So though I have almost no complaint's about the game, and enjoy it a lot, there is one thing that I wish would change every time I play. I think the Xunlai Storage is to small, and is in dire need of an upgrade. The game has so many amazing prestige armor set's, and weapon's, that have very little difference between each other besides look. Why have so many great item's in the game if we have to pick and chose what we have room for? So though I don't need more than one set of armor or weapons, and my storage certainly can't accommodate more than one armor and weapon set for each of my 8 characters. I enjoy having quite a few weapons and a few extra sets of prestige armor per character. Though I tend to have to carry a lot of it on my characters. Simply because there isn't enough space in my storage. which cut's quite a bit into the items I can pick up each run.
My solution is incredibly simple in my opinion. Take 3 of the 4 storage pages, and make them exclusive to each character. So that the first 3 pages are solely for character you are playing, and the 4th page is a shared page for your entire account. This would give plenty of storage space per character, while still making it easy to transfer items between characters. The platinum and materials could stay linked to the entire account with the 4th page, and there is then plenty of space for green items and prestige armor for each character. It may be just me who has more stuff than I care to part with, though I have a feeling it's not.
Moderator edit: don't bold everything.
Storage upgrade needed
Mickilus The Red
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search is your friend
search is your friend
Mickilus The Red
Originally Posted by wraithe
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I just checked the first 10-15 pages and didn't notice any storage threads so I assumed it wasn't a common complaint. Guess i'm definitely not alone then