Three hunts and a party!



Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2007

Highland Tsunami [HT]


In honor of Guild Wars' third birthday, Highland Tsunami's third year anniversary and Katherine's main character's third year of creation, there will be three treasure hunts hosted by HT and it's alliance members. Each hunt will take place in a different area of the world, so if you only own one game, you can still join in the fun. All guilds are welcome, even those that may have fought with me in the past. >.> It's gonna be a day for fun and the winners of each event will be honored in a huge party after all three contests are over! Here is the schedual for the sunday events, come if you wish at any time!

First treasure hunt: LA int 1 noon eastern time till 1:10pm

Second treasure hunt: Ran Munsu gardens int 1 2pm eastern time till 2:40pmish

Third treasure hunt: Kamadan int 1 3pm eastern time till 3:40ish

End party: HT guild hall 4pm eastern till whenever it ends.

For the party, it's bring your own policy on food. There will be fireworks, dancing and honoring of the winners for each of the three contests! If you need an invite into the party, message me so I can write you up on the list. Don't worry, it's free to get in. ^^ We will be seeing you on Sunday!

EDIT: Since some don't know what a treasure hunt is, lemme explain. A treasure hunt is basically, a scavenger hunt that is also a race. You race from the beginning town to another town, picking up certain items for points. The items will be announced before the race but not their point values (to make it more interesting ^^ ). When you hit each town, you will be informed by a correspondent (someone in our alliance who is told to go and wait there) where you need to go next. The game is done in a team, and the limit for team size depends on the area and if its all level 20s. Those limits will be told at the start of the event. That's about all you need to know, anymore questions, say so. ^^

EDIT again: Alright, to answer his question it is simple. There are also points awarded for how fast you get there (ie, first, second and third) or if you make it within a time limit. Also, I have ran each of these myself, they will get plenty of points. So don't worry!



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2007

The Ice Wastes in the Underworld.

The Renegades Of Ascalon


Hey, may i ask what the treasure hunts actually entail? Are they scavenger hunt's or what?

please make this a little more detailed,it seems a good idea!




Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2007

Highland Tsunami [HT]


Will update now what a hunt is. ^^ thanks for letting me know, I guess I've mentioned what it is to my alliance too much and forgot some don't know. ^^"



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2008

The Forgotten Scorpion, TFS


Wouldn't they have to spend time felling foes in order to get an item to drop? Meaning that they'd have to quickly clear a whole area to hope to get enough points. When the time comes to explain this, try to make it as simple as possible, as people will have something to complain about at the end if you weren't 100% crystal clear on the matter.



Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2007

Highland Tsunami [HT]


I will fix that now, thanks.



Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2007

Highland Tsunami [HT]


Hey people, event is about to start, head over to LA fast! ^^