Differences between now... and then
As I was just looking through the sell forums and found that only 1 mini Kanaxi has ever been up for sale... ever, I seriously wanted to fall over and laugh. The current offer for the pet was 250e... which one person thought was outrageously overprices. Now I understand that back in 2006 ecto were like 15k each, but still. It's a great comparison on how bad the economy has gone since than. Now, a mini kanaxi would go for no less than 6 stacks of armbrace and a mini vizu unded (and of course 100k). I just find it hilarious... really, what happened in these 2 years that turned a pet that was extrmely 'cheap' in todays sense... to unubtainable now except for dupers.
I think a couple things changed. One being the ability to customize stuff. Of course this only accounts for the time between GW:EN and now, because items were growing in price since before then.
I think what drove prices up is the realization that panda's don't grow on trees. It can be summarized with this:
I think what drove prices up is the realization that panda's don't grow on trees. It can be summarized with this:
Who cares, really? 99.999% of players will never see a single armbrace, much less six stacks of them. You want to survey the economy? Check the commodities. Is making ends meet harder for X Joe Sixpack X than before? If no, the economy is fine.
Originally Posted by Esan
99.999% of players will never see a single armbrace
back to topic:
yes, we all know for quite a while that current economy is "broken" - or at least that's what most of ppl say.
Why it was so much back then? there were much less ectos out, only few ppl had 1stack+ ectos, also ppl weren't too much on mini pets(were they?), also noone knew if it will remain rare or not - today is a fact that it's top3 rarest pet and will most likely stay. Imo this has not much to do with economy now and back then.
what im saying... if someone put a kanaxi for 250 b/o in high end right now... at LEAST 800 people would quick through in B/O HERE WHERE R U IM IN INT 1 KAMADAN NOW CXOME QUICK!!!!.
But in reality, that minipet is 6 stacks of armbrace + really rare rareness.
But in reality, that minipet is 6 stacks of armbrace + really rare rareness.
Originally Posted by NoXiFy
As I was just looking through the sell forums and found that only 1 mini Kanaxi has ever been up for sale... ever, I seriously wanted to fall over and laugh. The current offer for the pet was 250e... which one person thought was outrageously overprices. Now I understand that back in 2006 ecto were like 15k each, but still. It's a great comparison on how bad the economy has gone since than. Now, a mini kanaxi would go for no less than 6 stacks of armbrace and a mini vizu unded (and of course 100k). I just find it hilarious... really, what happened in these 2 years that turned a pet that was extrmely 'cheap' in todays sense... to unubtainable now except for dupers.
Red Sonya
Originally Posted by Esan
Who cares, really? 99.999% of players will never see a single armbrace, much less six stacks of them. You want to survey the economy? Check the commodities. Is making ends meet harder for X Joe Sixpack X than before? If no, the economy is fine.

Let's cry over things that don't matter.
Ok, so now that we're done crying...
Do minipets matter? No.
Does high end armor matter? No.
Do rare ANYTHING matter? No.
The game is set in such a way that you can get your max armor and weapon without dropping serious play time. Now if you WANT the rare and expensive stuff, then it's up to you on how much you're going to work for it.
There is no need in this economy, simply want. With that, it's a seller's market. You don't like it, go to WoW where you have to raid for hours on end only to end up loot rolling against 2 other classes in HOPES that you'll get your high end armor (at least until the next expansion).
Hell, before the token drops, there'd be a chance the armor you wanted wouldn't even drop at all.
You have it good in this game. The sellers set the prices though. You don't need tomes, or ectos, or armor remnants, you don't need any of that stuff to play the game.
And I swear to god, the next tard in game that goes "man, I need a gold weapon" I'm going to ignore them flat out. Those collector blues over there have the same stats, go get one.
Ok, so now that we're done crying...
Do minipets matter? No.
Does high end armor matter? No.
Do rare ANYTHING matter? No.
The game is set in such a way that you can get your max armor and weapon without dropping serious play time. Now if you WANT the rare and expensive stuff, then it's up to you on how much you're going to work for it.
There is no need in this economy, simply want. With that, it's a seller's market. You don't like it, go to WoW where you have to raid for hours on end only to end up loot rolling against 2 other classes in HOPES that you'll get your high end armor (at least until the next expansion).
Hell, before the token drops, there'd be a chance the armor you wanted wouldn't even drop at all.
You have it good in this game. The sellers set the prices though. You don't need tomes, or ectos, or armor remnants, you don't need any of that stuff to play the game.
And I swear to god, the next tard in game that goes "man, I need a gold weapon" I'm going to ignore them flat out. Those collector blues over there have the same stats, go get one.
why do so many people seem to want every item in the game available to them for little effort.
it's just so retarded.
EDIT: Yes, i know that wasnt OT.
so for the OT bit:
why do so many people seem to want every item in the game available to them for little effort.
it's just so retarded.
EDIT: Yes, i know that wasnt OT.
so for the OT bit:
so really its another thread pointing out the drop in the econemy that people are always moaning about.
was nice to see the change more vivadly,
jsut shows how a selfish few (dupers) can destroy somthing for the econemy,
the avg. player wouldn't really be effected by this anyway, so thats a good thing.
was nice to see the change more vivadly,
jsut shows how a selfish few (dupers) can destroy somthing for the econemy,
the avg. player wouldn't really be effected by this anyway, so thats a good thing.
Originally Posted by Talach_Ninneed
the avg. player wouldn't really be effected by this anyway, so thats a good thing.
Back then it was just farming ecto or gold...
you're sadly mistaken there.
Surely, all the OMGUBERRARE items now get insane bids from the selected few patient enough to hoard enough riches. But the normal everyday stuff a lot of people need has severly dropped in price.
In 2005, a 15>50 martial weapon (axe or sword) in a not-so-rare skin easely had a pricetag of 100k, mods included, now you can get one for 10k. Superior vigor runes went for 50k, superior absorption was a whooping 90k. Both are much cheaper now. I payed around 3 mill gold for my obsidian set in 2005, now prices have dropped to around 600k-700k. Most of the weapon skins are relatively easy to get and therefor only a few jump over 100k.
Honestly, things have changed for the better. Now everyone can get some shiny items without having to grind their asses off. And surely not everyone will get a shiny panda or kanaxai minipet, but is that realy required to enjoy the game ?
Surely, all the OMGUBERRARE items now get insane bids from the selected few patient enough to hoard enough riches. But the normal everyday stuff a lot of people need has severly dropped in price.
In 2005, a 15>50 martial weapon (axe or sword) in a not-so-rare skin easely had a pricetag of 100k, mods included, now you can get one for 10k. Superior vigor runes went for 50k, superior absorption was a whooping 90k. Both are much cheaper now. I payed around 3 mill gold for my obsidian set in 2005, now prices have dropped to around 600k-700k. Most of the weapon skins are relatively easy to get and therefor only a few jump over 100k.
Honestly, things have changed for the better. Now everyone can get some shiny items without having to grind their asses off. And surely not everyone will get a shiny panda or kanaxai minipet, but is that realy required to enjoy the game ?
Originally Posted by RotteN
you're sadly mistaken there.
Surely, all the OMGUBERRARE items now get insane bids from the selected few patient enough to hoard enough riches. But the normal everyday stuff a lot of people need has severly dropped in price. In 2005, a 15>50 martial weapon (axe or sword) in a not-so-rare skin easely had a pricetag of 100k, mods included, now you can get one for 10k. Superior vigor runes went for 50k, superior absorption was a whooping 90k. Both are much cheaper now. I payed around 3 mill gold for my obsidian set in 2005, now prices have dropped to around 600k-700k. Most of the weapon skins are relatively easy to get and therefor only a few jump over 100k. Honestly, things have changed for the better. Now everyone can get some shiny items without having to grind their asses off. And surely not everyone will get a shiny panda or kanaxai minipet, but is that realy required to enjoy the game ? |
Originally Posted by Esan
Who cares, really? 99.999% of players will never see a single armbrace, much less six stacks of them. You want to survey the economy? Check the commodities. Is making ends meet harder for X Joe Sixpack X than before? If no, the economy is fine.
Like 50% of PvPers have at least a tormented shield. Seriously, click a random HoH game and count the number of those shields across 3 teams.
Yea I think some of you fail to realize that more people play this game now, so naturally there is more money going around.
Originally Posted by Alleji
Like 50% of PvPers have at least a tormented shield.
Of course armbraces were harder to come by before Ursans stormed the place.
October Jade
If you bothered to spell Kanaxai properly, you'd find that far more than one has been sold in high end. There are five on the first page alone.
Many Things changed in 2years. but yeah there been kanaxais for sale What i heard someone traded one for panda year ago etc. but yeah If ambraces would be 100k +xxxe like it used to. It wouldnt need many stacks to buy someting like kanaxai
Killed u man
Agreed on what most people said:
-You DON'T NEED those super-expensive items, the game is made so you can have the same advantage these players have, without having to play 24/7.
-The good mods did in fact became alot cheaper. (Sup Vigors come from 80K+)
-Saying one should "work" for these super-elite items is bs. You know aswell as the poor bum that you will NOT get the item through casual play, daily farming or even 24/7 farming...
-There is 4 ways of getting these rare items:
*Get a lucky drop (Perfect Cryst, selling it for multiple stacks, etc)
*Earn it through Anet's sweepstakes/tournies etc.. (Such as how they give away all the Asian pets)
*Get it as a gift from a friend who is quitting
To be honest, and you can say whatever you want -you know it's the hard truth- duping IS in fact your best shot at getting these items.
Look, it's no secret that some of the super-rich people right now (some who have been playing during beta) are in that position because they didn't get banned during all the previous dupe glitches.
Heck, one of the most respected people here on this forum (Ok, he's not that respected, but everyone knows him) duped all his cash. (He was one of the first to get R6 KoaBD with duped money offc)
I'm just saying that you shouldn't give this guy the same bs everyone seems to give here (let's all join the bandwagon, kk?). You can NOT get these items. Face it, there is no reasonable way of getting these. (Even botting would requires you SOOOO long to actually come within price range)
No, I'm not saying we should make these items super-cheap. I can accept the fact I will never have one. (I couldn't care less actually, I mean, I wouldn't mind having it, but I wouldn't mind not having it either
) That doesn't mean "everyon" can accept this, because I can clearly feel the "injustice" to these people...
-You DON'T NEED those super-expensive items, the game is made so you can have the same advantage these players have, without having to play 24/7.
-The good mods did in fact became alot cheaper. (Sup Vigors come from 80K+)
-Saying one should "work" for these super-elite items is bs. You know aswell as the poor bum that you will NOT get the item through casual play, daily farming or even 24/7 farming...
-There is 4 ways of getting these rare items:
*Get a lucky drop (Perfect Cryst, selling it for multiple stacks, etc)
*Earn it through Anet's sweepstakes/tournies etc.. (Such as how they give away all the Asian pets)
*Get it as a gift from a friend who is quitting
To be honest, and you can say whatever you want -you know it's the hard truth- duping IS in fact your best shot at getting these items.
Look, it's no secret that some of the super-rich people right now (some who have been playing during beta) are in that position because they didn't get banned during all the previous dupe glitches.
Heck, one of the most respected people here on this forum (Ok, he's not that respected, but everyone knows him) duped all his cash. (He was one of the first to get R6 KoaBD with duped money offc)
I'm just saying that you shouldn't give this guy the same bs everyone seems to give here (let's all join the bandwagon, kk?). You can NOT get these items. Face it, there is no reasonable way of getting these. (Even botting would requires you SOOOO long to actually come within price range)
No, I'm not saying we should make these items super-cheap. I can accept the fact I will never have one. (I couldn't care less actually, I mean, I wouldn't mind having it, but I wouldn't mind not having it either

Killed u man
Agreed on what most people said:
-You DON'T NEED those super-expensive items, the game is made so you can have the same advantage these players have, without having to play 24/7.
-The good mods did in fact became alot cheaper. (Sup Vigors come from 80K+)
-Saying one should "work" for these super-elite items is bs. You know aswell as the poor bum that you will NOT get the item through casual play, daily farming or even 24/7 farming...
-There is 4 ways of getting these rare items:
*Get a lucky drop (Perfect Cryst, selling it for multiple stacks, etc)
*Earn it through Anet's sweepstakes/tournies etc.. (Such as how they give away all the Asian pets)
*Get it as a gift from a friend who is quitting
To be honest, and you can say whatever you want -you know it's the hard truth- duping IS in fact your best shot at getting these items.
Look, it's no secret that some of the super-rich people right now (some who have been playing during beta) are in that position because they didn't get banned during all the previous dupe glitches.
Heck, one of the most respected people here on this forum (Ok, he's not that respected, but everyone knows him) duped all his cash. (He was one of the first to get R6 KoaBD with duped money offc)
I'm just saying that you shouldn't give this guy the same bs everyone seems to give here (let's all join the bandwagon, kk?). You can NOT get these items. Face it, there is no reasonable way of getting these. (Even botting would requires you SOOOO long to actually come within price range)
No, I'm not saying we should make these items super-cheap. I can accept the fact I will never have one. (I couldn't care less actually, I mean, I wouldn't mind having it, but I wouldn't mind not having it either
) That doesn't mean "everyon" can accept this, because I can clearly feel the "injustice" to these people...
-You DON'T NEED those super-expensive items, the game is made so you can have the same advantage these players have, without having to play 24/7.
-The good mods did in fact became alot cheaper. (Sup Vigors come from 80K+)
-Saying one should "work" for these super-elite items is bs. You know aswell as the poor bum that you will NOT get the item through casual play, daily farming or even 24/7 farming...
-There is 4 ways of getting these rare items:
*Get a lucky drop (Perfect Cryst, selling it for multiple stacks, etc)
*Earn it through Anet's sweepstakes/tournies etc.. (Such as how they give away all the Asian pets)
*Get it as a gift from a friend who is quitting
To be honest, and you can say whatever you want -you know it's the hard truth- duping IS in fact your best shot at getting these items.
Look, it's no secret that some of the super-rich people right now (some who have been playing during beta) are in that position because they didn't get banned during all the previous dupe glitches.
Heck, one of the most respected people here on this forum (Ok, he's not that respected, but everyone knows him) duped all his cash. (He was one of the first to get R6 KoaBD with duped money offc)
I'm just saying that you shouldn't give this guy the same bs everyone seems to give here (let's all join the bandwagon, kk?). You can NOT get these items. Face it, there is no reasonable way of getting these. (Even botting would requires you SOOOO long to actually come within price range)
No, I'm not saying we should make these items super-cheap. I can accept the fact I will never have one. (I couldn't care less actually, I mean, I wouldn't mind having it, but I wouldn't mind not having it either

Malice Black
Making money in GW is beyond easy. Mini-pets made it even easier.
It takes a little knowledge, a little cash and some balls.
I turned 100k into 600k in a day. How? knowing what to buy. Thats a fairly low end trade too. Herb bought an axe for 5k, and then turned around and sold it for over a million. ANYONE can do this. All you have to do is read and learn.
Saying duping is the only way is just untrue. Smart people make money, dumb people don't.
It takes a little knowledge, a little cash and some balls.
I turned 100k into 600k in a day. How? knowing what to buy. Thats a fairly low end trade too. Herb bought an axe for 5k, and then turned around and sold it for over a million. ANYONE can do this. All you have to do is read and learn.
Saying duping is the only way is just untrue. Smart people make money, dumb people don't.
Worried about the economy in a game? Get real!
It's just a game.
It's just a game.
savage vapor 33
Originally Posted by RotteN
you're sadly mistaken there.
Surely, all the OMGUBERRARE items now get insane bids from the selected few patient enough to hoard enough riches. But the normal everyday stuff a lot of people need has severly dropped in price. In 2005, a 15>50 martial weapon (axe or sword) in a not-so-rare skin easely had a pricetag of 100k, mods included, now you can get one for 10k. Superior vigor runes went for 50k, superior absorption was a whooping 90k. Both are much cheaper now. I payed around 3 mill gold for my obsidian set in 2005, now prices have dropped to around 600k-700k. Most of the weapon skins are relatively easy to get and therefor only a few jump over 100k. Honestly, things have changed for the better. Now everyone can get some shiny items without having to grind their asses off. And surely not everyone will get a shiny panda or kanaxai minipet, but is that realy required to enjoy the game ? |
Rocky Raccoon
Originally Posted by quickmonty
Worried about the economy in a game? Get real!
It's just a game. |
Gas at almost $4.00 per gallon, food prices constantly rising, and I should worry about a fake economy, I think not.