Been out of the game for awhile, now am back and stunned a bit. Enemy AI are getting smarter i.e(their mellee will ignore my mellee most of the time and find a way to shutdown my backliners, and their casters will stay in the backline like their supposed to and wreak havoc, their ranged attackers stays in the back and does fairly good damage to my H/H AI). Talk about smart enemy AI, they kite perfectly when they get damage. Try attacking an enemy AI monk in the gitgo as a warrior for example. Notice the the enemy AI squishies will kite like theres no tomorrow.
Have i missed something? Are there any special commands so my heroes would do the same. Those bastards(Heroes) would just stand there until they die. A lot of times they wont follow flag placements. Then, skill usage is crap a lot of times by Heroes (But, this would be another topic)
Any thoughts and advice will be appreciated.