RAM problems..
Ok, so I moved my computer from my office back to my room, and now I only get 1 gig of RAM anymore.
The BIOS only detects one gig, in single channel (1 stick), instead of the two.
I was running a virus scan and noticed that It was abnormally slow, and I checked the Memory usage bar and it said 77%, and that I was using 700MB, so I was suspicious. This is how I found out about this issue.
So I ran the Built In RAM test that the BIOS gave me and it turned up as 0 results, I took my RAM out and blew out the DIMM slots to get any dust out, and reseated the ram, no dice..
So what do I do? I'm hoping that one of my DIMM's isn't dead.. then I'd really be in big trouble, I'd need a new motherboard.. *sigh*, I'm not fond of mem-test or if it will even work, if you recommend it then I'd need directions to set it up.
Any help or suggestions is appreciated, thanks.
EDIT: Just to let you know, I was extra careful when moving my computer, I always am - to make sure my hard drives don't get bumped and stuff.
I'm going to start up some games and see if I BSOD or lock up, so far I only had one lockup (while my virus scanner was on), not even sure if it was a lockup, maybe Vista + the scan made me run out of memory, who knows. I'll report back with results.
Ok, tried Call of Duty 4 for a few minutes, and Guild Wars too, no crashes yet.. just insanely slow, tons of lag. You really can't use Vista on 1 gig.
The BIOS only detects one gig, in single channel (1 stick), instead of the two.
I was running a virus scan and noticed that It was abnormally slow, and I checked the Memory usage bar and it said 77%, and that I was using 700MB, so I was suspicious. This is how I found out about this issue.
So I ran the Built In RAM test that the BIOS gave me and it turned up as 0 results, I took my RAM out and blew out the DIMM slots to get any dust out, and reseated the ram, no dice..
So what do I do? I'm hoping that one of my DIMM's isn't dead.. then I'd really be in big trouble, I'd need a new motherboard.. *sigh*, I'm not fond of mem-test or if it will even work, if you recommend it then I'd need directions to set it up.
Any help or suggestions is appreciated, thanks.
EDIT: Just to let you know, I was extra careful when moving my computer, I always am - to make sure my hard drives don't get bumped and stuff.
I'm going to start up some games and see if I BSOD or lock up, so far I only had one lockup (while my virus scanner was on), not even sure if it was a lockup, maybe Vista + the scan made me run out of memory, who knows. I'll report back with results.
Ok, tried Call of Duty 4 for a few minutes, and Guild Wars too, no crashes yet.. just insanely slow, tons of lag. You really can't use Vista on 1 gig.
Originally Posted by Brianna
I'm hoping that one of my DIMM's isn't dead.. then I'd really be in big trouble, I'd need a new motherboard..
If you can state the specs on your computer, people maybe able to give more specific help.
arch psyker
swap the memory into different dimm slots. if the bios doesn't recognize the ram in a different slot then bad ram, if it doesn't recognize the good ram in the other slot bad motherboard.
also might want to check for a bios flash for your motherboard if they have one. that could possibly fix it too.
also might want to check for a bios flash for your motherboard if they have one. that could possibly fix it too.
I found the problem.
It was RAM stick #1 in DIMM slot #1, computer would not boot with only that stick in. I put RAM stick #2 into DIMM slot #1 and the computer booted.
So basically I'm going out to buy new RAM, and yes I built my computer myself.
I think I'm going to buy Corsair X2 1GB sticks next, the ram that died was 1GB of 800mz DDR2 Kingston Hyper-X gaming RAM.
Or, does anyone have any suggestions for new RAM? I was thinking of going Corsair because I heard they are good.. but theres other brands too.
It was RAM stick #1 in DIMM slot #1, computer would not boot with only that stick in. I put RAM stick #2 into DIMM slot #1 and the computer booted.
So basically I'm going out to buy new RAM, and yes I built my computer myself.
I think I'm going to buy Corsair X2 1GB sticks next, the ram that died was 1GB of 800mz DDR2 Kingston Hyper-X gaming RAM.
Or, does anyone have any suggestions for new RAM? I was thinking of going Corsair because I heard they are good.. but theres other brands too.
arch psyker
I personally prefer Kingston but Corsair makes great memory for gaming as well. Patriot is another good brand. They are keep their specs really close to industry standards, most others have far more leeway with their specs and qa.
If possible, also check your motherboard website. See if they have a list of compatible memory brands.
Having said that, basically agree with arch psyker.
Having said that, basically agree with arch psyker.
Doesn't matter which path you go, XMS from Corsair or HyperX from Kingston, they're both fast.
Of course I recommend any of the Micron D9 chips, especially from mushkin.
Anything but valueram would be a good choice.
Of course I recommend any of the Micron D9 chips, especially from mushkin.
Anything but valueram would be a good choice.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16820145034 This is what I was thinking of getting, since my Kingston died I will take a new path and try out new RAM.
Not that I'm shunning Kingston cause it died, I just figure I'll try a change for once.
Not that I'm shunning Kingston cause it died, I just figure I'll try a change for once.
Kingston has lifetime warranty. Wrap it up, and send it back.
Those Corsairs are very common gaming RAM. They will do you proud.
They were also my first set of DDR2 RAM back in 2003. And they *STILL* make it, so they must have done something right
They don't overclock at all, if you push them, they'll fall, so don't try.
Those Corsairs are very common gaming RAM. They will do you proud.
They were also my first set of DDR2 RAM back in 2003. And they *STILL* make it, so they must have done something right

They don't overclock at all, if you push them, they'll fall, so don't try.

I don't OC anything and I really don't plan to, but yeah.
Sheesh that is old RAM then, but it doesn't matter, it's the speed and quality that I want, and it's what my Mobo uses so it doesn't hurt.
Sheesh that is old RAM then, but it doesn't matter, it's the speed and quality that I want, and it's what my Mobo uses so it doesn't hurt.
Man, RAM got cheap. I recall forking over $140 a just a couple years ago for two 512 mb sticks of OCZ gaming ram (which at the time was good but not the cream of the crop).
Nope. I used it in my AMD 6400+ as well.
Perfect for casual gaming. I recommend it!
Perfect for casual gaming. I recommend it!
What's your take on 2X 2GB sticks? Then I'd have 4 gigs.
I want at least two sticks so I can do Dual Channel mode, but I don't know if having 2GB on one stick makes performance worse or not.
I want at least two sticks so I can do Dual Channel mode, but I don't know if having 2GB on one stick makes performance worse or not.
On paper, there is no difference. 2x2GB is better than 4x1GB because of two things, the obvious upgrade potential and less power consumption (4x1GB would cost more vRAM to power than if you were going 2x2GB).
But from experience, 2x2GB RAM often times perform slower than the 4x1GB counterparts. I'd stick with 1GB DIMMS (either 2x1GB or 4x1GB) because they're more reliable.
This is of course from my experience and research.
EDIT: More reliable: Yeah, by the time you'll need 8GB+ you won't be using FSB limited memory, or better(?) memory would be avaliable.
But from experience, 2x2GB RAM often times perform slower than the 4x1GB counterparts. I'd stick with 1GB DIMMS (either 2x1GB or 4x1GB) because they're more reliable.
This is of course from my experience and research.
EDIT: More reliable: Yeah, by the time you'll need 8GB+ you won't be using FSB limited memory, or better(?) memory would be avaliable.
Figured, I'll stick with 2X 1GB then. I think I have my mind dead set on another pair of Kingston Hyper-X or the Corsair I showed you, but it won't be till Friday..
..So I'm on Windows XP now, thank god I still have it, always trusty. Can't run Vista with 1GB of ram, I lock up when I start doing simple things cause I just run out of memory heh.
..So I'm on Windows XP now, thank god I still have it, always trusty. Can't run Vista with 1GB of ram, I lock up when I start doing simple things cause I just run out of memory heh.
Lord Sojar
Don't waste money on Corsair ram..... ewwww...
Say hello to Crucial Ballistix, the best RAM for the dollar on the market, period, end of discussion, please proceed to checkout and PC ecstasy land.
Here ya go:
Buy it. I run 3 PCs overclocked like crazy on this stuff. Rock solid, runs cool, plays nice with most overclocks, and can run at lower voltages at stock speeds, which saves power and heat. Did I mention it is a cheap as hell?
Say hello to Crucial Ballistix, the best RAM for the dollar on the market, period, end of discussion, please proceed to checkout and PC ecstasy land.
Here ya go:
Buy it. I run 3 PCs overclocked like crazy on this stuff. Rock solid, runs cool, plays nice with most overclocks, and can run at lower voltages at stock speeds, which saves power and heat. Did I mention it is a cheap as hell?
Can't run that Rahja, I need 6400.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16820146565 If this version runs as good then I'll check it out..
What is wrong with Corsair though? I heard they have a good reputation for RAM.
Hmm, I'm checking CPU-Z and it says my RAM is volted at 1.8, and on the sticker on the RAM it says the Voltage is 2.0V.
Maybe it was under-volted and just wasn't running right, so I got problems? I don't know.. I'm too tired and pissed off tonight to mess with it, I'll try something tomorrow I guess.
As some guy said in a review on my RAM:
Other Thoughts: Per Kingston's website, this RaM will boot at 5-5-5-15 @1.8V and must be adjusted to 4-4-4-12 @2.0V to achieve best performance. Newegg lists the voltage as 1.95V, but thats not exactly correct. Enjoy! http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16820134066
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16820146565 If this version runs as good then I'll check it out..
What is wrong with Corsair though? I heard they have a good reputation for RAM.
Hmm, I'm checking CPU-Z and it says my RAM is volted at 1.8, and on the sticker on the RAM it says the Voltage is 2.0V.
Maybe it was under-volted and just wasn't running right, so I got problems? I don't know.. I'm too tired and pissed off tonight to mess with it, I'll try something tomorrow I guess.
As some guy said in a review on my RAM:
Other Thoughts: Per Kingston's website, this RaM will boot at 5-5-5-15 @1.8V and must be adjusted to 4-4-4-12 @2.0V to achieve best performance. Newegg lists the voltage as 1.95V, but thats not exactly correct. Enjoy! http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16820134066
When in doubt, always add more voltage!
Nothing is wrong with Corsair. You get what you pay for, moderately performance for a moderate price! Corsair manufacturers most of their own RAM (if not all) so they're generally in a league of their own.
To be honest, unless you're a real enthusiast, you can probably live with the Corsair XMS2 6400's. There are so many different chips out there (not to be confused with DIMMs) and none of it would make a difference unless you plan to overclock (and you aren't).
Some manufacturers don't list voltages correctly because they don't make the RAM themselves, technology is not perfect, you can't go by the label, you have to figure out what works best!
Those Corsairs XMS2 6400's I had booted fine on Auto @ 1.8v for as long as I had them... I found it weird that customer support told me to run them at 2.1v when 1.8v ran just fine. If you haven't upped the vRAM in your BIOS, then thats why it's running at 1.8v instead of 2.0. *YOU* have to manually up it.
Nothing is wrong with Corsair. You get what you pay for, moderately performance for a moderate price! Corsair manufacturers most of their own RAM (if not all) so they're generally in a league of their own.
To be honest, unless you're a real enthusiast, you can probably live with the Corsair XMS2 6400's. There are so many different chips out there (not to be confused with DIMMs) and none of it would make a difference unless you plan to overclock (and you aren't).
Some manufacturers don't list voltages correctly because they don't make the RAM themselves, technology is not perfect, you can't go by the label, you have to figure out what works best!
Those Corsairs XMS2 6400's I had booted fine on Auto @ 1.8v for as long as I had them... I found it weird that customer support told me to run them at 2.1v when 1.8v ran just fine. If you haven't upped the vRAM in your BIOS, then thats why it's running at 1.8v instead of 2.0. *YOU* have to manually up it.
Well, that's just it.. they booted happily and have ran for 4 months that way happily and I've had no problems with it, but apparently on the sticker, and on the site, it says go with 2.0 volts.
But I really do think that stick is dead, if the computer won't boot from it then there is nothing left of it, but I doubt an under-voltage killed it. RAM just goes iffy sometimes, not much you can do about it.
But I really do think that stick is dead, if the computer won't boot from it then there is nothing left of it, but I doubt an under-voltage killed it. RAM just goes iffy sometimes, not much you can do about it.
Aratak The Blind
Did you try what Admael said? I fried a stick of Corsairs XMS by my own fault and they didn't ask any question. They only ask me to run a memtest+ and when it failed they send me brand new sticks. You should talk to Kingston to make sure they won't pass on the warranty.
I don't know how to obtain warranty as I don't have the receipt or packaging anymore.
I guess I'll run a Memtest on it later to see whats exactly up with it.
I guess I'll run a Memtest on it later to see whats exactly up with it.
Aratak The Blind
Don't know for Kingston but Corsairs didn't ask for any receipt or proof of purchase. I think they ask if I bought them from an authorize reseller but that is it. Can't loose anything be emailing them.
Always register and keep the proof of purchase. Takes 5 min saves dollars.
Always register and keep the proof of purchase. Takes 5 min saves dollars.

Yeah, well I did that with every other part, I just didn't think about saving the RAM packaging and all the good stuff, and registering it etc.
I'll most likely end up just going to buy new RAM because it's cheap, and I don't want to wait for them to send the RAM to me, I kind of need it asap.
I'll most likely end up just going to buy new RAM because it's cheap, and I don't want to wait for them to send the RAM to me, I kind of need it asap.
Try putting in both sticks and running them at +2.1v.
Hmm.. I go into Advanced Chipset Setup in the BIOS and I get two things: Dram Frequency, and Dram Timing.
On the Dram frequency when I say ''Manual'' or ''Limit'' instead of ''Auto'' then it gives me the option to adjust it, it starts at 200mhz.
Then for Dram timing I hit manual, and all I get is the CAS Latency (CL) option, and I can set it to 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, and 6.0.
Then for the Frequency/Voltage Control menu in the BIOS I get 5 options:
*Auto Detect DIMM/PCI Clk <Enabled>
*CPU/LDT Spread Spectrum <0.50% H. Kiss Down>
*PCI-E Spread Spectrum <Linear Down>
*SATA Spread Spectrum <Linear Down>
*iGPU Spread Spectrum <3.00% Triangular Center>
So I'm not seeing anything to fully adjust timings and voltages for the RAM, and Ironically after reading more about my RAM I found out that this is infact the RAM that boots at 5-5-5-15 and 1.8 volts, and you are supposed to change it to 4-4-4-12 @ 2.0 volts for optimal performance, so I'm hoping I can do that.
Also I put the other assumed dead stick into vice versa DIMM slots and it still isn't detected, so I think it is shot for good anyways.
If I can't change the RAM settings then I am just going to buy a pair of ram that is loaded at optimal settings automatically.
EDIT: And in the PC Health Status menu I get this:
*Smart Fan Function <Press Enter>
*Shutdown Temperature <Disabled> (I know the dangers, etc)
*Warning Temperature <Disabled>
*CPU Core : 1.392V
*VDIMM : 1.872V
And more unnecessary things:
*CPU Fan Speed 2700RPM
*CPU Tcontrol : 42C/107F
*System Temperature 42C/107F
So I'm assuming the VDIMM is my RAM voltage, but It's grayed out and I can't change it.
On the Dram frequency when I say ''Manual'' or ''Limit'' instead of ''Auto'' then it gives me the option to adjust it, it starts at 200mhz.
Then for Dram timing I hit manual, and all I get is the CAS Latency (CL) option, and I can set it to 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, and 6.0.
Then for the Frequency/Voltage Control menu in the BIOS I get 5 options:
*Auto Detect DIMM/PCI Clk <Enabled>
*CPU/LDT Spread Spectrum <0.50% H. Kiss Down>
*PCI-E Spread Spectrum <Linear Down>
*SATA Spread Spectrum <Linear Down>
*iGPU Spread Spectrum <3.00% Triangular Center>
So I'm not seeing anything to fully adjust timings and voltages for the RAM, and Ironically after reading more about my RAM I found out that this is infact the RAM that boots at 5-5-5-15 and 1.8 volts, and you are supposed to change it to 4-4-4-12 @ 2.0 volts for optimal performance, so I'm hoping I can do that.
Also I put the other assumed dead stick into vice versa DIMM slots and it still isn't detected, so I think it is shot for good anyways.
If I can't change the RAM settings then I am just going to buy a pair of ram that is loaded at optimal settings automatically.
EDIT: And in the PC Health Status menu I get this:
*Smart Fan Function <Press Enter>
*Shutdown Temperature <Disabled> (I know the dangers, etc)
*Warning Temperature <Disabled>
*CPU Core : 1.392V
*VDIMM : 1.872V
And more unnecessary things:
*CPU Fan Speed 2700RPM
*CPU Tcontrol : 42C/107F
*System Temperature 42C/107F
So I'm assuming the VDIMM is my RAM voltage, but It's grayed out and I can't change it.
The Way Out
Originally Posted by Brianna
Hmm.. I go into Advanced Chipset Setup in the BIOS and I get two things: Dram Frequency, and Dram Timing.
On the Dram frequency when I say ''Manual'' or ''Limit'' instead of ''Auto'' then it gives me the option to adjust it, it starts at 200mhz. Then for Dram timing I hit manual, and all I get is the CAS Latency (CL) option, and I can set it to 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, and 6.0. Then for the Frequency/Voltage Control menu in the BIOS I get 5 options: *Auto Detect DIMM/PCI Clk <Enabled> *CPU/LDT Spread Spectrum <o.50% H. Kiss Down> *PCI-E Spread Spectrum <Linear Down> *SATA Spread Spectrum <Linear Down> *iGPU Spread Spectrum <3.00% Triangular Center> So I'm not seeing anything to fully adjust timings and voltages for the RAM, and Ironically after reading more about my RAM I found out that this is infact the RAM that boots at 5-5-5-15 and 1.8 volts, and you are supposed to change it to 4-4-4-12 @ 2.0 volts for optimal performance, so I'm hoping I can do that. Also I put the other assumed dead stick into vice versa DIMM slots and it still isn't detected, so I think it is shot for good anyways. If I can't change the RAM settings then I am just going to buy a pair of ram that is loaded at optimal settings automatically. |
I rarely log onto the forum anymore, however, I wanted to caution you that your memory stick that is dead is most likely still under warranty. Before you go and purchase memory, understand that most companies will replace your memory for you (many companies actually have limited lifetime warranties on their memory).
Hope that helps!!!
Thoughts? Tomorrow is the big day, have to pick a winner! Lol.
Thoughts? Tomorrow is the big day, have to pick a winner! Lol.
I've never bought RAM that I haven't needed to adjust the voltage for. If you're only reading 1.8v, then thats the "Auto" value for your mobo (same as mine).
Components may "seem" stable, and I say components because this applies not only for RAM, but that's only because you haven't pushed them to the limit. You will have to find the option to manually increase the voltage (it's *should* be in a section of it's own where all the voltages are controlled, so if you know where your cpu voltage (vcore) option is.
Those mushkin look pretty nice. I'll brief you incase you decide that's not what you what:
What you're looking at is mid-end gaming RAM. Comes in blue heatspreaders.
mushkin makes several types of RAM, they're distinquished by the color of their heatspreaders. Low end: no heatspreaders/green, Mid-end: blue, High-end: black, Overclockers: red, servers: white/silver
Components may "seem" stable, and I say components because this applies not only for RAM, but that's only because you haven't pushed them to the limit. You will have to find the option to manually increase the voltage (it's *should* be in a section of it's own where all the voltages are controlled, so if you know where your cpu voltage (vcore) option is.
Those mushkin look pretty nice. I'll brief you incase you decide that's not what you what:
What you're looking at is mid-end gaming RAM. Comes in blue heatspreaders.
mushkin makes several types of RAM, they're distinquished by the color of their heatspreaders. Low end: no heatspreaders/green, Mid-end: blue, High-end: black, Overclockers: red, servers: white/silver
So in other words, this is high end: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16820146726 Hence the price. Oh wait, that is 4GB, no wonder why it's double the price, either way - I catch your drift.
Well, I'm looking to only pay around 50$ range-ish. The Kingston Hyper-X ''Gaming Ram'' had Blue heat-spreaders, and since I liked how it worked, I think it would be in my interest to buy something of the same league.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16820146677 Here's some of their advertised ''High Performance'' but it's 1066.
Well, I'm looking to only pay around 50$ range-ish. The Kingston Hyper-X ''Gaming Ram'' had Blue heat-spreaders, and since I liked how it worked, I think it would be in my interest to buy something of the same league.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16820146677 Here's some of their advertised ''High Performance'' but it's 1066.
No no, the color heatspreaders only apply to mushkin!
And the "High Performance" 1066 is also the one I'm using. They run fine 4-4-3-10 @ 6400. But that price is a bit too steep to pay for 6400 RAM (to be honest, those ARE 6400, but they're "factory overclocked" to run at 1066).
Go with the XMS from Corsair or the Hyper-X for Kingston. The XP2 (black version) of the 2x1GB 6400 from mushkin has been discontinued from Newegg.
And the "High Performance" 1066 is also the one I'm using. They run fine 4-4-3-10 @ 6400. But that price is a bit too steep to pay for 6400 RAM (to be honest, those ARE 6400, but they're "factory overclocked" to run at 1066).
Go with the XMS from Corsair or the Hyper-X for Kingston. The XP2 (black version) of the 2x1GB 6400 from mushkin has been discontinued from Newegg.
Oh I didn't read that detail,that's what I get for being up at 1:00 am.
Alright, I was thinking the Corsair or Hyper-X again, probably corsair this time, then I'll send in my Kingston (Or try) and get it replaced, so I have backup RAM.
Can never have too much backup, this is why. I'm stuck with 1 gig of ram doing virtually nothing on my computer now.
Alright, I was thinking the Corsair or Hyper-X again, probably corsair this time, then I'll send in my Kingston (Or try) and get it replaced, so I have backup RAM.
Can never have too much backup, this is why. I'm stuck with 1 gig of ram doing virtually nothing on my computer now.
I might as well throw these in the mix before judgment day tomorrow 
3-4-3-9 @ 800 Mhz (effective) how can you lose?
I know it might be a bit out of your price range, but with the mail in rebate, those DIMMs are a steal.

3-4-3-9 @ 800 Mhz (effective) how can you lose?
I know it might be a bit out of your price range, but with the mail in rebate, those DIMMs are a steal.
Well, until Sunday I have some standard sticks of Crucial X2 1gb in, to tide me over.
Then I'll have my Corsair XMS, the one's I linked above.
These RAM sticks suck, they don't have Heat Spreaders, but at least they are fast and pumped the power back into my computer for a couple of days.
Hmm, come to think of it, this Crucial RAM is actually faster than my Kingston was (but only because the Kingston's timings.) At any rate, it's really nice, helps vista load all the menus and pictures and such much faster than before, it's just a shame it lacks the heat spreaders, else I'd have used these for good.
Then I'll have my Corsair XMS, the one's I linked above.
These RAM sticks suck, they don't have Heat Spreaders, but at least they are fast and pumped the power back into my computer for a couple of days.
Hmm, come to think of it, this Crucial RAM is actually faster than my Kingston was (but only because the Kingston's timings.) At any rate, it's really nice, helps vista load all the menus and pictures and such much faster than before, it's just a shame it lacks the heat spreaders, else I'd have used these for good.
Originally Posted by Brianna
So what do I do? I'm hoping that one of my DIMM's isn't dead.. then I'd really be in big trouble, I'd need a new motherboard.. *sigh*, I'm not fond of mem-test or if it will even work, if you recommend it then I'd need directions to set it up.
If one DIMM works and the other doesn't, then the one that doesn't work is obviously bad (duh).
If neither of them work, or both of them work, then it's possible that you have a bad DIMM slot. Try the other DIMM slot(s) to see which are good and which are bad.
If you find that one DIMM is bad, that's not too bad, you can just buy a new one. If you find that one (or more) slot is bad, that could be a problem, but it depends upon how many DIMM slots you have and how they are configured.
Let us know how many slots there are and how many are bad. But basically, if your mobo has 3 slots and 1 is bad, just use the other 2. If it has 4 slots (which means the may run in dual-channel mode) and you have 1 bad one, switch both DIMMS to the other slots. If you only have one good DIMM slot, buy one stick of RAM twice the size of the ones you have now, or a new motherboard.
I mentioned before that I found the culprit, it was a bad stick of RAM.
Thankfully the slot's are just fine, heh.
EDIT: I got the corsair 6400 XMS 2GB and it works nice, I'm back in business.
Thankfully the slot's are just fine, heh.
EDIT: I got the corsair 6400 XMS 2GB and it works nice, I'm back in business.