Z-keys, the new currency?
Voltaic Annihilator
You guys think that Z-keys will become a currency like ectos? They are worth the same and easily obtained. Thoughts please
Ectos are still superior imo.
I doubt it will ever change because people have invested into ectos too much.
Not even... the prices are so inconsistent right now, and everyone is trying to sell for like 3k more than people are trying to buy for.
When the price stabilizes its probably gonna be lower than ectos again.
When the price stabilizes its probably gonna be lower than ectos again.
I've seen a lot of WTT 1 Ecto for 1 ZKey quite often. I have yet to see an actual definite price on ZKeys right now. I sold 10 for 4.3k each and maybe an hour later they were 3-6k, even some people selling for 8k.
Ain't that the truth.
the prices are so inconsistent right now |
yeah, there in high demand atm but that'll go down in a week or a few.imo
Voltaic Annihilator
I doubt they that the demand will go down (r12 zaishen=20000 keys)
Originally Posted by Voltaic Annihilator
I doubt they that the demand will go down (r12 zaishen=20000 keys)
ppl only want r1 (r7 at the most) for the emote
anything else is jus beyond unrealistic for the average gamer
to the op: no it wont replace ectos
I don't see it replacing ecto unless they do a free UW/FoW weekend or a double ecto drop weekend and ecto prices drop to like 3k or lower, which would royally screw over the economy worse than it already is.
Originally Posted by matsif
I don't see it replacing ecto unless they do a free UW/FoW weekend or a double ecto drop weekend and ecto prices drop to like 3k or lower, which would royally screw over the economy worse than it already is.
I see mainly Wtt 1 ecto for 1 key vice versa... so theres no point as using them as currency, just use ecto. Price will change later anyways since there is no trader for them.
Motoko Kusanagi War
Zkeys were 5k when they were first introduced into the game.
Zkeys decreased in value to a measly 3k at top selling price.
The same will happen with them now.
Sell now, buy later.
Zkeys decreased in value to a measly 3k at top selling price.
The same will happen with them now.
Sell now, buy later.
Even if they did stabilise to the same value I don't see why the community would randomly decide to change to a different item for currency. There just wouldn't be any reason for it.
Further to that, what would everyone do with their existing ecto stockpiles, they would have to sell them to the trader to get cash to buy Zaishen keys, but in the process they would massively increase the availability and hence worth of ectos, so they would end up losing a lot of money if they tried.
On top of that: I imagine ectos work as a currency because people keep them as they do gold, they use them as a currency because they are rare and few are actually used. Zaishen keys will likely be bought with using them on the chest in mind, I can't see them being very practical as a currency if everyone who gets them wants to "destroy" them straight away.
Well those are my thoughts anyway, the main reason I see is that there is just no good reason to change. The best substitute currency would be something that is always a fixed proce at traders, then they could be exchanged directly for a given amount of gold, their worth wouldn't change.
Further to that, what would everyone do with their existing ecto stockpiles, they would have to sell them to the trader to get cash to buy Zaishen keys, but in the process they would massively increase the availability and hence worth of ectos, so they would end up losing a lot of money if they tried.
On top of that: I imagine ectos work as a currency because people keep them as they do gold, they use them as a currency because they are rare and few are actually used. Zaishen keys will likely be bought with using them on the chest in mind, I can't see them being very practical as a currency if everyone who gets them wants to "destroy" them straight away.
Well those are my thoughts anyway, the main reason I see is that there is just no good reason to change. The best substitute currency would be something that is always a fixed proce at traders, then they could be exchanged directly for a given amount of gold, their worth wouldn't change.
El Presidente
Z key price is too inconsistent to be accepted as currency atm...
HuntMaster Avatar
Zkeys do bring in some profit. I'v a pve player for the most part and I got some keys the other day and made some plat off them. Its wonderful! Easiest 25k I'v made in a long time.
I can see keys making money for awhile, But in 6 months prices may drop to 2-3k. Right now at 5-6k its easy money. Gives me a reason to play competitive missions again.
I love pay to own titles, since I dont want the titles I get the cash!
Plus its a really easy way to save money for costly things if you cant farm ectos. I mean if I farm factions for the next 6 months I might be able to afford a kanaxai mini! (WOOHOO!) doubt it, but you never know, with zkeys some of us could trade for some nice loot, maybe not kanaxai, but other nice stuff! Including ectos. (Fow armor just got alot easer to get folks!)
I can see keys making money for awhile, But in 6 months prices may drop to 2-3k. Right now at 5-6k its easy money. Gives me a reason to play competitive missions again.
I love pay to own titles, since I dont want the titles I get the cash!
Alex the Great
Originally Posted by matsif
I don't see it replacing ecto unless they do a free UW/FoW weekend or a double ecto drop weekend and ecto prices drop to like 3k or lower, which would royally screw over the economy worse than it already is.
so the person without stacks of ectos would get realtivly richer, and thats bad how?
i guess this is bias seeing how i have no more ectos (-_-)
Ectos will always be used as currency, as they always have been for 100k+ transitions.
Ectos will always be used as currency, as they always have been for 100k+ transitions.
Unlucky Slayer
If lockpicks didnt drive Ectos out as the "currency" nothing will unless they make a change to the amount your storage and character can hold cash wise.
Operative 14
Z-Keys don't have a specified price that a trader will sell them for, ectos do. The reason ectos are worth 5k is becuase traders sell them for 5.5k. The reason Z-keys are worth 5k is becuase a relatively large group are willing to pay that price at this moment.
There is no force that acts to stabilize Z-keys as a currency, they would never be accepted.
There is no force that acts to stabilize Z-keys as a currency, they would never be accepted.
Mr. G
If lockpicks didnt drive Ectos out as the "currency" nothing will unless they make a change to the amount your storage and character can hold cash wise. |
I've seen 10 ectos = 10 z-keys now. Yes, it is the new currency.
the reason why ectos have been the currency for so long, is because it's value is attached to a very expensive and highly desired commodity (FoW armor). they are guaranteed to hold value, because FoW armor prices will always stay the same. while lockpicks have fixed value and is counted as a rare drop, their value is attached to something that now where near as valuable (chests).
zaishen keys are now also tied to a (at least currently) highly desired commodity: /zrank emotes, and potentially very valuable drops from the chest. so as long as the desire for zranks remain high, and the zaishen chest continue to spew out very valuable items at least occasionally, zaishen keys can also be used as currency.
zaishen keys are now also tied to a (at least currently) highly desired commodity: /zrank emotes, and potentially very valuable drops from the chest. so as long as the desire for zranks remain high, and the zaishen chest continue to spew out very valuable items at least occasionally, zaishen keys can also be used as currency.
Nope they won't be the new currency. Lots of people on forums always want and make threads about moving away from Ectos, but it never actually happens in-game. Z Keys ain't gonna change that, just like dyes, lockpicks etc. etc. and everything else everyone tried to change the economy to didn't.
[email protected]@ck
Yes Z-Keys are the new Ecto for now, i've seen a bunch of people trading in Ectos of Z-keys. If they keep coming up with better everlasting tonics until GW2 comes out, they should stay stable at 5k.
Get ready to see this : WTS Armbrace 100k+10z
Get ready to see this : WTS Armbrace 100k+10z

Look at it this way people always their obsidian armor and chaos gloves. Now when did ectos go up a lot? With the release of EoTN and need of ectos to get chaos gloves. it's always whenever they introduce something new. They're shot up because the title, but mainly because of the Everlasting Phantasmal Tonic. Now some people don't care about the tonic, but if it drops it holds great wealth because it's worth 100e+ Now since anet is changing the tonic monthly zkeys will be desired for a long time to come.
[email protected]@ck
Originally Posted by Thizzle
Look at it this way people always their obsidian armor and chaos gloves. Now when did ectos go up a lot? With the release of EoTN and need of ectos to get chaos gloves. it's always whenever they introduce something new. They're shot up because the title, but mainly because of the Everlasting Phantasmal Tonic. Now some people don't care about the tonic, but if it drops it holds great wealth because it's worth 100e+ Now since anet is changing the tonic monthly zkeys will be desired for a long time to come.
Malice Black
Nothing will replace ecto.
Originally Posted by [email protected]@ck
Exactly my point, just imagine if a Charr Tonic or something drops for a month, keys will go up even more. I don't exactly know if after the month if they will stop dropping all together, but if so prices of tonics will also go up if there is no way to go back and get them again.
ya i agree with malice.....ecto will always be...
Yea, the lack of a merchant trader for z-keys severely hinders in keeping this consistent (of course, this does, in a way, make that a better thing). And also coupled with the fact that it's so tempting to use keys if you have them.
sir fluffums
purple ball rules maor then teh red key of Zaishen...i win.
its not currency beacause (in my eyes) the're easy to farm and shouldn't sell for what they are going fore.
its not currency beacause (in my eyes) the're easy to farm and shouldn't sell for what they are going fore.
Armbraces are used in high-end trades nowadays, so why can't Z-Keys be used as normal currency? PvE wise, this is a game based on supply and demand. Currency is whatever people are willing to purchase of.
I don't think the Ectoplasm will ever be replaced as the base currency for trading, as they are relatively hard to farm (from the average persons point of view), cost upwards of 5k at the merchant, and are needed in large supply for the much loved Fissure Armor, and Chaos Gloves. We now look at the Z-Key, which can only be obtained via Balthazar points (one way or another). They are used to obtain items that cannot be found or are near impossible to find in the game, and can obtain a title. This also makes them highly valuable also.
But look at it from this angle;
Ecto = low chance of drop, if you want them you either buy, or farm your ass off hoping one will drop.
Z-Key = trading in easily farmed Balthazar points, either that or buy.
No I'm not contradicting myself, I'm simply saying that Ecto will not change as base currency, though people I'm sure will use Z-Keys also, as well as other materials, as long as the demand is high.
I don't think the Ectoplasm will ever be replaced as the base currency for trading, as they are relatively hard to farm (from the average persons point of view), cost upwards of 5k at the merchant, and are needed in large supply for the much loved Fissure Armor, and Chaos Gloves. We now look at the Z-Key, which can only be obtained via Balthazar points (one way or another). They are used to obtain items that cannot be found or are near impossible to find in the game, and can obtain a title. This also makes them highly valuable also.
But look at it from this angle;
Ecto = low chance of drop, if you want them you either buy, or farm your ass off hoping one will drop.
Z-Key = trading in easily farmed Balthazar points, either that or buy.
No I'm not contradicting myself, I'm simply saying that Ecto will not change as base currency, though people I'm sure will use Z-Keys also, as well as other materials, as long as the demand is high.
nirhan shadowmauler
forget z-keys as a currency. wont happen.
now if there was just something to do with all my zaishen medallions...
now if there was just something to do with all my zaishen medallions...
i'm kind of surprised that lockpicks didn't take over as currency equivalent. they're high priced and their value is stable (~1.25k). ectos, on the other hand, are subject to price fluctuations. i remember when ecto prices were 10k (apparently they were 15k before then). now they're a measly 5k, and i've seen them go for less. personally, i'd convert all my excess gold into lockpicks.
You can't buy zkeys from an npc, so they will never have a base price which players can reference, therefor players wont trust them as a currency standard. Where as ectos are always just above 5k or so.
Martin Alvito
The rare material trader provides stability, which makes ectos a pretty attractive currency.
Z-keys are just too susceptible to price fluctuations.
You can only trade 1/4 the value of ectos if you use lockpicks; this just isn't enough to support higher-end transactions.
Z-keys are just too susceptible to price fluctuations.
Originally Posted by jhu
i'm kind of surprised that lockpicks didn't take over as currency equivalent. they're high priced and their value is stable (~1.25k). ectos, on the other hand, are subject to price fluctuations. i remember when ecto prices were 10k (apparently they were 15k before then). now they're a measly 5k, and i've seen them go for less. personally, i'd convert all my excess gold into lockpicks.
People who make ecto currency standard will not trade their ecto for keys because they would loose substantial wealth by doing so.
Hence, non-ecto currency will never, ever happen.
Hence, non-ecto currency will never, ever happen.
Just because ectos and zkeys are currently the same price, that doesnt mean that one will replace the other. ie subway has delicious 5 dollar footlongs, but if I go to buy gas, I cant pay with 10 subways sandwiches.
Musei Karasu
Originally Posted by jhu
i'm kind of surprised that lockpicks didn't take over as currency equivalent. they're high priced and their value is stable (~1.25k). ectos, on the other hand, are subject to price fluctuations. i remember when ecto prices were 10k (apparently they were 15k before then). now they're a measly 5k, and i've seen them go for less. personally, i'd convert all my excess gold into lockpicks.
HuntMaster Avatar
In other words, farm factions, trade for keys, trade keys for ectos while they are hot. When keys drop in price, You still have the ecto's. Mo Money, Mo Money, Mo Money!