Connection problems with GW may/10
I've been Playing Random Arenas ( American Districts ) and being continually disconnected on random games. The weirdest match happened when both teams got teammates disconneted, so I guess it wasnt only me.
While playing RA, I've been online listening internet radio without any problems plus AVG just ran a internet update routine. So from that I take it was only GW.
Is there a reason for this ? Was it only happening to RA plyers ? I would like some feedback on other players having the same problems and who might know whats happening.
EDIT : Would somebody fix the date, idk where I got that number ^^.
While playing RA, I've been online listening internet radio without any problems plus AVG just ran a internet update routine. So from that I take it was only GW.
Is there a reason for this ? Was it only happening to RA plyers ? I would like some feedback on other players having the same problems and who might know whats happening.
EDIT : Would somebody fix the date, idk where I got that number ^^.
Xodus Ab Chao
It's more than just RA players. I'm just sitting in Kamadan and can't move, keep getting disco'd, etc. Can't even leave Kamadan.
doing dungeons and it was bad in there to, just started about 1 hour ago, (at 630 am -5 GMT if that helps anyone)
got to bad about 7am same time zone.
hope it isnt anything to serious, just bad weather or something where ever the server is
got to bad about 7am same time zone.
hope it isnt anything to serious, just bad weather or something where ever the server is
6 disconnects in 40 mins and avg ping of 7k
somethings wrong cuz i've never been disconnected before and my avg ping is usually below 50ms
I'm in Southern Cali.. I've been sitting in ToA talking to people (about all i can do) and there are people all over the country(U.S.) experiencing the same..
Plz Fix Your Stuff Anet!
somethings wrong cuz i've never been disconnected before and my avg ping is usually below 50ms
I'm in Southern Cali.. I've been sitting in ToA talking to people (about all i can do) and there are people all over the country(U.S.) experiencing the same..
Plz Fix Your Stuff Anet!
Hmm cool, got enough feedback, wasnt just me and wasnt just RA.
my god! I thought it was my internet that was screwy! Thank god GW guys fixed it already. I wonder what happened in their place to cause this problem...
ya i'm not getting any more problems. alls well in GW again..
Originally Posted by kazi_saki
my god! I thought it was my internet that was screwy! Thank god GW guys fixed it already. I wonder what happened in their place to cause this problem...
It was in ISP problem on the West coast. Did a tracert when all this was going on, kept getting packet loss around LA. I confirmed this with another person, who is on the other side of the US and had the same deal. So, while everything is fine and dandy now; in the future do a tracert to see whats going on, especially if everything else on your PC is running fine. My 2cents
Wow... im getting it now, in South Africa GMT2.... this is really annoying, like getting 24k pings and 007... annoying!!
Originally Posted by Fortuna1
Wow... im getting it now, in South Africa GMT2.... this is really annoying, like getting 24k pings and 007... annoying!!
Lol, exact same happened to me couldnt move and stuff..