Walpurgis Night?
I'm wondering that why there's no Walpurgis Night-event on Guild Wars. It would make GW little more international and It's really fun.
In event..
-Statues and NPC:s wear student caps, toilet papers are thrown on trees, Lions Arch, GTOB, Kamadan and Shing Jea Monastery have giant bonfire in centre
-Student cap would be holiday hat or some carnival mask
-New alcohol: Sima and Sparkling Wine
-New sweet: Donut (Gives 2 points towards Sweet Tooth, drops everywhere)
More info about Walpurgis Night
If you have any improving ideas for event please post it.
In event..
-Statues and NPC:s wear student caps, toilet papers are thrown on trees, Lions Arch, GTOB, Kamadan and Shing Jea Monastery have giant bonfire in centre
-Student cap would be holiday hat or some carnival mask
-New alcohol: Sima and Sparkling Wine
-New sweet: Donut (Gives 2 points towards Sweet Tooth, drops everywhere)
More info about Walpurgis Night
If you have any improving ideas for event please post it.
sounds fun but, it's a euro holiday... so thats your reason why theres none.
/signed for donuts
they're epic lmao
they're epic lmao
Hehehe... Walpurgis... Heee heee.... Bible Black... heee heee... You dirty minded... heee heee...
Ah! You didn't meant that? Ok, ok.
Truth is that betweenApril 30th and May 5th there are many festivals in many lands.
In Spain, May 1st is the national day of 'work'. So most people don't work, XD. In Galicia, we also celebrate 'May Day' in our own way. We make big decorations with leaves, weed, flowers and even edible vegetables.
In England they also have the May Day.
In Mexico the have the Cinco de Mayo (May 5th).
Ah! You didn't meant that? Ok, ok.
Truth is that betweenApril 30th and May 5th there are many festivals in many lands.
In Spain, May 1st is the national day of 'work'. So most people don't work, XD. In Galicia, we also celebrate 'May Day' in our own way. We make big decorations with leaves, weed, flowers and even edible vegetables.
In England they also have the May Day.
In Mexico the have the Cinco de Mayo (May 5th).
Sleeper Service
as long as they make the main event NPC Reika Kitami i have no qualms with that.
We don't have Walpurgis here. Guess it's a German/Scandinavian thing.
We dutch have Koninginnedag today so..
How about in GW all items have 50% - 75% discount and some royal NPC walks around waving his/her hand around with some oddball minigames here and there?
I'd love the discount myself.. :P
We dutch have Koninginnedag today so..
How about in GW all items have 50% - 75% discount and some royal NPC walks around waving his/her hand around with some oddball minigames here and there?
I'd love the discount myself.. :P
I little late to make the suggestion isn't it?
Anyways, while more international holidays would be a nice idea... I think sticking to US (Thanksgiving, 4th of July) and major international holidays (Chinese New Year, New Year, Christmas). Walpurgis is a bit to... obscure (no mean to offend). I honestly think 95% of the GW would have no idea what is going on. Plus, it will always occur very closely to GWs Aniversary celebration, so they can't really run 2 events at once (or can they?).
That said, I think there are some good international holidays that might work as events, and am all for them trying them out, just not this particular one.
Anyways, while more international holidays would be a nice idea... I think sticking to US (Thanksgiving, 4th of July) and major international holidays (Chinese New Year, New Year, Christmas). Walpurgis is a bit to... obscure (no mean to offend). I honestly think 95% of the GW would have no idea what is going on. Plus, it will always occur very closely to GWs Aniversary celebration, so they can't really run 2 events at once (or can they?).
That said, I think there are some good international holidays that might work as events, and am all for them trying them out, just not this particular one.
Always up for more holidays and diversity.
Always up for more holidays and diversity.
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
I honestly think 95% of the GW would have no idea what is going on.
I only found out about Walpurgis today, and still I have no idea what it's about. Personally I'd be fine if Thanksgiving was dropped (what is that anyway?) and only the truly international/capitalist events where kept (Halloween and Wintersday).
But hey, I'm always up for more sweets, which means keeping the other events and adding more!
/signed - can I get a donut now?
Can we get 'International Talk Like a Pirate Day'? It's September 19th (I think).
Originally Posted by Tatile
They have no idea what's going on anyway, Wintersday was full of people asking what the snow was for, and then the Birthday event was the same.
I only found out about Walpurgis today, and still I have no idea what it's about. Personally I'd be fine if Thanksgiving was dropped (what is that anyway?) and only the truly international/capitalist events where kept (Halloween and Wintersday). But hey, I'm always up for more sweets, which means keeping the other events and adding more! /signed - can I get a donut now? Can we get 'International Talk Like a Pirate Day'? It's September 19th (I think). |
Oh, and Thanksgiving is an American and Canadian (although that's on a different day) holiday involving eating food with family. It is sorta like a harvest festival.
Originally Posted by Tatile
Can we get 'International Talk Like a Pirate Day'? It's September 19th (I think). |
As long as December 3rd is Talk Like An Emo Day in regards for Kurzicks...
the moar donuts i have the happier i am
the moar donuts i have the happier i am
no real clue about this but /signed 
always in for any nonpvp event

always in for any nonpvp event

Mr. G
to regional
I Can Cure Cancer
Ummmm could someone tell me what Walpurgis Day is? Since Anet is American based I think they should just stay with American holidays since most people will recognize them. And if people don't know what Christmas is (Wintersday is a politically correct way of saying Christmas) how will they know what Walpurgis Day is?
Sure, as long as the raptors will drop the donuts.
If we have Walpurgisnight or Beltaine as its more commonly known in the uk are we likely to follow on with all the other Sabbats or at least the major ones.
I doubt it but it would have been interesting to see how they would be done in game.
Its on April 30th btw and the others are here for those interested in such things.
not recruiting for the craft i'm Christian myself but with Pagan friends.
I doubt it but it would have been interesting to see how they would be done in game.
Its on April 30th btw and the others are here for those interested in such things.
not recruiting for the craft i'm Christian myself but with Pagan friends.
omg how do you pronounce that word
Beltane? Why do you want to celebrate Beltane? We go off and pick flowers and dance around may poles? Sounds kinda non GWish to me...not to mention all the guys would call it too gay.
btw, its "wuh-al-per-gus" night. At least, that's how I pronounce it.
I may be Wiccan, but Pagan holidays + GW = semi silly. Though Wintersday always falls around the Winter Solistice but I call that convience, same with Halloween.
btw, its "wuh-al-per-gus" night. At least, that's how I pronounce it.
I may be Wiccan, but Pagan holidays + GW = semi silly. Though Wintersday always falls around the Winter Solistice but I call that convience, same with Halloween.