I would just like to know if lvl 7 is a good level to leave pre, or if i should stay any longer?,
i also have 2 silver dye, 3 red, and 2 blue, so that will start me off in the money department.
And for the other question, How many of you ppl like to roleplay??
(on the other hand i do, i try to replicate myself in the game)
Gauwyn Vorec
Level 7 is perfectly fine... I was a 6 when I moved over, now a 14 (that's 2 days worth of Post-play). If you're into role playing you might see my post in the Guild Auditorium... I'm trying to find out how many people are into this type of gaming, and if there's an opportunity to form a RP based group.
Dyes will get you a good amount of money for a start...just sell in the evenings when prices are up!!
Any level is fine, people move over anywhere from 3-7 usually, its hard to get past 7 though due to lack of quests
I seen some dummy shortly after game was released recruiting level 10's in pre searing XD was funny as hell half the people didn't even understand his terminology :P
I seen some dummy shortly after game was released recruiting level 10's in pre searing XD was funny as hell half the people didn't even understand his terminology :P
usually i leave at 5 when lvling starts to slow down but last time i left at 4 cause i just was in a hurry