Prolouge cutscenes and more cutscenes of dialog


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2008



Like telling us after Prophecies, then a legend scroll that shows pictures of Ascalon when it was destroyed and saved again after the Charr invasion.

Also, Cutscenes during gameplay quests.
After Quests, you see the person talking to the person you found then you see a reunion.

Like this:

Larissa: Master!
Joel: My dear Larissa....
Then so on..



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2006

668 the neighbor of the beast



/signed, I like the cutscenes. But only if they are truely useful to the story line. Personally I didnt care if Koss and Meloni were a couple. No Livia and Eve being a couple has some potential Sorry. Again some of the minor scenes showing people talking is ok, but dont over do it.

on the other hand, no new content. Perhaps in 2

~the rat~

Konig Des Todes

Konig Des Todes

Ooo, pretty flower

Join Date: Jan 2008

Citadel of the Decayed

The Archivists' Sanctum [Lore]


Originally Posted by legion_rat
/signed, I like the cutscenes. But only if they are truely useful to the story line. Personally I didnt care if Koss and Meloni were a couple. No Livia and Eve being a couple has some potential Sorry.
Again some of the minor scenes showing people talking is ok, but dont over do it.

on the other hand, no new content. Perhaps in 2

~the rat~
yes for 2, yes for some cutscenes that is storyline related, no to overuse, yes to making them funny *like the cutscene after taking back the Bone Palace for Joko*

No Livia and Eve being a couple has some potential Sorry.
that made me lol. No need to be sorry