Make all inscribable caster items drop as any attribute...
Inscribable Platinum Wands/Staves, Wayward wands, Silverboar Scepters, pretty much every caster item that uses a universal skin, can only drop linked to primary attributes.
It pretty much defeats the purpose of using them as any decent caster would be using a 40/40 set for their main attribute, which isn't very likely to be their primary.
The only craftable/inscribable items that actually give the option to come as every attribute are Tormented, Destroyer, Deldrimor, and the Bonus Mission Pack. If none of those interest you, you pretty much have to use some generic common skin.
Strangely, the newly released items, Bone Dragon Staves and Frog Scepters, can come as any attribute yet every other universal caster item that can drop as loot comes as primary only.
It pretty much defeats the purpose of using them as any decent caster would be using a 40/40 set for their main attribute, which isn't very likely to be their primary.
The only craftable/inscribable items that actually give the option to come as every attribute are Tormented, Destroyer, Deldrimor, and the Bonus Mission Pack. If none of those interest you, you pretty much have to use some generic common skin.
Strangely, the newly released items, Bone Dragon Staves and Frog Scepters, can come as any attribute yet every other universal caster item that can drop as loot comes as primary only.
I love some of the wand skins, such as Platinum, but for my Ele or Ritu to use them, i need to go primary attribute which isn't why i'd use a wand in the first place...
I love some of the wand skins, such as Platinum, but for my Ele or Ritu to use them, i need to go primary attribute which isn't why i'd use a wand in the first place...
That explains the Req 9 Energy Storage staff I got ages ago.
/signed - A Platinum Inscribable Restoration Staff for my Rit would be nice :3
/signed - A Platinum Inscribable Restoration Staff for my Rit would be nice :3
Though it is in a way already possible to obtain them through the zaishen chest, just extremely rare.
Though it is in a way already possible to obtain them through the zaishen chest, just extremely rare.
Yes PLEASE.... theres such a limitation on good skins because of this.
Yes, signed.
There are tons of nice skins that drop with inspiration or fast casting requirements, often not even Mesmers can use them properly. A real waste.
There are tons of nice skins that drop with inspiration or fast casting requirements, often not even Mesmers can use them properly. A real waste.
Shayne Hawke
/signed. This should give people a better chance to use some skins they'd rather have.
this will nerf all non-inscribable staffs with such a req they are bit more rare so what? you can still buy them and if you rlly like it you can safe some money. you can find most of those you said in factions/prohecies campain non-inscripable with any attribute
this will nerf all non-inscribable staffs with such a req they are bit more rare so what? you can still buy them and if you rlly like it you can safe some money. you can find most of those you said in factions/prohecies campain non-inscripable with any attribute
There are skins that are linked to an attrbiute, like Fire Staves, but it's true that others that may drop with attributes of any profession should drop also with primary attributes.
What? Uniscribable staves, wands and shields are mostly merchant fodder since the days of Prophecies.
And you ABSOLUTELY CAN'T find any of those with ritualist attributes in Prophecies and almost no Prophecies caster drops are linked to primary attributes.
An overall drop update must be done, and this idea is a good part of that update.
Originally Posted by bartjé
this will nerf all non-inscribable staffs with such a req they are bit more rare so what? you can still buy them and if you rlly like it you can safe some money. you can find most of those you said in factions/prohecies campain non-inscripable with any attribute
And you ABSOLUTELY CAN'T find any of those with ritualist attributes in Prophecies and almost no Prophecies caster drops are linked to primary attributes.
An overall drop update must be done, and this idea is a good part of that update.
Originally Posted by bartjé
this will nerf all non-inscribable staffs with such a req they are bit more rare so what? you can still buy them and if you rlly like it you can safe some money. you can find most of those you said in factions/prohecies campain non-inscripable with any attribute |
What is wanted is rare skins with other req than primaries. Not everyone is using the primary. If you are a N/Rt and working as a healer then a spawning power wand/staff is freaking useless. why waste them?
~the rat~
I'm pretty sure what the OP is saying isn't true.
I have a curses boar scepter and a fire wayward wand gold in my invintory now. So, /sorta signed but I think his examples aren't correct.
I have a curses boar scepter and a fire wayward wand gold in my invintory now. So, /sorta signed but I think his examples aren't correct.
Loli Krasivaya
Physicals get SO many options, while casters get totally jipped.
Physicals get SO many options, while casters get totally jipped.
Aerie Swiftarrow
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
There are skins that are linked to an attrbiute, like Fire Staves, but it's true that others that may drop with attributes of any profession should drop also with primary attributes.
What? Uniscribable staves, wands and shields are mostly merchant fodder since the days of Prophecies. And you ABSOLUTELY CAN'T find any of those with ritualist attributes in Prophecies and almost no Prophecies caster drops are linked to primary attributes. An overall drop update must be done, and this idea is a good part of that update. |

Fitz Rinley
Originally Posted by bartjé
this will nerf all non-inscribable staffs with such a req they are bit more rare so what? you can still buy them and if you rlly like it you can safe some money. you can find most of those you said in factions/prohecies campain non-inscripable with any attribute |
What's this doing in Sardelac?
What's this doing in Sardelac?
Originally Posted by Tyla
What's this doing in Sardelac? |
/signed. Gimme gimme dolyak prod staff!
Rhaegor Stormborn
More item variety is a good thing regardless of the reason behind it, but I also support this line of reasoning.
More item variety is a good thing regardless of the reason behind it, but I also support this line of reasoning.
I'd love some of the skins available as Soul Reaping but with a Curses req instead. Also wonder why Soul Reaping, Energy Storage, Spawning Power, Divine Favor, and Inspiration Magic were used. Mesmer has Fast Casting as a primary attribute, not Inspiration Magic.
I'd love some of the skins available as Soul Reaping but with a Curses req instead. Also wonder why Soul Reaping, Energy Storage, Spawning Power, Divine Favor, and Inspiration Magic were used. Mesmer has Fast Casting as a primary attribute, not Inspiration Magic.
It would be nice to have other reqs on some nice skins, like Platinum Staff.
It would be nice to have other reqs on some nice skins, like Platinum Staff.
Stormlord Alex
Some of the GW:EN staffs are total kick-ass.
But utter shit because of their req.
Some of the GW:EN staffs are total kick-ass.
But utter shit because of their req.
Shai Lee
Oh, and I also wondered about using inspiration for mesmers vs their primary.
Oh, and I also wondered about using inspiration for mesmers vs their primary.
I was about to make a thread about it long ago myself but was too lazy. Thankfully found this so I
this one.
This is a very annoying issue and should be easy to fix.
I find those caster items from GW:EN and The Deep/Urgoz endchests close to completely useless because of the attributes they drop for. They're only good for selling them...
I play almost only casters and this issue greatly discouraged me from playing dungeons for nice items - theres NO hope for finding a useful one! Zero chance!
(at least the new design contest winners drop for all attributes. They finally realised the fail? How about fixing the rest?)
For Monk I'm mainly looking for Healing or Protection req items, rarely Smiting, NEVER Divine, but they decided to make them all Divine...
For Ele I could use all EXCEPT Energy Storage and that's exactly what I can only get (and worse - the ES req drops are *worse* than crafter counterparts because crafter ones at least deal Chaos Dmg)
For Mes they only drop for Inspiration, a secondary attribute for most builds, NOT the attrib I would want weapons for. Mesmers want DOMINATION or Illusion ffs.
For Nec - Curses, Death, even Blood are the useful ones, soul reaping NOT
For Rit those Spawning req staffs are also a complete joke...
There are no reasons NOT to update the GW:EN staffs and Pronged Fans. And the only 1 reason for not updating the inscribable Zodiac Staffs and Platinum Staffs is the value of perfect oldschool versions that dropped for a USEFUL attribute. But there were no Healing or Prot versions for those, only rare Divine with Heal or Prot HCT inherent, but those aren't compatibile with Adept staff heads and deal crappy Fire dmg...
this one.
This is a very annoying issue and should be easy to fix.
I find those caster items from GW:EN and The Deep/Urgoz endchests close to completely useless because of the attributes they drop for. They're only good for selling them...
I play almost only casters and this issue greatly discouraged me from playing dungeons for nice items - theres NO hope for finding a useful one! Zero chance!
(at least the new design contest winners drop for all attributes. They finally realised the fail? How about fixing the rest?)
For Monk I'm mainly looking for Healing or Protection req items, rarely Smiting, NEVER Divine, but they decided to make them all Divine...
For Ele I could use all EXCEPT Energy Storage and that's exactly what I can only get (and worse - the ES req drops are *worse* than crafter counterparts because crafter ones at least deal Chaos Dmg)
For Mes they only drop for Inspiration, a secondary attribute for most builds, NOT the attrib I would want weapons for. Mesmers want DOMINATION or Illusion ffs.
For Nec - Curses, Death, even Blood are the useful ones, soul reaping NOT
For Rit those Spawning req staffs are also a complete joke...
There are no reasons NOT to update the GW:EN staffs and Pronged Fans. And the only 1 reason for not updating the inscribable Zodiac Staffs and Platinum Staffs is the value of perfect oldschool versions that dropped for a USEFUL attribute. But there were no Healing or Prot versions for those, only rare Divine with Heal or Prot HCT inherent, but those aren't compatibile with Adept staff heads and deal crappy Fire dmg...