Urgoz clearing with 1 player + 9 Heroes



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Jun 2006


The German Order [GER]


Okay, bunch of stuff got unnerfed in last update, guess its time to show what can('t) be done with it:


Slave squardon A:

[build=icy healer;OAhiYwh8UzqqZMp5kbYOOreA]

Slave squardron B:

[build=empathic para;OQOjUymIqOF5gs72CbG3x1Y5NA]
[build=singing para;OQGkUFl7piqTR2dzVqwc41tKWeD]
[build=cripling orders;OgSjQsqKrOe3JhhI8efBvzBvNA]

Slave squadron C:


(yes, theese bars spot some redundant skills, and some builds are silly, that's why i am posting here, duh)

Questionable skills used:

CC/Rebirth: needed to enable imbagon here.
Whole dazer bar: i like source of daze, and possibility of epidemicing deep wound/cripple, and EoE is nifty. Pets is kinda wasted slots ... thou it is nice distraction. Replaceable with stunning paragon i guess.
SYG: i like the fact that it can cover SY downtime. Still looks like it badly needs to be replaced.
WY: could use GFTE instead? Really, Really weak. I am ashamed to have it there.
Harriers Grasp: Works well if you pay attention and micro epidemic when it triggers.
BR: amazing self heal for its cost.
Jagged Bones: This is only used because owner of squadron C didnt have Virulence (aka, best disease source) unlocked.
Ward Against Elements: redundant, guess different ward would be much better ... but i dont see any better.
CoF: Not great, but nice in 30+ enemy groups.
bloodsong: cheap distraction.

Open question: How to get past points which spawn hordes of enemies unless you leave one party member back, is leaving one flagged hero in there enough?

So, any criticism that i can take?

Progress of first run attempt:

Cleared room #1 (kinda agrroed everything at once ... defences worked perfectly.):

Cleared room #2 (all that redundant party healing was quite usefull in here, two heroes leroyed to center of spawn and were dead for most of the room.)

Cleared room #3 (trick is to get monk teleporter on top of bridge during fight and them degen to death with vampiric weapon, open door, teleport down and die thanks to vamp weapon again and let hero exploit your corpse. takes some time but allows to use imbagon, well worth two useless skills at monk bar, room is otherwise dead easy.)

Cleared room #4 (flower spam was not really noticeable, wolves do no damage if you have defences up and micro prot spirit on their priority targets. vampires killed off few people of course, including me.):

In urgoz, room #5 clears YOU. I expected to wipe in flower room, to be honest, so i can pretend that this is success. Exhaustion shat down majority of defences (which is not issue). Issue was rushy playstyle and the fact that i was got hit by vampires booth at beginig and at end of bridge, resulting DP made me prefered target and at ~9 wolves and no monk prot it was KO situation and even desperate rez-n-run was inefective (this happened roughly 45 minutes in the run.):



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Nov 2006


twas a valiant attempt



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Scars Meadows [SMS]

Open question: How to get past points which spawn hordes of enemies unless you leave one party member back, is leaving one flagged hero in there enough? Yes, just flag one hero before crossing the bridge and once you are out of the e-degeneration range across the other bridge, you can flag him back with you.

Nice attempt, I'm trying to do something similar on my paragon but 3 players + 9 heroes HM consumables. Didn't want to deal with having to bring CC/NT on myself or using the rebirth trick.

First attempt, got to urgoz but failed because I wanted to try something and didn't bring EoE and heroes fail at kiting, thought maybe ward of stability would help but it didnt . Second attempt, finish in 1 hour exactly. Still trying to optimize the build right now, I think I can get it down to 40 min, maybe.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2007


Sphincter Says [What]


Nice attempt. Urgoz and The Deep with 1P + 9H are on my to-do list.

Super Igor


Join Date: Mar 2008

why should you kno? Oo






Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2005



can't be faulted for trying. maybe it just can't be done, because by the looks of things, your hero build are very viable. lots of people try clearing elite areas with the stupidest builds but this looks like it may be as far as you can go, especially since you're play an SY! para.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005



looks interesting, i'll try it out and see.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Jun 2006


The German Order [GER]


Originally Posted by Shaz
Yes, just flag one hero before crossing the bridge and once you are out of the e-degeneration range across the other bridge, you can flag him back with you. Thanks, that looks reassuring as it seems that there are no impossible obstacles.


All you people who have this on to-do, what strategy are you planing to use?

I could suck it up and use some consumables with similar builds ... that could probably work.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2006


silly question but how does the hero pull the lever?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2007


Leader-Legion of Avalon [LoA] Alliance-Recruiting PM for info!

I thought that myself until I reread it.

What he does is he gets a hero up on the bridge with either Consume Corpse or Necrotic Transversal and Rebirth on their bar.

Then he kills himself with a Vampiric Weapon and has said hero Rebirth him up to the bridge. From there he pulls the lever and both teleport on down.