Our guild (Mmmm Mmmm (BBQ)) recently branched off to form it's own alliance and is currently looking for more guilds to join up with us. We are primarily a PvE based guild but have a plethora of players(including myself) who dapple in PvP. We have ~80 total players in our guild (all active) and have one other guild in our alliance thus far, Kabal of the Righteous (Seed). We are a Kurzick alliance and are interested in pairing up with more guilds that are PvX. There are no requirements other than the guild seeking to apply be friendly, active and possess a certain level of maturity. We are primarily EST and PSTers. If you are interested (or interested in simply joining our guild) please send a PM to Mary Mog or any of my officers (see Wiki page.)

BBQs Wiki Page