Limit Rollerbeetle Racing High Scores
Another round of racing another round of 10-15 people getting the highest scores. Congrats to the top racers, but this has become the same people over and over, who then sell the minis for outrageous prices
(1750 ectos approx 8 million gold). People should only be allowed thier highest score per account. This would address this domination by a few players and at the same time not punish them for their outstanding skills. Someone scores a 480,000 and an hour later they score a 482,000 then the 480 score drops off the list completely to be replaced by the 482. At the same time this would open up the opportunity for others to win.
Also, I am not sure if the prize is limited to one per account or one per character. If it is one per character that also should be corrected.
(1750 ectos approx 8 million gold). People should only be allowed thier highest score per account. This would address this domination by a few players and at the same time not punish them for their outstanding skills. Someone scores a 480,000 and an hour later they score a 482,000 then the 480 score drops off the list completely to be replaced by the 482. At the same time this would open up the opportunity for others to win.
Also, I am not sure if the prize is limited to one per account or one per character. If it is one per character that also should be corrected.
I think... those who want to win should get better? Unless there's something imba I don't understand, of course (aside from the whole handing out of pets, I heard there was something screwy with that, but that has not a whole lot to do with your suggestion)
Originally Posted by Illfated Fat
I think... those who want to win should get better? Unless there's something imba I don't understand, of course (aside from the whole handing out of pets, I heard there was something screwy with that, but that has not a whole lot to do with your suggestion)
One prize per account.
Unded greased lightnings are only worth like 1000e now because of the black beast argghh, the beetle look-a-like.
no prizes given out this weekend anyways.
Unded greased lightnings are only worth like 1000e now because of the black beast argghh, the beetle look-a-like.
no prizes given out this weekend anyways.
Originally Posted by Tullzinski
Not the point, look at it like a horse race, you cannot have the same horse take the top 10 positions. They are locking out all the other players so they can make a lot of money, plain and simple. If you get the #1 score awesome but you should not be able to get the top 10 scores.
Originally Posted by Ekelon
/unsigned |
top 100 with multiple scores? Thats the reason i havent bothered playing this round, its getting beyond a joke.
Originally Posted by Lykan
Are you serious, you thinks its good that 20 or so ppl can populate the whole
top 100 with multiple scores? Thats the reason i havent bothered playing this round, its getting beyond a joke. /SIGNED |
Originally Posted by Ekelon
i think anet has better things to do than waste their time with a broken minigame. what are you gonna do once you get top 100? bragging rights? it's not like you'll get a beetle "this round" anyways.
Originally Posted by Lykan
yea whatever im sure your enjoying your second mini beetle from this 'broken' minigame
Originally Posted by Lykan
yea whatever im sure your enjoying your second mini beetle from this 'broken' minigame
Mesmer in Need
People who win this have a combination of luck and practice. But this is still buggy. Fix the bugs, or fix borked skills like Super Rollerbeetle which make it that much easier to win w/o skill.
More then 90% of the population can't afford this still, don't complain.
Originally Posted by Ekelon
Unded greased lightnings are only worth like 1000e now ...
More then 90% of the population can't afford this still, don't complain.
El Presidente
Originally Posted by Tullzinski
Not the point, look at it like a horse race, you cannot have the same horse take the top 10 positions. They are locking out all the other players so they can make a lot of money, plain and simple. If you get the #1 score awesome but you should not be able to get the top 10 scores.
So the same player posts 25 of the top 100 scores this round...who cares if there's no prize involved this weekend? You have every given event to practice until the next Canthan New Year for a prize.
This has been brought up in threads since the first race way back when. It hasn't yet been properly addressed by Anet thus far and probably won't ever be. Even if they limited it to a player's fastest time (only) to be recorded in the top 100, who's to say that a player can't record a top 100 score via multiple accounts? Some would still find something to complain about...
Originally Posted by El Presidente
who's to say that a player can't record a top 100 score via multiple accounts? Some would still find something to complain about...
Originally Posted by Ekelon
i think anet has better things to do than waste their time with a broken minigame.
About the arguement with winning a rollerbeetle, do you guys actually know if you get one? As alot of people I was talking say you dont as thats a prize for canthan new year
Jongo River
Every now and again, ANet does something nuts and steadfastly refuses to fix it. This is one of those issues. It's as if the reward system was actually designed to cause frustration. Even if they open the board up to 100 players, I'd still probably not get on it, I imagine there are lots of high 460's who'd beat me, but at least I'd get to see how close I scored to the top 100 *players*.
Kinda glad to hear there's probably not a prize - I played all yesterday afternoon, got as far as 464, but the amount of time it takes to get a lucky start (i.e break free of the rabble without being rammed), then get the multiple SRB's for the score... I don't want to waste another day trying to break into the 70's. Think I'll rapter farm for cupcakes instead.
Every now and again, ANet does something nuts and steadfastly refuses to fix it. This is one of those issues. It's as if the reward system was actually designed to cause frustration. Even if they open the board up to 100 players, I'd still probably not get on it, I imagine there are lots of high 460's who'd beat me, but at least I'd get to see how close I scored to the top 100 *players*.
Kinda glad to hear there's probably not a prize - I played all yesterday afternoon, got as far as 464, but the amount of time it takes to get a lucky start (i.e break free of the rabble without being rammed), then get the multiple SRB's for the score... I don't want to waste another day trying to break into the 70's. Think I'll rapter farm for cupcakes instead.

Phoenix Tears
i said it once and made even a suggestion for a complete new Skill Set, but Rollerbeetle Racing needs a complete new gameplay concept.
Now seeign, that still certain people dominate this game, afterr ram fix, with times, that were only possible with the ram bug, I must ask me, how do these people get still these times.
Such times to get would mean, they must have unhumanous luck to clone from the first 2 boxes on all boxes permanently with super beetle, to have it permanently running -.-
This is IMPOSSIBLE. The ram bug even was like, having in the race 4 super beetles or more after another >.>
This game is definetely broken and needs a total redesign.
This minigame is way too much based on pure luck, not anyhow on Skill. rollerbeetle requires 0 Skill, you need only a bit of knowledge, when it is best to use your Skills and where the boxes are all to get on your road as much as possible.
Now seeign, that still certain people dominate this game, afterr ram fix, with times, that were only possible with the ram bug, I must ask me, how do these people get still these times.
Such times to get would mean, they must have unhumanous luck to clone from the first 2 boxes on all boxes permanently with super beetle, to have it permanently running -.-
This is IMPOSSIBLE. The ram bug even was like, having in the race 4 super beetles or more after another >.>
This game is definetely broken and needs a total redesign.
This minigame is way too much based on pure luck, not anyhow on Skill. rollerbeetle requires 0 Skill, you need only a bit of knowledge, when it is best to use your Skills and where the boxes are all to get on your road as much as possible.
Originally Posted by Phoenix Tears
i said it once and made even a suggestion for a complete new Skill Set, but Rollerbeetle Racing needs a complete new gameplay concept.
Now seeign, that still certain people dominate this game, afterr ram fix, with times, that were only possible with the ram bug, I must ask me, how do these people get still these times. Such times to get would mean, they must have unhumanous luck to clone from the first 2 boxes on all boxes permanently with super beetle, to have it permanently running -.- This is IMPOSSIBLE. The ram bug even was like, having in the race 4 super beetles or more after another >.> This game is definetely broken and needs a total redesign. This minigame is way too much based on pure luck, not anyhow on Skill. rollerbeetle requires 0 Skill, you need only a bit of knowledge, when it is best to use your Skills and where the boxes are all to get on your road as much as possible. |

Originally Posted by hippo942
About the arguement with winning a rollerbeetle, do you guys actually know if you get one? As alot of people I was talking say you dont as thats a prize for canthan new year
Rollerbettles where ONLY given out for placing on the high score list the first time rollerbettles came out.
All this whinning is MEANINGLESS because nobody is going to get a mini bettle this time for winning. Check your facts next time before starting a thread about something.
All I have to say is:
- It's a mini.
- I can't afford it.
- Not worth my time.
- Congrats for the people on the Top 100 now and in the past.
In the end, I could care less about a mini I know will be quite impossible for me to ever get.
- It's a mini.
- I can't afford it.
- Not worth my time.
- Congrats for the people on the Top 100 now and in the past.
In the end, I could care less about a mini I know will be quite impossible for me to ever get.
beren kat jollie
the question its " ppl who raises these time on the top 100 get it legal, or via bug" sorry if my english itsnt very clear but i think u can understand.
i think these races are completely bugged cuz for nomal ppl its mpossible to raise 480.000
i think these races are completely bugged cuz for nomal ppl its mpossible to raise 480.000
if your tired of the same people winning then get better..
I've always thought that the top 2-3 in each race should be considered "Winners" for moving on and Balthazar faction points. Wouldn't change too much, would remove some of the luck of a good score but coming in second or third, and keep the top 2-3 in the race and not back out to the outpost.
However, it is just a festival mini-game, I'd rather they spend more time on something in the normal game (like the new end game area, good job A-net).
However, it is just a festival mini-game, I'd rather they spend more time on something in the normal game (like the new end game area, good job A-net).
beren kat jollie
Originally Posted by noneedforclevernames
if your tired of the same people winning then get better..
Tha D
Ok people, i am with all of those who think its out of their range to get top 100.
So now some tips how you get 470+ from someone who made it 3 times the last 2 days..
first of all, you need a lot of luck which i think you get in average 1time out of 40-50 tries if you can follow me.. maybe even 25 times!
i got top100 3times and everytime i needed 3 superrollers(SRB). once you have the chance to echo a SRB watch the time and dont use them straight after each other...echo lasts 30seconds with the replAced skill..use those 30 seconds, use your echo'd SRB at ~28 seconds..
Then ofc you also need to understand how the game works..including practise.. talking about that you need to try keep up your momentum, e.g. i reach first [email protected] seconds for a point to compare, second checkpoit around 31-32 seconds, and i am at the cave where the 2 boxes are at around 45 seconds(with no SRB yet).. Being there at time and getting an echo + SRB everything is possible.. so dont lose hope
try to keep up your momentum..thats all i can still say i guess
i hope it gives you people some courage to try again
There might be the point when you realize that you wont reach the top100 so you play to win which means... please dont kd people that are already in the back...unless you know them from bad experiences and really want to just **** them up, rofl, but to keep the match fair please always play against the leading beetle. if you dont do that its just no fun to play at all and can be pretty frustrating.
ahh yes, and use your harden shell wisly(maybe with the blackout skill) and sont just use it straight after each checkpoint :P
gl all~
So now some tips how you get 470+ from someone who made it 3 times the last 2 days..
first of all, you need a lot of luck which i think you get in average 1time out of 40-50 tries if you can follow me.. maybe even 25 times!
i got top100 3times and everytime i needed 3 superrollers(SRB). once you have the chance to echo a SRB watch the time and dont use them straight after each other...echo lasts 30seconds with the replAced skill..use those 30 seconds, use your echo'd SRB at ~28 seconds..
Then ofc you also need to understand how the game works..including practise.. talking about that you need to try keep up your momentum, e.g. i reach first [email protected] seconds for a point to compare, second checkpoit around 31-32 seconds, and i am at the cave where the 2 boxes are at around 45 seconds(with no SRB yet).. Being there at time and getting an echo + SRB everything is possible.. so dont lose hope

try to keep up your momentum..thats all i can still say i guess
i hope it gives you people some courage to try again
There might be the point when you realize that you wont reach the top100 so you play to win which means... please dont kd people that are already in the back...unless you know them from bad experiences and really want to just **** them up, rofl, but to keep the match fair please always play against the leading beetle. if you dont do that its just no fun to play at all and can be pretty frustrating.
ahh yes, and use your harden shell wisly(maybe with the blackout skill) and sont just use it straight after each checkpoint :P
gl all~