New Title for PvE Players
Riot Narita
"No" to new titles. Any more and they'll have to add a new tier to KoaBD (and then we'd have a flood of suggestions for even more "easy to max" titles). It's already too easy to get to Rank6 since they added Party Animal - characters can now reach max KoaBD, without having to do any of the serious grind titles.
By the way, a long long time ago, the "conventional wisdom" of the time said that sans-serif fonts were more "readable" on a computer screen, and serif fonts were more "readable" in printed material. I personally think that's true, and your "improved" post using serif fonts looks terrible to me. Just my opinion...
By the way, a long long time ago, the "conventional wisdom" of the time said that sans-serif fonts were more "readable" on a computer screen, and serif fonts were more "readable" in printed material. I personally think that's true, and your "improved" post using serif fonts looks terrible to me. Just my opinion...
Originally Posted by kazjun
Wouldn't mind the idea of a title for doing mission's naked. Shiro taken down by a naked party would be pretty funny
without armor you're an open target
that's like playing the game without upgrading attributes and with one (crappy) skill only
think before you say something
pumpkin pie
Originally Posted by Mystica
read few post above ............ no need to repeat
/notsigned 1.337.500 times and therefor congrats! You just reached My idea treats balls like Jenna Jameson for having another title grind idea that sucks balls. |
Did you even see what your "supposedly sarcastic" titles compare to the ones that I wish Arena would consider adding to the game?
Originally Posted by pumpkin pie
I am just going to say something regarding this post.
Did you even see what your "supposedly sarcastic" titles compare to the ones that I wish Arena would consider adding to the game? |
If you want a serious reply to satisy you:
I quoted one of your title suggestion and will take the same example again.
Finding every axe skin in the game without trading. I guess your motivation for this were the Destroyer weapons for the HoM to some extend.
Let's see how fair it is. You included rising droprate for the time spent ingame. There are players like me who don't live in a bunker, are not unemployed or like to do other things aswell. Some of us have to pay for electricity cause mom and dad are not sponsoring our flats so afking to get some +/age is no option. Do we have to wait 5 years to get this title then? And consider, some players have spent more time online then others will reach in 100 years.
Answer this: While I love this game, I just can't spend some hours per day online which is basically your way of "showing the love for this game".
Increase the drop rate for players that can afk all day and you lose most of the casual players for disadvantaging them right from the start. GW is about skill. Every player has the chance for max dmg/level/mod stuff be it gold, green or collector. Your idea totally kills the main aspect of the game.
And as addition. What are we supposed to do with all the axes (taking your example again). We do not have unlimited storage room and since most people would not want to buy them anymore for not helping their title ambitions we would need to merch almost everything. And even if there was a market for some of them it would be ruled by bot owners since your idea is perfect for a bot that farms while grinding online time.
Did you even think about anything mentioned here before posting this or did you just start typing?
Less sarcastic and easier to understand: Good job, your suggestion would kill the economy even more, disadvantage the majority of players and support botting.
Are you satisfied with this answer?
Edit: do know that GW2 is already in the making right? How are we supposed to find all skins for only 1 weapon class in the remaining time? Let alone ALL skins for all weapons.
Think about all the points mentioned before you start to defend an idea that fails in every possible way...ok not in get a +X for it and I am now counting +2 for me.
Originally Posted by Mystica
I have some title suggestions to add:
1. Imma Woop Tru Da Danzfloor - Dancing 1.337.500 minutes in a town or out post. 2. Legendary Clown or A Face No Mother Would Love - Wearing festival hats for 1.337.500 minutes in a town or outpost. 3. I R EMO - Using 1.337.500 /emotes in a town or outpost. 4. I came, I saw and swoosh I am gone - Losing connection to the server 500.000 times. 5. Legendary Herpes - Restoring connection to the server 500.000 times. 6. I pull the sledge next to Rudolph - Giving away 1.337.500 items to players with less than 100 hours playtime. I would love to achieve all those titles. Just as much as I would love to find EVERY frikkin axe in the game without trading... /notsigned 1.337.500 times and therefor congrats! You just reached My idea treats balls like Jenna Jameson for having another title grind idea that sucks balls. |
And: point in case.
The armour idea is a great one, new titles not so. I can't be bothered to explain myself
/signed for armour drop-down (excellent idea).
/notsigned for rest
pumpkin pie
Originally Posted by Mystica
read 2 posts above
Empahsis is on if you don't want to get these titles DON'T BOTHER My motivation for making this thread is so that Guild Wars 1 will have something that I can do after I have Guild Wars 2. and the post grew as other players point out the flaw in my suggestion. It does not affect anyone's game. You want the title, get it, don't want, fine.
I in fact have a collection of max bows, and swords, not complete, but will be some day. see I say some day, nobody ask you to grind, if you get a drop register it with the weapons npc then sell it. (if it exist), if you don't want to, don't just sell it as you would normally and get the gold. the only you will miss is not registering it with the weapons npc (if it exist), you can still sell it to other players once you register it with the weapon npc,(if it exist) the only thing is the buyer can't register it because they didn't farm it.
How is that deserving of your sarcastic unconstructive remarks?
It is for these reasons:
"your suggestion would kill the economy even more, disadvantage the majority of players and support botting."
People WANT all titles and you can tell them 1000 times that they do not need to...they just want them cause they exist. Don't get me wrong, all sarcasm was aimed towards your "all weapons skins" idea. I do like the armor one but the other suggestion had so much fail included that it made me ignore the others.
My main problem is the increased drop rate for high online times. Even if you don't go for this title you will be disadvantaged which will lead to more QQ...and in this case for a damn good reason.
You can collect all items...a lot of people do that but we don't need a title for it.
There is a simple solution and it is called Excel Spreadsheet.
And yes I read the OP completly. In fact I read it 3 times since you change it with every comment posted here.
Again...supporting bots, ruining the economy and disadvantaging casual players is not a viable base for a title suggestion.
And my first post was not meant to be rude. If I wanted to be rude I would have flamed you while giving reasons why your idea is bad or just flame you to save time. Not my way though so I stated my /notsigned with more or less sarcasm without any insults.
Seriously, I get why you want a title like that but the way you want it to be implemented is wrong for several reasons.
Collect your items, make screenshots to keep track, add your progress to a database or spreadsheet and be proud that you achieved your goal when finished. Worth more then any title. For that, good luck.
"How is that deserving of your sarcastic unconstructive remarks?"
After my long post stating the obvious flaws you still comment on that? Just prove me wrong with all the points mentioned and I will switch so /signed. Sarcasm is something you see, note and get over but the flaws in your suggestion remain until disproven.
"your suggestion would kill the economy even more, disadvantage the majority of players and support botting."
People WANT all titles and you can tell them 1000 times that they do not need to...they just want them cause they exist. Don't get me wrong, all sarcasm was aimed towards your "all weapons skins" idea. I do like the armor one but the other suggestion had so much fail included that it made me ignore the others.
My main problem is the increased drop rate for high online times. Even if you don't go for this title you will be disadvantaged which will lead to more QQ...and in this case for a damn good reason.
You can collect all items...a lot of people do that but we don't need a title for it.
There is a simple solution and it is called Excel Spreadsheet.
And yes I read the OP completly. In fact I read it 3 times since you change it with every comment posted here.
Again...supporting bots, ruining the economy and disadvantaging casual players is not a viable base for a title suggestion.
And my first post was not meant to be rude. If I wanted to be rude I would have flamed you while giving reasons why your idea is bad or just flame you to save time. Not my way though so I stated my /notsigned with more or less sarcasm without any insults.
Seriously, I get why you want a title like that but the way you want it to be implemented is wrong for several reasons.
Collect your items, make screenshots to keep track, add your progress to a database or spreadsheet and be proud that you achieved your goal when finished. Worth more then any title. For that, good luck.
"How is that deserving of your sarcastic unconstructive remarks?"
After my long post stating the obvious flaws you still comment on that? Just prove me wrong with all the points mentioned and I will switch so /signed. Sarcasm is something you see, note and get over but the flaws in your suggestion remain until disproven.
pumpkin pie
Thank you for a detail disection Mystica, appreciated. now I can re-think the idea.
Res Ipsi
The armor idea is good, and I'd love to see that added to the game. There would have to be a way to mix-and-match armor sets though, so maybe they could set up something like skill templates (with the armor combo preferences saved separately).
I'm going to say no to additional titles though. We have enough titles as is, and adding yet another just adds more grind to this already grindy game (for those folks interested in titles). It might also encourage ANet to add another rank to KoABD, and that wouldn't be fair.
I'm going to say no to additional titles though. We have enough titles as is, and adding yet another just adds more grind to this already grindy game (for those folks interested in titles). It might also encourage ANet to add another rank to KoABD, and that wouldn't be fair.
Ask me why?
Sure, you can grind it yourself, roleplay a collector or something.
But why the freakin need to "show of" to everyone ellse?
Play the game for your sake not someone ellses.
Screw the making of new titles all together and concentrate on improving this and the future game.
Ask me why?
Sure, you can grind it yourself, roleplay a collector or something.
But why the freakin need to "show of" to everyone ellse?
Play the game for your sake not someone ellses.
Screw the making of new titles all together and concentrate on improving this and the future game.
you just got 2 new titles for pve stop complaining.
omg I hope they never make anything like this.
romeus petrus
/not signed.
PvE Titles = Epic Phail
PvE Titles = Epic Phail
While I do not object to adding any of these titles to the game, I would never bother to go after any of them.
I do like the idea for putting up armor sets using a drop down box though.
I do like the idea for putting up armor sets using a drop down box though.