penalty.
/notsigned to both suggestion.
Title moving is a little dumb and Wraith Heart will get exploited for many many dungeons.
Title moving is a little dumb and Wraith Heart will get exploited for many many dungeons.
Rofl consumables!
What's next, buffing ursan?
What's next, buffing ursan?
Marty Silverblade
Title moving is dumb. Titles are accounts of your achievements (or how much money you have, really). Moving them about defies sense.
ok, this idea actually made me laugh ^^ no way
/not signed from me, sry
/not signed from me, sry
... at least i am coming up with ideas.
i see so many treads about how they want to change the survivor title and LDOA. this is just one way that people could get it on there "main" once they have already gotten it on another character.
i see so many treads about how they want to change the survivor title and LDOA. this is just one way that people could get it on there "main" once they have already gotten it on another character.
We have another contestant for Sardelac rewards!
Originally Posted by Zesbeer
... at least i am coming up with ideas.
I guess he at least comes up with ideas too
there is no hope for people who post Suggestions on this forum. because they get instantly flamed. because apparently everyone loves how the game runs and is now.
a sin with LDoA i lolled xD
no seriously bad idea
what's next
a con that allows you to transfer title points from other chars?
you can constantly keep filling NM books and spill the points to an R8 char then gg
if you wanna come up with ideas
make it good ideas lmao
if you want titles available for all your chars go get a PvP title
a sin with LDoA i lolled xD
no seriously bad idea
what's next
a con that allows you to transfer title points from other chars?
you can constantly keep filling NM books and spill the points to an R8 char then gg
if you wanna come up with ideas
make it good ideas lmao
if you want titles available for all your chars go get a PvP title

Onarik Amrak
Originally Posted by BlackSephir
What's next, buffing ursan?
Originally Posted by Zesbeer
there is no hope for people who post Suggestions on this forum. because they get instantly flamed. because apparently everyone loves how the game runs and is now.

And not signed, reasons above.
Originally Posted by Zesbeer
there is no hope for people who post Suggestions on this forum. because they get instantly flamed. because apparently everyone loves how the game runs and is now.
Originally Posted by BlackSephir
Stupid suggestions get instantly flamed, which is good. Yours got instantly flammed. That should tell you something.
also please point me in the direction of a suggestion you have made. i was looking though your posts and couldnt find any. please troll less.
Alex the Great
this wwas a dumb suggestion, but definatly not dumb enough to merit this much flaming amiright?
/turns down propane
/turns down propane
Originally Posted by Zesbeer
... at least i am coming up with ideas.
Didn't read the OP, but, don't the people who can't /win PvE have enough??
Sleeper Service
uff suggested to death, not the consumable bit but the end result is the same:
all in all bad idea as the general consensus is that survivor and Ldoa are mutually exclusive.
apart from that bit i suppose its one way to reduce grind....except you would have to grind to get the resources.
which kinda defeats the point.
soooo, i'm not signing this but hey.
all in all bad idea as the general consensus is that survivor and Ldoa are mutually exclusive.
apart from that bit i suppose its one way to reduce grind....except you would have to grind to get the resources.
which kinda defeats the point.
soooo, i'm not signing this but hey.
Ok not flaming here, I can behave (shut up or I'll smack ya!) Zesbeer here is why I disagree with your idea. Some titles are unavailable to some characters. such as Legendary Defender of Ascalon. It would take a lot of coding (which aint happening) to move just certain titles to certain chars. While I would like to add some of my stuff up and put it all on one char, I think this would be 1: hard to do and 2: piss alot of trolls off.
good try though.
~the rat~
good try though.
~the rat~
the 55 warrior?!?
HA ROFL its stuff like this that makes me wish proph was taken off market after a year and fac and nf were expantions like EotN
i miss the old GW without 2mil. noobs annoying you to the point you want to quit GW for good
i miss the old GW without 2mil. noobs annoying you to the point you want to quit GW for good