Personally I've got the shits with ANets policy of not announcing when they are going to have special 1 day events.
I missed out on the pumpkin crown because I had no idea that anything special was going to happen for halloween, and now I've missed out on the santa hat and reindeer antlers because I thought the candycane weapons were all they were doing for the christmas events.
Before any says it's my own fault for not logging in, I can't play every day, when I get home from a 13 hour shift I need to go straight to bed in order to get enough sleep to work the next day.
I love GW, it's the only game I play now, and if I knew in advance that these events were going to be held I would make arrangements so that I could take part.
Please people, /sign if you think special events should be announced ahead of time, so that people like myself can fully participate.
1 day events
Danika Aurmar

didnt you see that necred horseman running around nonstop yelling the mad king is coming?
/not signed
and yes due to circumstances i missed out on the hat/antlers
cheers to Anet for the fun
Aeron Serabien
i think we had plenty of warning for both events.
However, why the heck would they do the 1 day event on NEW YEARS EVE?! That virtually guarantees only the hardcore will get the goodies. The rest of us were out partying!
I'm not signing, but I do think ANET could've used New Years Day instead so more of us could play while recovering from the night before.
However, why the heck would they do the 1 day event on NEW YEARS EVE?! That virtually guarantees only the hardcore will get the goodies. The rest of us were out partying!
I'm not signing, but I do think ANET could've used New Years Day instead so more of us could play while recovering from the night before.
what do you mean you didnt know when the 1 day events were gonna happen? i know you have an internet, you used it to post that message
Originally Posted by Aeron Serabien
i think we had plenty of warning for both events.
However, why the heck would they do the 1 day event on NEW YEARS EVE?! That virtually guarantees only the hardcore will get the goodies. The rest of us were out partying! I'm not signing, but I do think ANET could've used New Years Day instead so more of us could play while recovering from the night before. |

a new years celebration for them on new years in real time
be honest
if you had to choose between hat/antlers or being with friends/family which would you do?
me personally i would spend every second with them and be grateful for the chance

well, the one day events might hit more people if they occured in more than just Lions Arch....
i mean, not all your characters are going to ether be in LA, or have goten that far (for new and replayers)
personaly, i think they need to expand to cover Ascalon and drocnars forge as well as LA.
and they should include a little something back in old ascalon (pre searing)
i mean, c'mon...ypour telling me they didnt selibrate halloween and wintersday back befor the Searing? 0.o shame on you ^^
*true, they shouldnt have everything that we get in post searing world, but at least the decorations and the colectables*
also, in such cases as new years, it would be better for everyone if they had the main event on the eve, then maybe something else on the day....
like say...dwayna and grenth fighting it out on the eve...then tally up the wins/loss per area and then on the day.....after working out who won the most, not only would they take hold of that section of LA (or the other towns too) but the looser would be banished to the int districts (since these *leaving Frogs fave of Int1 out hehe* are usually quiet and few people use them)
that way, if you missed the main event on the eve, you could go to both normal and int districts and then get your items from the avatars themselves ^^
*would need to recognise whenther you had already been given or got said hat/antlers on that character since they are now customised. if you had already goten that item, it would just give a wintersday gift instead*
this way, at least everyone could get an item.
same thing could go for halloween...just have mad kings slightly rotted-looking pumpkinhead give out the hats on halloween day ^^ as a 'thanks for making my night'
and some of us were actually with our family lol....mine was downstairs watching TV and drinking heheh....i prefer online parties to the real ones....
specialy new-year.....its warmer and i dont have a hangover next day
i mean, not all your characters are going to ether be in LA, or have goten that far (for new and replayers)
personaly, i think they need to expand to cover Ascalon and drocnars forge as well as LA.
and they should include a little something back in old ascalon (pre searing)
i mean, c'mon...ypour telling me they didnt selibrate halloween and wintersday back befor the Searing? 0.o shame on you ^^
*true, they shouldnt have everything that we get in post searing world, but at least the decorations and the colectables*
also, in such cases as new years, it would be better for everyone if they had the main event on the eve, then maybe something else on the day....
like say...dwayna and grenth fighting it out on the eve...then tally up the wins/loss per area and then on the day.....after working out who won the most, not only would they take hold of that section of LA (or the other towns too) but the looser would be banished to the int districts (since these *leaving Frogs fave of Int1 out hehe* are usually quiet and few people use them)
that way, if you missed the main event on the eve, you could go to both normal and int districts and then get your items from the avatars themselves ^^
*would need to recognise whenther you had already been given or got said hat/antlers on that character since they are now customised. if you had already goten that item, it would just give a wintersday gift instead*
this way, at least everyone could get an item.
same thing could go for halloween...just have mad kings slightly rotted-looking pumpkinhead give out the hats on halloween day ^^ as a 'thanks for making my night'
and some of us were actually with our family lol....mine was downstairs watching TV and drinking heheh....i prefer online parties to the real ones....
specialy new-year.....its warmer and i dont have a hangover next day

How about just adding a new quest that allow you get those item?
Give me a break - it was announced every day how many more days to the event. Heck, I picked up my last santa hat without even being at the computer, just loaded up and stood in a district near the tree.
If your characters aren't at LA, too bad. I have 3 PvE toons that didn't get any items, because I didn't have time to get them stuff, but the stuff I did get was fun to get. You wanted to go out? Your choice. You don't like having to choose between going out and playing? Leave a toon logged on by the tree. You want all the items on all your toons? Invest the time.
If your characters aren't at LA, too bad. I have 3 PvE toons that didn't get any items, because I didn't have time to get them stuff, but the stuff I did get was fun to get. You wanted to go out? Your choice. You don't like having to choose between going out and playing? Leave a toon logged on by the tree. You want all the items on all your toons? Invest the time.
Rayea everyone who might have just bought the game 2 days befor have to rush thru the game to get to LA....thats just not fair on them, considering theres lots to do befor new year.
leave them logged on? not everyone ca do that, you know. some people still have dial up. some have to conserve power or have pc's that need downtime.
and im not just talking about those that want an item on *all* their characters. im talking about those that have to go out to vuisit their many family members on the eve of something, and then cant get the time to pop on.
then theres night-workers. how are you gona get something if your on the nightshift? get up reeeealy early and be knackered all day?
not everyone has the same amoount for freetime.
i have said it befor to people that get tetchy when people ask for more leway wtih stuff.....just because some folks are at home all day dosent mean that everyone is. some people play and have full time jobs, familys and social lives, they cant spend as much time on thier 'toons' as others, and this game was designed so they would not be punished if they couldnt spend so much time on them.
*rant mode, activated*
try sugesting to a doctor that spends most of his time staffing the emergancy room to 'invest time in his toon' when your down there, waiting for him to come stitch you will be glad he is there to patch you up rather than sitting behind his keyboard getting a yulehat on new years eve...
*pwhew..rant mode de-activated*
leave them logged on? not everyone ca do that, you know. some people still have dial up. some have to conserve power or have pc's that need downtime.
and im not just talking about those that want an item on *all* their characters. im talking about those that have to go out to vuisit their many family members on the eve of something, and then cant get the time to pop on.
then theres night-workers. how are you gona get something if your on the nightshift? get up reeeealy early and be knackered all day?
not everyone has the same amoount for freetime.
i have said it befor to people that get tetchy when people ask for more leway wtih stuff.....just because some folks are at home all day dosent mean that everyone is. some people play and have full time jobs, familys and social lives, they cant spend as much time on thier 'toons' as others, and this game was designed so they would not be punished if they couldnt spend so much time on them.
*rant mode, activated*
try sugesting to a doctor that spends most of his time staffing the emergancy room to 'invest time in his toon' when your down there, waiting for him to come stitch you will be glad he is there to patch you up rather than sitting behind his keyboard getting a yulehat on new years eve...
*pwhew..rant mode de-activated*
Personaly i don't give two hoots about these events but im sure it would not hurt for them to add it on the log in screen with the date and time because not all of us stop by lions arch on a daily basis