when i load up guild wars,then start playing, 5 mins later my pc restarts itself
Graphics card: ATI Radeon HD 2600 Series PRO
does any1 know what the problem is? would be greatly appreciated if you could help me
Academy Page
Join Date: Jan 2008
BC, Canada
Disciples of the Fish
11 May 2008 at 19:12 - 2
I used to have the same problem...I think it's because GW doesn't run well on dual core systems. Luckily the fix is easy.
Ctrl+Alt+Delete->Processes->Right click Gw.exe->Set Affinity->Uncheck all CPU's except for one.
You'll have to do this every time you start GW up.
I hope that helps!
Good luck
Pre-Searing Cadet
Join Date: May 2008
Between Guilds
11 May 2008 at 19:19 - 3
suppose ill have to get used to it thanks
Insane & Inhumane
Join Date: Feb 2006
11 May 2008 at 19:26 - 4
Could be because of overheating too, try out what Itokaru posted and let us know if it works or not.
Else it could be related to your graphics card over-heating while it has Guild Wars up.
Pre-Searing Cadet
Join Date: May 2008
Between Guilds
11 May 2008 at 19:49 - 5
it appears to have worked, it wont be over-heating cause it has a build in fan + 2 other fans in my pc
Pre-Searing Cadet
Join Date: May 2008
Between Guilds
13 May 2008 at 16:02 - 6
just found that it if i run in a circle for a while, it shuts my pc down aswell.....weird
Academy Page
Join Date: Apr 2006
The Netherlands
13 May 2008 at 16:22 - 7
I have the same problem since a couple of days now, I load up the game and after about 5 minutes my computer crashes. I am also running and Radeon with 2 additional coolers. It never happened before. Help would be appreciated.
EDIT; Radeon I meant instead of Nvidia
Jungle Guide
Join Date: Feb 2007
13 May 2008 at 16:32 - 8
Try the fix proposed by Itokaru, then come back to us if you still have the problem. Also, the number of fan you have doesn't mean you can't experience overheating, if they are full of dust of malfunctioning you will still get overheating so when you experience crashes, looking for dust inside your computer always helps to rule out a few possible causes for the problem.