Death follow me to the res shrine.
pumpkin pie
so was doing veil threat, was killing charrs, Gwen should be happy, but the mechanic (or what it called, i wouldn't know) of Gwen is flawed :P~
what happen: Complete party wipe, level 2 Veiled Threat. So i thought I'll be far away from charrs, right? WRONG!
When my H/H group got ressurected, the meteor shower and conjure flames spell somehow follow one of us and we were wipe out a second time at the res shrine, partly my fault, cos I walk away to get a drink, only to return to find that I am standing and falling under meteor shower and was burning at the res shrine. and its too late to move the party out of the meteor and my screen show there are conjure flame damage being inflicted.
I hope this will get amended. Thanks.
what happen: Complete party wipe, level 2 Veiled Threat. So i thought I'll be far away from charrs, right? WRONG!
When my H/H group got ressurected, the meteor shower and conjure flames spell somehow follow one of us and we were wipe out a second time at the res shrine, partly my fault, cos I walk away to get a drink, only to return to find that I am standing and falling under meteor shower and was burning at the res shrine. and its too late to move the party out of the meteor and my screen show there are conjure flame damage being inflicted.
I hope this will get amended. Thanks.
happened to me a couple of when using the teleporters in the desert 
meteors from hydras sometimes "go through"

meteors from hydras sometimes "go through"

Lord Zado
Once a monster starts casting a spell on you, it will cast no matter how far out of range you are. Now if it's a line of sight spell like Lightning Orb, it will simply miss. However, for "from the sky" spells like meteor and meteor shower, they will fall on you no matter where you go. It's a common occurrence at desert teleporters (Hydra Meteors), portals in Dragon's Lair (Earthquake), teleporting in UW (Dryder Meteor showers. Almost had a reaper die from a teleported meteor shower once, but I digress).
In your case, if most of your party wipes and the remaining H/H do not have a rez, the countdown timer for the rez shrine will start even if some heroes are still alive and when you rez at the shrine, they teleport to you, so likely one of your living H/H was targeted by a meteor shower just as she was teleported. Not sure about the conjure flame damage though. That only applies to weapon attacks and should not teleport.
In your case, if most of your party wipes and the remaining H/H do not have a rez, the countdown timer for the rez shrine will start even if some heroes are still alive and when you rez at the shrine, they teleport to you, so likely one of your living H/H was targeted by a meteor shower just as she was teleported. Not sure about the conjure flame damage though. That only applies to weapon attacks and should not teleport.
The conjure damage could be a remnant from before you died, they stay visible for a little while, maybe just in time for you to see it?
It could also be a case of the longstanding bug where the game won't update the positions of your character in the client sometimes. The Charr may have been there as far as the server was concerned, but your client wasn't updated due to the bug.
Meteor IS a line of sight projectile. Meteor shower isn't.
Meteor is NOT a line of sight projectile. It comes from above, no one can hide behind an object to avoid it. You may be thinking of Phoenix, Fireball or Flare. All 3 of these are line of sight.
something similar happend to me, was 55/ss in the UW with a uildie and dont ask me how, but he died at some coldfires. I waited for the coldfires to go away and ressed him, the second i ressed him (i had no aggro neither did he) he was hit by a shard storm that literally came out of nowhere. That sucked

Strechs is right. Meteor is a "come from above" spell. I know this because when running the crystal desert the hydras cast meteor on me and i'm out of their line of sight, and yet it still manages to land on me.
Kale Ironfist
Meteor isn't a projectile. IIRC you can, with a speed boost, dodge before the meteor comes down though.
Yes if you are under a speed boost, like the other spells that affect the place where you stood when it was completed casting you can move out of them. Maelstrom, Meteor, Meteor Shower, Spirit Rift are all examples of this type of attack. Either way, getting hit with random met shower at a res shrine is no fun, especially if you make the mistake of walking away to grab a drink
Anyway, this also happens to monsters, it was commonly seen in HP craze last weekend as Lich teleports well outside aggro range and spells still land on him.
You can also try it with ally assassin that has stadowstep chain. you can cast target ally skill on him outside compass range (pretty neat, but useless unless you can time stuff way too well.)
You can also try it with ally assassin that has stadowstep chain. you can cast target ally skill on him outside compass range (pretty neat, but useless unless you can time stuff way too well.)
Originally Posted by Lord Zado
Once a monster starts casting a spell on you, it will cast no matter how far out of range you are. Now if it's a line of sight spell like Lightning Orb, it will simply miss. However, for "from the sky" spells like meteor and meteor shower, they will fall on you no matter where you go. It's a common occurrence at desert teleporters (Hydra Meteors), portals in Dragon's Lair (Earthquake), teleporting in UW (Dryder Meteor showers. Almost had a reaper die from a teleported meteor shower once, but I digress).
In your case, if most of your party wipes and the remaining H/H do not have a rez, the countdown timer for the rez shrine will start even if some heroes are still alive and when you rez at the shrine, they teleport to you, so likely one of your living H/H was targeted by a meteor shower just as she was teleported. Not sure about the conjure flame damage though. That only applies to weapon attacks and should not teleport. |
Originally Posted by Lord Zado
Once a monster starts casting a spell on you, it will cast no matter how far out of range you are. Now if it's a line of sight spell like Lightning Orb, it will simply miss. However, for "from the sky" spells like meteor and meteor shower, they will fall on you no matter where you go. It's a common occurrence at desert teleporters (Hydra Meteors), portals in Dragon's Lair (Earthquake), teleporting in UW (Dryder Meteor showers. Almost had a reaper die from a teleported meteor shower once, but I digress).
In your case, if most of your party wipes and the remaining H/H do not have a rez, the countdown timer for the rez shrine will start even if some heroes are still alive and when you rez at the shrine, they teleport to you, so likely one of your living H/H was targeted by a meteor shower just as she was teleported. Not sure about the conjure flame damage though. That only applies to weapon attacks and should not teleport. |
Its prolly a bug.... I've noticed in CR before that dragon mosses spells will fail once you get far away enough. EDIT: It must be from the spilt second the spell completed then you were all rezed at the shrine. Thats the only way it would probably work, I think XD
Oh and meteor will never hit you if you are under a speed boost and you are currently moving.
it does this for both fire storm and meteor shower......dont remember what I was doing but my team I am all died and when we appeared at the rez shrine (a very long way from where we had died) we had a shower with us one time and the next time the fire storm.....killed off half of my henchies....which is why I remember is was such a long way from the mob--we rezzed everyone with no fear of being killed (unless they were able to get another fire storm or shower thru the rez shrine
).....its a glitch of somekind....

Originally Posted by ShadowsRequiem
Actually once you are out of spell range the spell usually just acts as if it was interrupted.

Actually A11Eur0 that is inccorrect. You can be teleported to a res shrine and not die. Well... not "you" but your h/h. If all the party members who have a res and are human die... then the entire party gets ressed. Henchmen and Heroes do not have to be killed for the party to "wipe" and for them to teleport back to the res shrine with you. The charr targetted a H/H before the "party resing timer" hit 0 seconds.
I've seen this happen a ton before. It is not exclusive to GW:EN. It happens for ANY non-projectile spell. I've seen Devona be killed by shatterstone, I've seen hench get hit by degen.
Second of all, this should not even be a problem. You have 1-2s of invincibility when you are ressed at a shrine. That should be plenty of time to flag your heroes out of the AoE of any spells that followed you. Going afk and getting killed was your own fault (as the OP freely admited in the first post).
Edit: PS, no spell every fails if the target moves out of range by the end of the cast time. Anybody who has every played a caster in PvP should know this by now through observation.
I've seen this happen a ton before. It is not exclusive to GW:EN. It happens for ANY non-projectile spell. I've seen Devona be killed by shatterstone, I've seen hench get hit by degen.
Second of all, this should not even be a problem. You have 1-2s of invincibility when you are ressed at a shrine. That should be plenty of time to flag your heroes out of the AoE of any spells that followed you. Going afk and getting killed was your own fault (as the OP freely admited in the first post).
Edit: PS, no spell every fails if the target moves out of range by the end of the cast time. Anybody who has every played a caster in PvP should know this by now through observation.
Originally Posted by cosyfiep
it does this for both fire storm and meteor shower......dont remember what I was doing but my team I am all died and when we appeared at the rez shrine (a very long way from where we had died) we had a shower with us one time and the next time the fire storm.....killed off half of my henchies....which is why I remember is was such a long way from the mob--we rezzed everyone with no fear of being killed (unless they were able to get another fire storm or shower thru the rez shrine
![]() |
When it ended, we were under Firestorm and MS. Made us go "wtf" but we attributed it to a bug of some kind... and moved on.
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
Actually A11Eur0 that is inccorrect. You can be teleported to a res shrine and not die. Well... not "you" but your h/h. If all the party members who have a res and are human die... then the entire party gets ressed. Henchmen and Heroes do not have to be killed for the party to "wipe" and for them to teleport back to the res shrine with you. The charr targetted a H/H before the "party resing timer" hit 0 seconds.
I've seen this happen a ton before. It is not exclusive to GW:EN. It happens for ANY non-projectile spell. I've seen Devona be killed by shatterstone, I've seen hench get hit by degen. Second of all, this should not even be a problem. You have 1-2s of invincibility when you are ressed at a shrine. That should be plenty of time to flag your heroes out of the AoE of any spells that followed you. Going afk and getting killed was your own fault (as the OP freely admited in the first post). Edit: PS, no spell every fails if the target moves out of range by the end of the cast time. Anybody who has every played a caster in PvP should know this by now through observation. |
Dunno maybe I should try running around dragon moss to get a pic lololol.
Originally Posted by guolisong
It happened to me too I was on my survivor as well got me scared there for a moment, but I was only under firestorm though, that cut scene has nothing to do with firestorm where did that come from?
Alright I didn't read all the replies, so if someone already said this than woops.
But anyway, what im thinking is that you had a party wipe minus one person without a rez (a hench). Once this happens, the timer automatically starts for being rezzed. Im thinking that the meteor shower was cast on the one hench that was alive right as the timer hit 0, so when that hench jumped to the rez shrine w/o dying..the meteor shower followed by incredibly bad timing (or good i guess). but thats just my opinion.
its just like an arrow flying half way across the map when someone teles somewhere
But anyway, what im thinking is that you had a party wipe minus one person without a rez (a hench). Once this happens, the timer automatically starts for being rezzed. Im thinking that the meteor shower was cast on the one hench that was alive right as the timer hit 0, so when that hench jumped to the rez shrine w/o dying..the meteor shower followed by incredibly bad timing (or good i guess). but thats just my opinion.
its just like an arrow flying half way across the map when someone teles somewhere
Forgot about henchies and heroes without rez...
Originally Posted by Xx_Sorin_xX
you had a party wipe minus one person without a rez (a hench). Once this happens, the timer automatically starts for being rezzed. Im thinking that the meteor shower was cast on the one hench that was alive right as the timer hit 0, so when that hench jumped to the rez shrine w/o dying..the meteor shower followed by incredibly bad timing (or good i guess). but thats just my opinion.