Okay i was reading about my mobo just now and found this out.
http://global.msi.com.tw/index.php?f...& cat2_no=170
MSI Reminds you...
1. NVIDIA nForce Series boards DO NOT support Windows® 98/ME
2. SLI Technology only supports 32-bit and 64-bit Windows XP
3. For the best performance and commitment of convenience, please use memories listed in MSI approved memory module vendor list (Please check memory test report), which provides the easiest, up-to-date memory configurations.
On the remind note no. 2 "SLI Technology only supports 32-bit and 64-bit Windows XP"
does this mean i cant run my SLI (2x8800GTS 512) under window vista ultimate/home premium in 32/64bit O_O?
About my Mobo O_O
I'm guessing that page was written before Vista existed. SLI is just fine in Vista.
They probably just copy and pasted that from some other motherboard's specifications. That particular motherboard is newer than Vista, and SLI will definitely work.
I'm sure the SLI would work perfectly fine.
Try it out. I'm guessing it will work. If it doesn't, well, you were told hehe.